《The Good Girl Boxer》Chapter 12
Laser tag ended and my team had won 482-342.
Yeah we dominated Logan's team. The game only had a few seconds left so we called a truce as we waited for the doors to open.
Logan was still super salty about what I did to him earlier and set out to get me for the whole game, but as I had said, I was a pro at this game.
"Woohoo! Way to go Daytona!" The girl named Marissa came running up and gave me a hug.
We started to become friends when Mark had snuck up on her but I shot him before he could hit her.
Her red hair bounced behind her as she wrapped her arms around me. "Thanks." I laughed a little when we almost fell.
"Yeah, good job Day." I spun around at Logans voice.
"Oh um thanks. Good game." I stuck my hand out for him to shake it, but instead he pulled me into him.
His voice was barely a whisper in my ear. "You've just stared a war, and this isn't over." He let me go and walked away.
His tone was harsh, but had an undertone of playfulness in it.
I was left standing there confused when the double doors opened and everyone but me walked out.
We decided to invite Mark, Jenny, Marissa, Seth, and Rebecca out to lunch with us, and since there would be a lot of us, we decide to go to a pizza place.
Ironically enough everyone wanted to try out the new underground pizza place that opened last week.
We left Laser Point and instead of walking with Logan to his car, I headed towards Jake and his car.
"Come on Daytona, let's go." Logan grabbed my arm and started to pull me the other direction, towards his Stingray.
"Um I'm going to ride with Jake actually. See you at the pizza place." I blew him a kiss and ripped my arm out of his grasp.
Everyone stood there in a stunned moment of silence looking at me walk away.
I opened Jake's passenger door and got into the car, shutting it behind me.
Jake got in a few moments later smiling like an idiot, "What's the smile for?" I asked as he started the car.
"Oh you should've seen Logan's face. It was priceless. He looked like a grumpy old man who got woken up from his nap to early." He laughed for a good moment before turning to me. "What was that for anyways?"
I shrugged my shoulders in response. "I wanted to show him that if he wants to play games, then he should be prepared to loose."
I could feel the left side of my mouth turn up as we pulled out of the parking lot and headed in the direction of the pizza place.
When we got there I climbed out of Jake's car. Everyone had already gone inside. Everyone except for Logan that is.
"Can I talk to Daytona for a minute? Alone." He asked walking towards me.
Jake gave me a knowing look. "Sure." He turned and walked into the restaurant.
"I thought I told you to stay away from him?" His voice was low and I rolled my eyes but he only continued. "Seriously Day, keep your distance."
"Why Logan?" I threw my hands up into the air. "Instead of just telling me what to do, why not tell me why I should stay away."
He remained silent and I let out a sigh. "That's what I thought." I brushed past him but he shouted after me.
"I told you this isn't over. Just because you're walking away doesn't change that." I flung the door open and stomped towards our table.
Of course the only two seats open were right next to each other, meaning I would have to sit next to Logan. Not that I minded, I just hated having to be in his presence after I stormed away.
I sat across from Marissa and she gave me a questioning look but I shook my head.
Not long after, Logan walked in and pulled the chair out from next to me and took a seat.
A guy I had seen around school came and took our order. He started at Logan and went to the right, so I was last.
"What would you like? Wait, you're Daytona Lyn right?"
I smiled at him and nodded my head, "Yup thats me. And could I have a Coke please."
He took down my drink order. "You really are just like they say. But don't worry, they don't say anything mean."
"Then what do they say?"
"Mostly that you hang out with Logan Wylde and Jake Teller alot, but some of them also said that you were hot, and well, they weren't wrong."
He left before I could say anything else but that didn't stop Logan. "Who does he think he is? Saying that you're hot and stuff. He has no right to do that."
The table went silent and I let out a small laugh, "Better watch out Logan, your jealousy is showing." He shot me a glare, but the table resumed their talking.
We mostly chatted about what movie we wanted to watch after this. Mark, Seth, Rebecca, and Jenny had to leave after this and since Marissa didn't have any plans, she wanted to come with us too.
We were a table divided, "Justice League looks cheesey though!" Logan, Jake, and Marissa all wanted to see Daddy's Home 2 but the rest of us wanted to see Justice League.
"Are you kidding me? What kind of movie is Daddy's Home?" I argued against Logan.
"Only one of the funniest movies ever!" I rolled my eyes at the same time our waiter (who's name I finally remembered was Bryan) brought out two pizzas for the table.
"Bryan what do you think?" I asked as he set the pizza on our side of the table leaning over me a bit.
"Think about what?" He straightened himself and rested a hand on the table between Logan and I, completely blocking him out.
"We want to go to a movie, but we can't decide on whether to watch Justice League or Daddy's Home 2. So what do you think? You'll be our tie breaker."
"Oh Justice League for sure! I've been dying to see that movie. Actually my shift ends in thirty. Mind if I tag along?"
I was still having fun provoking Logan so I gave him an answer Logan would hate. "Yea sure. Logan you have room for one more in your car right?" I peeked my head around Bryan and gave a sweet smile to Logan.
He narrowed his eyes at me, "Yea. I have the room."
"Cool. Well I hope you guys enjoy your pizza." Bryan left and we all dug in.
"So Justice League it is." Tanner leaned over Tyler, who was sitting next to me, and gave me a high-five.
We ate our food in silence and thirty minutes later Bryan came out wearing blue jeans and a gray muscle tank that was cut half way down his shirt, clearly showing his abs underneath.
I swear. Is every guy at our school fit?
I pulled out my wallet to pay, but Bryan pulled out his first. "I've got it. After all you're the one who said I could tag along."
"Thanks. That's nice of you." He payed for my bill and we all left the restaurant.
"Okay so Bryan, you'll go with Logan. Marissa you can ride with Tyler and Tanner and I'll ride with Jake. Sound good?"
Everyone but Logan nodded and we all left to go see the movies.
When I climbed into Jake's car all I could hear was his laughter filling it up. "What's so funny?"
"You're totally doing this on purpose aren't you? Riding with me and telling Bryan he can tag along, you're totally provoking Logan." He stopped to take a breath but continued after.
"I should be mad at you because I'm his friend, but it's so funny. And you're doing all of this just because you're trying to teach him a lesson?"
He finally stopped laughing and headed to the movie theatre.
"Here. Play whatever." He handed me his phone and I started to look through the music on his phone.
I stopped at a certain song and played it.
The iconic start to 'Pony' by Ginuwine blasted through his speakers.
"Oh my gosh. I regret giving you my phone! Here give it back." He reached for it, but because he was driving he could only reach with his right hand.
And me being the logical girl I am, I stuck it under my thigh.
He gave me a quick side glance, "If you think that I won't reach for my phone, you're wrong."
I believed him so I moved his phone between my legs.
"Oh come on Daytona!" He laughed a little and his hand landed on my thigh.
"You won't."
He let out a low chuckle, "Oh I won't?" His hand started to slide up my leg and then moved between them.
"Fine you can have your phone back!" I grabbed his phone and put it in his hand.
Just as he was getting ready to change the song we pulled up to the movie theater.
As soon as the car was in park I jumped out of it. I thought about how when he touched me, it didn't stir anything inside me like when Logan did.
I ignored the little thought climbing up in the back of my head and tried to catch up to Logan and Bryan, who just went inside.
"What's up you two?" I asked as I wrapped an arm around both of them.
"Where's your date?" Logan asked as we walked up to buy tickets.
"He's not my date and you know it." I shot Logan a glare, but he ignored it.
"Good. For a second I thought he was and this was about to get a lot more awkward." Bryan finally spoke up, rubbing the back of his neck.
The people at the counter in front of us moved so we walked up. "Four for Justice League please." I pulled out my wallet.
"That'll be twenty dollars." The girl took my money and smacked her gum.
"Day you didn't have to pay for those." Logan looked at me (and it was the first time he didn't look like he wanted to strangle me).
"I know. Just think of this as now you have less things to get back at me for." The women handed us our tickets and Jake finally walked in. "Finally. Jeez. Here's you ticket."
I handed him his ticket and the four of us made our way to theatre 4.
When we walked in the others already had our spots reserved. Logan went in first and sat next to his brother.
Bryan followed him in and I followed Bryan.
Meaning I was stuck between Bryan and Jake.
I was low-key hoping that I would sit next to Logan, but I didn't say anything like that. The lights went down and everyone hushed, waiting in anticipation.
The movie was over and I stood up to stretch my legs. I looked down at Jake sitting in his seat, still starring at the screen. "Wasn't that a good movie?"
He looked up and met my eyes. "Yeah. It was actually really decent." The rest of the group stood up and we all walked outside.
Opening the doors to go outside, everyone shielded their eyes from the sun.
"You know Day," Logan glanced down at me and ruffled my hair. "I'm glad we came to see this movie." I gave him a cheesy smile.
"So are we on good terms now?" I asked looking up into his green eyes.
"Not quite. But I want you to come with me, so don't ride with Jake." His voice lowered and his eyes darkened a shade.
I looked for Jake and when I found him he met my eyes with his icy blue ones. "Daytona!" He came charging towards me when he noticed how close Logan and I were standing.
"Jake?" He grabbed my shoulders and turned me so I was facing him.
He bent down and whispered into my ear, "Still want to provoke Logan?" He let his lips linger around my neck for a little longer, and when I didn't answer, he took my silence as a yes (though I didn't want to).
His face made its way up to mine and before I could blink his lips came crashing into mine.
I was to stunned to do anything other than just stand there. I didn't kiss him back, but I couldn't push him off me either. I was frozen.
"Jake what the hell?" Tyler's voice rang out around us and Jake was pulled off me.
Logan wrapped his arm protectively around my shoulder and pulled me to his side.
Tyler was still holding Jake's arm. "What the hell man?! Why'd you kiss her like that?"
Jake looked at me and his eyes widened. "Oh my gosh Daytona. I'm so sorry. I thought– I thought..." He trailed off.
I stared wide eyed at him, still stunned by the fact that he kissed me.
Logan's arm tightened around me. "Let's go Day." He shot a glare at Logan before he guided me towards his car.
In the distance I could hear Tyler yelling at Jake, but I never heard Jake respond.
"You okay?" Logan asked me. I nodded my head without meeting his eyes. "You sure?"
He gave me a quick side hug and I opened his door. I sat in his car, wrapping my arms around myself. In all honestly I was still stunned by the kiss.
It's not like I had never been kissed before, it's just the last time I did kiss someone, well the relationship didn't exactly end well.
Half and hour later we pulled up in my driveway. "Care to tell me what that was all about?" He turned off the car and turned so he was facing me.
It was the first time either of us had spoken since we left the theatre. "It started out as me trying to provoke you."
He rolled his eyes. "That was why I invited Bryan and asked if you had space. Jake knew what I was doing, and I guess he thought I still wanted to provoke you at that point," I sighed.
"But you didn't." He finished the sentence for me and I nodded my head.
"Want to come inside?" I asked as I stepped out of the car. He didn't answer, but he got out of the car and followed me.
I fished for the key in my pocket and unlocked the door. "Welcome to mi casa." He followed silently into my house and took it in.
"It's nice."
"Thanks I guess. So what do you want to do?" I rocked back on my heels trying to not let the awkwardness get to me.
"This." He stood still for a moment, long enough to confuse me, then he charged at me.
His body was low, and he caught me by my legs, throwing me over his shoulder. "Logan! Put me down!"
I pounded on his shoulder repeatedly with my fists, but it didn't seem to effect him very much.
"Nope. I told you this wasn't over." He walked with me over to the couch.
"Logan. You put me down right now!" I was trying to be as serious as I could, but it was hard to do that between laughs.
"Ouch? Do you fight or something?" He laughed at me and threw me onto the couch.
I landed with a thud and bounced up once, and hit the couch again. A pain shot through my side and I grimaced.
"I forgot, I'm so sorry." He leaned in, "Where does it hurt."
He looked into my eyes and my breath froze–
He was gorgeous. He was god like.
The way his midnight hair fell into his forest green eyes which were wide with concern for me. His lips were parted as he let out a little breath. His long eyelashes framed his eyes and a smile found played on my lips.
"Fooled you." I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso.
His lips still held a smile. "Hey. Don't scare me like that again, I thought I seriously hurt you."
My back was pressed against the couch with only a little space between me and him.
"You know, this is a very intimate position." His lip turned up into a smirk.
Barely above a whisper I replied, "You say that like I'm supposed to care."
"Then you wouldn't mind if I did this?" He bent down even further. Our noses barely a paper width away from each other.
"Not one bit." His lips brushed mine and then I let go.
I rolled out from under him, leaving him there stunned. "You just said–"
"I said I didn't mind, not that I wanted you too. There's a difference." I sent him a wink before I turned and walked in to the kitchen.
"You drive me crazy you know that?" He yelled from the living room.
"I know!" I yelled back. I searched through the pantry and different cabinets, looking for something to cook. "Hey do you like pasta?"
"Actually I do." His voice was right behind me and I jumped to the ceiling.
"You- you scared me." I clutched my chest trying to catch my breath.
"Awe is the little baby scared?" His voice imitated a babies and I slapped his shoulder.
"Shut up. Anyways back to pasta; which sauce do you want? Marinara or Alfredo?" I held up the two bottles of sauce.
"Alfredo." I put the marinara back into the cabinet it came from.
He took a seat at the bar. "Next question: Shrimp, Chicken, or just regular pasta?"
He took his time answering this one. His eyes were shifting from one side to the other. "Um shrimp?"
I turned around, again, and rummaged through the freezer looking for the shrimp my mom had bought.
I took it out the freezer and began cooking it.
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