《Jeffery Dean Morgan One-shots part 2 (Completed)》Becoming his wife part three Sequel to Daddy daughter work day (Jeffrey)


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It's been a couple months and you are half way through your pregnancy, this check up you will find out what you are having, Jeffrey and you are going to the Dr today alone Josie is staying with his mom and dad, she isn't feeling good so it's best she stays with them at the farm, next week Jeffrey starts back fliming the second part of the season of the walking dead.

You two are seating in the waiting room of the OBGYN office right now waiting for your name to be called so you two can go back to the exam room. Jeffrey has been very moody the last couple days and you through you being pregnant you where meant to be moody but he is being the moody one for sure, the nurse calls your name and you and Jeffrey go back to the exam room to get checked out by the Dr. You two get back there and the nurse does a quick check before the doctor comes back as you sit down and wait on her to come back Jeffrey is looking down at his feet and you know he is bored out of his mind so you make a Quick reminder to not bring him next time and just get ultrasound pictures and updates for him, he is being a pain in the ass for sure the last couple days and you need to figure out why really soon before he drives you made.

You are seating there when the Dr comes in with the results in hand and smiles at you both, the Dr says "feeling alright during the pregnancy? As you nod your head "oh yeah not much morning sickness" she smiles "good news are see in the report, the baby is doing good, healthy and it's a girl I see" as you look up at her and smile then at Jeffrey as he has the biggest smile on his face "another girl darling that's great news Josie gets a baby sister as a siblings, she will be happy" as you nod your head and the doctor gets your some information and sets up another appointment in three months and you two leave for the farm to tell Josie the good news about her baby sister plus his mom and dad then make a call to your parents.


You can't wait to see Josie's face when she learns she will be a big sister to her little sister in a couple months time she is truly a blessing to you when Jeffrey is gone doing the show she is amazing and you are happy your family is growing in size.

One more part to this one!

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