《Jeffery Dean Morgan One-shots part 2 (Completed)》Jensen's Sister part final part 1/3 (Franklin Clay)


A couple days have passed since the rest of the losers went straight, Franklin got a job as a mechanic and is living with his mom across the street, Today at lunch you two will be going to the doctor and will be learning the gender of the baby.

Clay will be coming to your work and getting you before the appointment,

With your belly your boss has been messing with you about the baby saying your carrying twins but you haven't took him seriously, but you will find out in a little bit what the gender is, clay arrives as you finish doing your paperwork for the day.

Your boss and your best friend comes up to you and smiles when Clay comes in to get you, Your best friend gives you a thumbs up because he is sexy as you giggle and walk out with Clay as Clay smiles at you 'your friend must like me darling? As you laugh and he helps you towards his car so you can go to the doctor's office.

Clay drives you to the dr's office and on the way there his hand is on your belly " we will grab something to eat for you two and something for Mom too, I got to go back to work later on through so I'll call Jensen to pick up your car on his way home from seeing cougar in Town" as you giggle at him "I got to go back into the office for a few minutes so I can drive myself home and take mama Clay her food" as he smirks "alright we will eat together through a nice sit down lunch" as you giggle as the baby moves where his hand stops as he smiles at you "baby knows Daddy's touch, bet momma is craving it? As your eyes land on his "Franklin Clay behavior we are in a car on our way to find out the gender of our baby, I'll be waiting for you at home tonight when you get home" as he smirks.


"Damn darling I may have to call the boss and tell him something came up and I can't come back in for the evening shift, because if your going to be waiting for me, that gets my dick hard" as you laugh as you two arrive at the doctor's office and he helps you out of the car and you two go inside his hand on your lower back as you walk in " he mumbles In your ear "have you screaming my name soon darling, Jensen maybe staying at my mom's tonight" as you bite down on your lip as you two go in and wait for your name to be called.

You both sit down and a little bit of time goes by and the nurse calls your name as clay helps you up and you two go back to the room, and get ready for the exam. Clay is excited to learn the gender of your guys baby in a few minutes, you are bigger then normal so you hope your boss isn't Right and you aren't carrying twins but if you are your dome your getting fixed after they are born.

To be continued.....

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