《The Good Girl Boxer》Chapter 7
Charlotte and I pulled up to the storage garages. I could already see my baby in front of the main building.
I ran up and hugged my motorcycle, "Oh my baby! I've missed you so much!" I hugged on my bike and the lady standing there with the keys looked at me weirdly.
"I'm assuming your the daughter of Danny and Melissa Lyn?" I looked up at the lady who I most likely talked over the phone with.
"Yes ma'am that's me. Daytona Lyn. I have my I.D. if you'd like to check it." I reached for my wallet but she assured me that it was okay.
She handed the keys over to me, "Enjoy!" She walked back to the building and I couldn't keep the smile off my face.
Charlotte ran up to me and we hugged and jumped around, "I'm so happy for you Day! I can't believe you got it back!"
"Me either! Agh I feel so free!" I shouted and threw my hands up into the air.
I ran back to Charlotte's car and grabbed my helmet, "See you later Charlotte!" I waved goodbye to her and she waved back laughing at my eagerness to go.
I swung my leg over the bike, put the key in, and gunned out of the parking lot.
I left my hair down in my helmet and feeling the wind blowing through it made me grin like a little kid.
Taking the long way to my house I drove through the woods. I carefully balanced my bike and slowly raised my hands into the air.
I spread my fingers and felt the wind run through them. I shouted into the sky before I lowered my hands back in place.
I arrived at my house twenty minutes later and put my bike into the garage.
Checking my phone I saw I had a text from Logan:
I'll pick you up in 30 minutes to talk about the details.
I noticed he sent the text fifteen minutes ago so I quickly replied letting him know he didn't need to pick me up.
Then I texted my mom.
She only agreed to locking up my motorcycle because of the incident two years ago. So she shouldn't be to upset as long as I told her I would be safe.
I jumped on to the couch in the living room and texted Logan again:
Where are we meeting?
As I waited for him to reply I turned on the TV and Cupcake Wars was on.
Let me tell you a little bit about me and Cupcake Wars, cupcakes were my favorite thing to bake ever. And that show was like Cloud Nine for me. Seeing how big they can make some of the things always amazes me.
I was getting into watching one lady redo her entire batter when my phone buzzed in my lap. I had a response from Logan and my mom.
Park where I took you on the first day? Also Jake and Tyler are coming with
I threw my hair up into a ponytail and checked my mom's text:
As long as you're careful I don't mind. Just always wear your helmet and drive safe. Love you.
I smiled at my mom's text and headed into the garage to grab my bike.
When I pulled up to the park Logan, Tyler, and Jake were already there.
I got off the bike and all three of them were just staring. I don't think they realized it was me.
But then I took off my helmet.
Their reactions were the best thing ever. Jake and Tyler's jaws were on the floor and Logans grin was so big I thought his mouth would split at the seems.
"I didn't know you drove a motorcycle!" Tyler continued to stare at me in awe while Logan got up and swung his arm around me.
"Guess who isn't a G.G. anymore?" Logan asked. Then I felt his breath fan across my ear as he whispered, "You're my bad girl."
I was so embarrassed but it made my heart to flips.
I coughed trying to contain my blush so Jake and Tyler wouldn't see.
I took a seat with Tyler on my right and Logan on my left.
"So give me the deats." I said placing my chin in my hands.
"Well for starters we have to get it confirmed with the Principal, but if we get enough signatures it shouldn't be a problem." Logan pulled out a paper from the bag he had with him.
It only had three signatures on it.
I looked at him, "It's a work in progress." He sighed and put it away.
"Okay so why did I need to be here? Why couldn't you just tell me this tomorrow?"
"Because we're helping you break out of your shell. Seriously if people see you were a 'founder' of this club, who would believe you were a GG anymore?" Jake exclaimed.
"True, I see your point. But we're missing on key thing. I can't even fight." I threw a side glance at Tyler and Jake and they threw one back at me.
"Who cares if you can fight?? All you need is to sign the paper." Logan took the sad paper back out of his bag but this time it was accompanied with a pen.
"Okay whatever." I took the pen from him and signed the paper.
It now had four signatures with mine scrawled across the top, "Well are we done here?" I asked before standing up.
"Yea pretty much." Logan grunted as he was talking, pushing himself off the ground, "See ya later Day." He sent his signature smirk over his shoulder and hopped on his bike.
Jake, Tyler, and I were walking back to where we were parked next to each other.
"I'm actually going to go meet someone. Tyler can you get a ride with Daytona?" Jake asked placing his hand on his black z06.
Anytime Jake was around I couldn't tear my eyes off his car. I had always wanted a z06 and to see one right in front of me left me shaking almost.
"Yea it's not problem with me." I said shrugging me.
"Are you sure?" Tyler looked at me, then my bike.
"Are you questioning my skills?" I said faking being offended.
"No not at all." Tyler said laughing and I grabbed his wrist dragging him to my bike.
"Well you should."
"Thanks Daytona! I owe you one!" Jake said and slide into his car.
I watched in admiration as he drove off, a cough drawing me back to Tyler, "You have some drool on your chin." He said chuckling to himself.
I shot him glares and got on my bike. I passed Tyler the helmet but he stood there looking at it as if it was covered in glitter with the words, 'I'm not gay but $20 is $20' scrawled across it in rainbow sharpie.
And it most definitely did not have that on there.
"Well are you going to take the helmet or stand there all day?" I asked impatiently.
"Why are you not wearing it?" He asked me finally breaking his eyes away from it.
"Uh because I don't need to?" I answered him, although the events from two years ago we're screaming at me otherwise.
He took his time getting on behind me, "Sorry. My best friend was injured super bad riding one of these things."
He wrapped his arms around my waist and I took off.
We pulled up to his house about 15 minutes later and he handed me my helmet back, "Do you want to come inside?"
I nodded my head and followed him in.
The October air was starting to develop a chill to it as the wind blew through the street.
I almost forgot how beautiful the inside of their house was.
Tyler plopped down on the couch and I sat opposite him.
"You won't tell Logan about me will you?" I asked Tyler and he looked back at me really confused, "About my fighting I mean."
Realization dawned on him, "Oh no! Of course I won't! Your secret is safe with me. My brother on the other hand, well he has every intention to keep your secret, sometimes he's just a blabber mouth."
I nodded my head in understanding and we sat in silence for a while.
I checked the time on my phone, 9:47.
The Undergrounder won't be very active for another half hour. It takes twenty minutes to get there.
"Hey do you have any sports tape on handy? Or any spare clothes? I'm going to go fighting and I didn't bring anything with me." It was awkward asking for this but I had nothing else to do and it was already late.
"Uh yeah. Follow me." We went upstairs and first went to the bathroom to get tape and then headed to Jake's room.
Tyler pulled out gray shorts and a black hoodie. I thanked him and closed the door to change.
I took off my leather jacket and thanked the Lord that I had worn a sports bra today.
I changed into the clothes Tyler gave me. They were loose but they managed to stay on.
I taped my hands and left the room putting the tape back in the bathroom.
Walking downstairs I found Tyler standing in the kitchen with a snapback on and his keys in his hands, "You ready?"
"Yea. Let's go." We headed out the door together.
On the way there I put my hair up into a ponytail and made sure the hood was on.
I guess I didn't think of it earlier but the baggier the clothes were, the easier it was to conceal my identity.
"You're probably wondering why I want to keep my identity secret?" I asked Tyler.
"I respect your space and privacy, but yea the question did cross my mind." I nodded my head.
"My dad had a lot of people who go to the Undergrounder and if they were to tell him that I was here I would get in a lot of trouble." Tyler chuckled but said it made sense.
We pulled up to the spot. People were entering and there was a line out the door. I walked to the bouncer and he looked at me.
"Back of the line." He looked back up and let the two girls who were next in line go in. I sighed the crossed my arms.
"Do you not know who I am?" He looked back down at me and raised a condescending eyebrow.
"She's the Demon Queen buddy." Tyler slung his am over me and my cheeks redened slightly.
The bouncers whole demeanor changed, "I'm sorry. Right this way." He moved the velvet ropes out of my way and let me in.
I walked in and scouted out the area, looking for people who could possibly fight me.
Seeing no one that peaked my interest I headed towards the bar, "What will it be?" The bartender asked.
"A water and a fight with your second best please." I placed twenty bucks down on the bar and he nodded sliding me my water.
"Once this fight is over you'll go up with, uh, it looks like you'll go up against Shadow." I took a sip from my water.
"Thanks." I walked out into the crowd and watched the two people fight.
I felt someone come up and stand beside me. I tensed my body when Tyler finally spoke, "Be careful up there okay. I know you're good, but don't get cocky. Always be ready for anything."
"I know. But thanks." The fight was over and people were booing and cheering.
"It looks like we have Demon Queen up against our second best, Shadow." The people who were booing started to cheer.
I made my way up to the stage and climbed up. Standing in the middle of the ring I looked out for Shadow when I caught Tyler's eye. He smiled at me and I sent him a short nod letting him know I saw.
I broke my gaze away from Tyler when a guy climbed up on the stage.
I rolled my eyes when I say who it was.
'Shadow' was a junior at my school. His name was Dean Parker and he had just came back from juvie for putting a kid in the hospital.
"Be prepared to be taken down a notch, Demon Queen." I scoffed at his attempt to intimidate me, "What you don't think I can take you?"
"I know you can't take me." He narrowed his eyes.
The announcer stepped between us, "You know the rules by now. Have at it." He sighed and stepped out of our way.
We circled each other and I watched for any sign that he was about to make a move.
He kept circling me but a shift in his left foot let me know he was about to swing with his right arm.
He did exactly that and I took a step back avoiding his hit. This only seemed to rile him up even more as he took a step forward swinging his leg up.
I caught his leg by the calf and yanked him forward throwing him off balance.
He stumbled forward only inches away from me. I brought my fists up to my face and swung with my elbow, hitting him in the jaw.
His head whipped around and I kneed him in the stomach. He clutched his stomach and I landed a right hook into his jaw in the same place I hit him with my elbow.
Dean, or should I say Shadow, sunk to the floor, a bruise already forming on his face.
He was out.
The crowd cheered and I looked at Tyler who was giving me a show stopping smile. I couldn't help but smile back at him when I yelled, "Who's up next!"
Two and a half hours later I was sitting at the bar drinking my third shot. After beating Shadow I fought three more people and decided to take a break.
A few minutes ago Tyler followed some red head out in to the club section of the Downtowner. Another reason that this was my favorite place was because not only was it an underground fighting place, but it was also a club.
I kept a bag with clubbing clothes behind the counter at all times. Only one person knew where they were though, so when it wasn't her shift I was shit out of luck.
Thank god she worked today.
"Lisa, can I have my bag?" I asked my favorite bartender.
"Sure D. You plan on fighting anymore tonight?" I shook my head before she walked into the back in order to retrieve my stuff.
I motioned for another bartender to come and I ordered another shot. I downed it when Lisa came out holding a black leather backpack.
"Have fun tonight. Also I put your winnings in there already." Lisa handed my stuff over and I thanked her before I turned walking to the bathroom.
In the bathroom they had changing stalls which were decorated with spray paint and a cute mirror. The spray paint idea started out as just a cute thing to add character to the place but soon other people would bring in cans and leave their mark.
I opened my bag to get ready. A huge wad of cash sat on top of my clothes and makeup.
Two grand sat in my hands making me go giddy.
I set my money aside and pulled out my clothes. I had my all time favorite party dress and shoes in the bag.
It was a tight, black sparkly dress with long sleeves that fell off the shoulder, and my black sparkly heels.
Whenever I wore this outfit it made me feel so confident and I loved it.
After I put on my dress and heels I took my hair out of the ponytail and let it fall down my back in it's loose, natural waves.
I then applied some eyeshadow to create a dark smokey eye, eyeliner, and mascara.
I could've put on lipstick but sometimes leaving my lips natural is the best way to go.
Stuffing all of Jake's clothes into my bag, I double checked to make sure I looked good and headed back out to the bar.
Lisa was giving a drink to someone so I sat down and waited, taking my fifth shot.
When Lisa was done she made her way over to me, "How can I help you?"
I laughed at the fact she couldn't recognize me, "It's me Lisa. D." Her eyes widened and she face palmed herself.
"Of course it's you. Don't you look smoking. Do you want a shot?" She asked taking out the tequila.
"Oh no I've already had five. I just wanted to give you my bag. I'll swing by when I leave to pick it up."
She took my bag and headed to the back. I left the bar and went over to the club where the song Bounce by Timbaland was playing.
I swayed my hips to the music, running my fingers through my hair and letting the alcohol I had earlier help me enjoy myself.
The song changed and I made my way over to a group of college girls and started dancing with them.
I would've kept dancing with them too had hands not have grabbed my hips and lead me to the middle to the dance floor.
I turned around to meet my dancing partner. He had gray eyes framed with long eyelashes. His blonde hair was messy, sticking up in random places. His pink lips held a smile, "The names Sean. What about you Princess?"
"Day. As I'm Night or Day. Why do guys have such long eyelashes it's not fair. You don't even need them." I pouted but kept dancing.
He laughed and rested his hands on my lower back dancing with me, "I don't know. That's one of the many mysteries of the world I guess."
We both laughed and when someone walked by with a tray of martinis, I grabbed one.
"Since when has this place been handing out martinis?" I yelled at him over the loud music taking a sip of my martini.
I was definitely drunk. Not shit faced, but drunk none the less.
I went to take another sip when someone bumped into me making me spill it all over myself.
Sober me would probably tell them off but drunk me is a lot friendlier. I smiled at the girl and took her hands and started to dance with her, "Sean dance with us!"
I grabbed his hands and started dancing with him too. The girls group of friends came up and left with her.
"Woohoo!" I yelled and danced with my hands in the air, "You know Sean. You are. Very pretty."
He laughed and took my hands leading me to the bar, "Thank you. Care for a drink. It's on me."
I nodded my head and took a seat at the bar. I ordered a frozen Margarita. I was getting ready to take a sip when someone pushed my drink away.
"What's your damage?" I asked the person. I met Tyler's eyes and started laughing, "Sorry Tyler I didn't know it was you." I said and poked his cheek.
"How much have you had to drink Daytona?" Tyler asked me concern flooding his face.
"Like one or two shots is all." I said and held up seven fingers.
Tyler cussed under his breath, "That's it I'm taking you home." Tyler grabbed my arm but I yanked it away from him.
"You–" I said poking his cheek, "can't tell me what to do. I–" I pointed at myself, "was having a good time with Sean." I downed the rest of my margarita feeling the coolness burn down my throat.
"Let's go." I grabbed Sean's hand and went back out to the dance floor. We started dancing again when Tyler grabbed my arm again and started to pull me.
"Daytona. I said let's go. You've had too much to drink. You're drunk." Sean was trailing behind us.
"Noooo, I'm just having fun." I planted my feet on the ground and wouldn't move, "Sean help me."
Sean placed a hand on Tyler's arm, "You heard the girl. She just wants to have fun." Sean wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
Tyler let go of my hand and stormed off, "Fine but I'm calling Logan!"
I went back to the dance floor with Sean but it was boring, "Sean I'm bored! Let's go out!" I pulled his hand and we walked out into the brisk air.
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