《Jeffery Dean Morgan One-shots part 2 (Completed)》Negan's lady from the start final part 1 of 3 (Negan)


Next morning Negan is still laying down next to you in the bed his arm wrapped around you, early he talked on his walkie-talkie to Dwight and put him in control today he wants to spend the day with you and not worry about nothing but you two, he feels you move and grabs a hold of you and rolls you on top of him,

You smile as you grab his face and says "it's you and me today darling, you want to go on a run with daddy? As you giggle and nod your head it's definitely been a while since you went on a run especially just the two of ya.

He winks at you and moves his hands to your naked ass and playfully slaps it, you love him and his flirtatious ways. A few more minutes you are up and getting your clothes ready for the run as he is dressed and sitting on the couch putting his boots on his leather jacket next to him all cleaned as you get dressed and go pull your hair back in a messy bun so you two can head out, he comes up behind you and wraps his arms around you " you got your double handed swords and your crowbar? As you nod your head "Got Lucille and your handgun? As he smiles at you "never leave home without her darling" as a couple minutes later we are heading out of the sanctuary towards the Dodge Challenger.

You smile at him as you two make it the car and we both get in and start out towards the main road, and your daily adventure. You are excited for this run you love your husband and the fact you two can go on runs together still, plus Negan wants to show you this cabin in case something happens you go to and he will find you it's off the road and nobody knows about it but him and you will in a few minutes time. You always have the idea in the back of your mind if you two got separated or the sanctuary got taken down how would you two find each other because Negan isn't going to lay down and become a walker and you are the same way.


You two drive to a dirty road and stop and get out, he is going to show you the cabin then you two are going to head into town for supplies then take your time heading back to the sanctuary so you two can continue your alone time together until the night time, it's just a few minutes away on feet and you know he has been keeping the walkers taken care of and making sure it's safe for you both just in case of any emergencies happening.

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