《The Good Girl Boxer》Chapter 2


I froze my hands by my side, "Why exactly do you need me?"

"Logan asked for you." I sucked in a sharp breath and I could see Charlotte's eyes widen.

"I'm not going." I crossed my hands in my lap trying to stop them from shaking.

They rolled their eyes and walked around to either side of me and grabbed me underneath my arms, "Hey! Put her down!" Charlotte yelled in protest.

I fought while they dragged me out of the cafeteria but it was no use. I stopped struggling so they could drag me properly.

I was waiting for Charlotte to come storming in and demand that I be put down but the hallway doors never opened.

"Can you let me go now?" I was practically walking by myself, they just had their hands gripped tightly around my elbows.

"Nope." They said in unison. I rolled my eyes and huffed.

"Could you at least tell me your names before you drag me to my death?" I heard the one on my right chuckle but immediately stopped when the one on my left shot him a glare.

"I'm Steven." The one who shot the glare said.

"And I'm Stephen." The one on my right giggled again. Looking more closely I could see the resemblance between them. It was easy to miss unless you knew they were twins.

"Stephen and Steven huh?" I laughed as they dragged me down the hall.


After turning down several hallways I found myself in the old gym. When I say old I mean it was the gym that was first apart of the original school (it smells like death himself took a nice long vacation in there).

It was abandoned some odd years ago when we renovated the rest of the building. Lately it's only used for make out spots, a place to go when you ditch, or when you're meeting your untimely demise.

I could feel a knot grow in my stomach as we neared the doors. I had no clue what was in store for me, but oh dear god did I hope I was going to be let off easy.

We walked into the gym and as soon as we stepped foot on the old wooden floors they creaked under our weight and Stephen and Steven let me go.

I stood frozen in my spot. I didn't dare move or breath, "Have a seat Daytona. Relax a little." The voice came from my left and when I turned my head Logan sat there on the old bleachers.

"What do you want?" I didn't dare approach him. I wasn't sure if this was a smart move or if it would set him off. Today was a great day for me to test my luck.

"I'm not going to hurt you if that's what you're wondering." Letting out a breath I had no clue I was holding I slowly walked over to him.

"Then why did you drag me out here?" I gestured to where we were, "Why drag me all the way out here, literally, if you weren't going to beat me up?"


He let out a soft chuckle. It was sexy coming from him. Wait no it wasn't. "I brought you out here to make a bet with you."

"Let me get this straight. You, Logan Wylde, renowned bad boy of this school, want to make a bet with me, Daytona Lyn, GG of this place?" I laughed.

He looked at me with no emotion on his face, "Yea."

"Nope I'm outta here." I turned to leave when Stephen grabbed the back of my shirt.

"For someone who is such a GG, you got guts." I licked my lips and slowly turned around.

"Maybe I'm not the GG everyone thinks I am." My voice came out stronger than I meant it, but I felt the knots in my stomach slowly unravel.

"Maybe this whole Good Girl thing is just a cover because if anyone were to see the real me they'd go berserk." Adrenaline pumped through my veins and I welcomed it like a drink for a man with salt in his mouth.

"That's the bet Daytona. I want to figure out what goes on inside that head of yours. Why are you so afraid?" Logan tilted his head as if he was studying a new species of cow.

I lifted my head a little bit higher, "If you knew what went on in my head, you'd be scared to."

With that I walked out of the gym and no one tried to stop me.


When I finally made it back to the cafeteria I walked in to find a swarm of people around Charlotte. I took a few steps closer to our table and when the crowd heard me approach they all whipped their heads in my direction.

"There she is folks I told you she wasn't going to die!" Charlotte raised her voice at the end and the message was clear, people started to leave our table talking amongst themselves.

"What was that Day?" Her eyes held a hint of concern but it was mostly just confusion.

"I don't know myself." I thought back to what Logan said, Why are you so afraid?

Why was I so afraid. I thought back to several years ago when I found out my dad had cheated on my mom and I clenched my fist.

I shook that thought from my head before I could dwell on it anymore.

The bell rang signaling the end of lunch. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door ignoring Charlotte's calls for me to come back.


The day dragged on as usual. All my classes were the same. I'd sit in the back and people would crowd my desk wanting to know what was going on between Logan and I, "For the last time nothing is going on between us." I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"If you guys are done questioning Ms. Lyn I would like to get on with today's lesson." Mr. Hurry stood in the front of the class. You would think people would be more adamant about paying attention in AP Calculus, but everyone is way more fascinated with other peoples lives.


"Now Daytona what's the square root of 1,680 times the square root of 1,680?"

"1,680 sir." This math was basic algebra, but since it was the beginning of a new year he felt it necessary for us to review it.

"Very good." A few people muttered GG under their breath but a couple of glares from me shut them up.

I was so glad that AP Calculus was my last class for the day so I could just leave. So when the bell rang I grabbed my bag and booked it for my car.

I whipped out my phone and texted Charlotte:

Me: U need a ride??

Charlotte: Nah I'm good thx tho.

I was going to respond with something witty and stupid remark when I hit another strong chest.

"Hey there Daytona. Did you consider my bet?" I mumbled under my breath. What was my luck that I ran into Logan two times today?

"You never even told me what the bet was actually about ding-dong." He chuckled at the name I called him. My cheeks warmed up in embarrassment.

"Ding-dong? Come on you can do better than that. We'll have to work on your nicknames cupcake."

"Cupcake? Oh no. You aren't calling me that. You can call me Daytona or don't bother talking to me. And for goodness sake, just tell me what this bet is about."

He laughed to himself. Glad one of us found this amusing.

"Hop on let me give you a ride." Just then I realized that he was leaning up against his motorcycle.

"No thank you." I turned to leave and walked past all the gawking kids. I only made it about ten steps before I felt large arms wrapped around my waist and picked me up.

"Logan! Put me down! Quit it!" I yelled while pounding on his back.

"As you wish." He set me down, but he set me down on top of his motorcycle.

"If you try to get up I'll just pick you up again. You're riding on this thing whether you like or not." I gave up on struggling but that didn't mean I was ecstatic to be on the back of it.

"What about my car? I drove my car here to school."

"You can get it tomorrow." I stared at him in utter disbelief.


"I'll pick you up in the morning." He sat down in front of me.

"No. One ride on the back of this is enough for me." I crossed my arms in front of me. I knew he couldn't see me but it was the thought that counts.

A crowd had started to form around us and a few girls shot me glares of envy, "Hold on Cupcake. I don't want you falling off."

I wrapped my arms around his torso and buried my face in his back. I could feel his back rising and falling quickly, "Are you laughing at me? And for the last time don't call me Cupcake. My name is Daytona."

He started his motorcycle and I jumped a little causing him to laugh.

"Hold on tight Cupcake." I slapped his back and he drove off causing me to almost fall off the bike. I grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled myself in, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"Don't call me Cupcake. Or I will call you ding-dong." He sighed and gave a nod of agreement.


After a while of riding around he stopped at a little park. It wasn't very big. It only had a little playset but it was grassy.

"What're we doing here Logan?" I cautiously got off the back of his motorcycle.

"I figured here would be a good place to talk about the bet. There's no one around so you don't have to worry about the crowd." He ran his hand through his dark hair.

"What makes you think the crowd bothers me?" I tilted my head. He's literally never talked to me before.

"I see the way you looked at those girls. You don't like them."

I rolled my eyes, "Well when you've gotten called Good Girl for the last two years of your life you don't tend to like very many people."

I walked to the small swing set and sat down, "Plus why should I like them?"

Logan sat down next to me, "I don't know."

We sat in silence for a few seconds.

"So are we going to talk about the bet or just sit here in silence?" I started to swing back and forth but Logan continued to just sit there.

"Yea okay. Here's the bet: I know this whole 'GG' thing is just a cover up, but you have the rest of the school fooled. So if I can find out why you hide behind this mask before you're able to convince the school that you aren't a GG, then I win. If not, you win. It's as simple as that."

I nodded my head, "How long do I have to do this?"

He scratched the side of his face dragging his hand down to his neck, "One month."

I shot up out of my swing, "One month?! Are you crazy? That's hardly enough time to do anything!"

He chuckles slowly, "Sit down Daytona I haven't even told you what the prize is."

I stood rooted in my spot, "What's the prize?"

"If I win, you have to be my slave. Do whatever I want whenever I want."

I didn't like the sound of that, but if that's what's his side of the bet was then I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if I won.

"What if I win?"

"Then I'm your personal body guard. Anyone who wants to bother you has to go through me. That includes calling you GG. If someone bothers you in the slightest I'll beat them up."

I raised my eyebrows. Today was the first day we've ever truly talked, and he wants to make a bet with these kind of 'prizes'.

I thought for a minute before I shoved my hand out towards his, "Deal."

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