《Jeffery Dean Morgan One-shots part 2 (Completed)》Negan's lady from the start part 2 (Negan)


A few days have went by and you are working in the kitchen area with Sherry, Negan is with Dwight in his office you maybe his wife but he hasn't pulled you away from what you love and that's working especially in the kitchen you love cooking and fighting so he itsn't going to stop you from it you are amazing cook and fighter and both things help being a wife. You are making lunch today and Sherry is helping, Negan should be making his rounds in a few minutes.

He comes in with Dwight and asks Sherry to leave you two alone for a few minutes he needs to have a few moments along with his wife as she leaves with Dwight and he walks up to you and wraps his arms around you and kisses your neck "mmm baby girl you making lunch for me? I'm so lucky" as you turn around and look at him and smile, "Negan why don't you sit down and I'll fix your plate? As he smiles and sits down at the table as you fix him a plate of food then bring it to him. He smiles at you and makes you sit down across from him he wants you to take a break and talk to him while he eats his lunch you made him special.

You truly love him and can't believe he is your husband and you do whatever he wants so you can continue to work in the kitchen and continue being a fighter so you sit down a cross from him and watch him dig in to his food and make sure he had everything before hand then you watch him eat his lunch closely, you love watching him eat he needs his strength especially in this world.


You are happy you can help keep it going especially with food in this day and time, you know his favorite kind of foods and you love making it ever chance you get it makes you happy to make your husband his favorite type of foods on a daily basis. And nobody is going to mess with that he is your man and you are his wife. Let somebody try and take that away and see what happens it's not pretty, And it will not end well bank on that.

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