《Me and him | Jordan Phillips sandlot {DISCONTINUED}》Me and him 2


Since it was summer I had no one to talk to I barely had any of my friends on snap or I didn't have their number. So I decided I should try and make friends or just at least one. So I got dressed in a tight black shirt some jean shorts but on some bracelets and rings and some black shoes on and brushed my hair and put some perfume on.

"MOM IM GONNA BE BACK IN A BIT" I yelled "OK HAVE FUN" she screamed back. I left and started walking around a bit and and saw this diner. I went in and I saw the same group of boys. I saw yesterday, 'what a crazy coincidence' I thought.

I sat down at a booth far from them but not too far. I was just sitting there waiting for a waitress/waiter. I was just gonna get a cup of water cuz it was kinda hot outside. I kept glancing at them then this girl sat in front of me. She said "Hi" "Hey" I said back " I saw you staring at the group of guys do you like them" "umm well I mean I uhh" "SO YOU DO LIKE ONE OF THEM" she yelled "No! I don't I just want some friends" I said "oh I can be your friend and I can tell you those boys don't want to be your friend" "what why" "they think they are better than everyone else" "oh" "yeah...we'll I'm Olivia" "oh I'm Sara"

Then we left. After a week we became best friends and I totally forgot about the group of boys.


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