《Missing Files {Tommyinnit X Fem!Reader}》🄴🅁🅁🄾🅁 🄲🄾🄳🄴: 10
"Hmmm.... maybe if I add this here.... then repeat what I did here... It might look better?-- nah"
I let out a groan of annoyance, leaning back in my chair.
Editing is harder than I thought. You wonder how other people do it... Such talented beings....
I was just practicing my editing since- maybe, just maybe... I wanted to start uploading videos of the SMP onto youtube?
Well- it's only practice, and I was doing this just for fun so-- nothing was really official...
But, it would be nice if I did start uploading... though, that's if I do decide on it.
Hmmm? What could that be?
I reached for my phone that was placed at the side on my desk. Upon turning it on, I saw that I was added to a group chat on discord.
I tapped on the notification and it took my straight over to the group chat in discord. I took a quick look at the members of the chat.
Tommy, Tubbo, Technoblade, Wilbur, Philza and now... me.
"holy shit- is this for real?"
These are who I'm going to be recording along side?
If this is some kind of dream, I don't ever want to wake up.
---but this also seems like a nightmare. My heart is racing a little too much.... maybe out of how sudden it is??
Everyone in the group chat seemed to have already been in a call, and Tommy seemed to be the only one spamming me to join it.
I typed in the chat, telling them I'd be a minute.
Turning back to my computer monitor, I saved my editing progress and exited the editor, launching minecraft.
I then loaded up discord on my pc, taking only a few seconds to load. I then turned the call in the group chat after taking a few deep breaths.
And upon me joining the call, it was full of laughter from everybody.
"HAhaa! S-so that's why--- o-oh, hey Y/N!" Tubbo greets me first
"Hey Y/N, welcome!" Wilbur greeted me next
"You're finally here! Took you forever" Tommy says
"I was just added to the group chat, you all took me a little off guard" I mentioned
"Okay- well. Quick introductions. Phil, Techno, this is Y/N. She's the new member in the SMP that Dream added because she beat him in a 1v1 fight" Wilbur says to the other two in the call
"Oh, so this is the person who killed Dream?" Techno questions
"ah- somehow... yes" I said
Oh god- I am nervous right now...
"So, is she like- a mini Technoblade?" Philza asks, chuckling a bit at the end
"Oh god no- never- I'm not that good--" I state
"Well you have to be quite good to have killed Dream. He's not that bad... And not just any normal person could've killed him on just luck alone" Techno points out
"I- I guess so...?"
But- to me it really was just luck.... we both were super low, and I just managed to get the final hit in before Dream. That's all. :/
"Anyway, how are we doing the two teams again?" Techno asks
Wait- we're doing bedwars in teams? So like- 3 v 3?
"I think putting everyones names on a spinning wheel would be the best and easiest" Wilbur suggested
"Then- uhh, that's what we'll do. Are you doing it Wil?" Philza asked
"Yeah, yeah. Getting the wheel up. It will take a minute" Wilbur says, typing away at his keyboard
While that was happening, the others just started talking casually.
"So, Y/N. How do you like it on the SMP so far?" Tubbo suddenly asked me
"Oh- uhh... I really am enjoying my time. It's really fun to be on the server with everyone..." I answered
"You're stuck helping out with Tommy's lore, aren't you?" Techno asks
"AY! Why are you talking as if my lore is bad or something. My lore is GREAT!" Tommy defends
"Didn't you have to shoo Y/N away to talk to Dream?" Tubbo questions "I didn't understand why you did that since they were the only other person to come to your party. Tour character in the lore is kinda dumb"
Pft-- Tubbo really just said that--- dwhadhwadh---
"Tommy afraid of women confirmed?" Wilbur says
Everyone in the call started bursting into laughter. While this happen, Tommy was shouting in frustration
"I am not afraid of women!!, women are afraid of me!!" Tommy shouts
"--With how he killed Katherin back in MCC, his words stand to be true" I cut into the conversation
"hAhAA-- ExACTly!!!" Tommy yells
"Okayyy...! I've done the wheel, everyone watch my screen" Wilbur announces, screen sharing on discord
We all go to watch his screen, seeing a bright and multicolored wheel with all six of our names on it.
Once everyone was confirmed to be watching, Wilbur proceeds to spin the wheel.
The clicking sounded in all of our ears, and for a while we all just sat in silence and anticipation waiting for it to slow down to it's final placing.
And in the end... the teams were sorted as so:
Technoblade, Philza and Tubbo.
Tommyinnit, Wilbur and Me.
"Why do I have to be stuck with the woman?" Tommy complains
"Come on Tommy, Y/N isn't that bad!" Tubbo says "She beat Dream after all!"
"That's in 1.16! The PvP is different!!" Tommy stated
I decided not to speak up and defend myself for obvious reasons.
Even though I did beat Dream in 1.16. I barely beat him. My primary game version to play in is indeed 1.8, so at least when it comes to bedwars I'd be having at least a small advantage.
Plus, I'm pretty good at strategizing... More in solo rather than in teams, but I have thought about team strategies on many occasions...
Wilbur told us that we're just playing 3 rounds of bedwars, whoever is the first team to win the most rounds... wins. He also mentioned that we'd be going into private calls with each other while we play our games.
As soon as the explanations were done, we all got onto Hypixel, got partied, and went into our separate calls.
Since I was partnered up with Tommy and Wilbur, I had to deal with them for the long seeable future.
And as soon as our first round started, Tommy was the first one to talk.
"Okayyy! Ready to be carried?" Tommy questioned, going into the iron and gold gen
At his question, I just snickered. Following suit and going backwards to sit in the generator.
"What? What's so funny? Do you think I'm a joke?!?" Tommy raised his voice
"Well.... I mean-- You are quite the literal walking meme" I responded, leaving the gen to get blocks to defend the bed
"Oh wooow" Tommy drew out "So thats how it's going to be, huh??!??"
"Oi Tommy- don't be like that. You were complaining about her earlier" Wilbur says, starting to build over to diamonds
"There's a little thing called sarcasm Wil." Tommy mentions, running past me in game to go straight to mid "I think you should pick up on it"
"Ohhhh!, so you're actually glad about me being on your team?" I questioned, my tone coming out more teasingly than I expected
"Never said I was preferably glad about it." Tommy responded with
"Ohhh Tommy!! That can be further from the truth" Wilbur laughed
"Oh shut up Wil!!" Tommy barked
This conversation was getting no where, so I just decided to change the subject to focus more on the game.
"uhh... anyway... Wilbur, could you build to the diamonds on our right too? And Tommy, could you come back here straight after you get the emeralds at mid?" I asked
"Sure, Y/N" Wilbur replies
"I'll do whatever I please, woman" Tommy says
I just sighed and went to do our bed defense.
Glass, endstone and wool were the defense I went with today. It's nothing too grand, but it's one of our safest bets for any explosions that come our way.
Once I was done with the bed I got myself tools and such just for when and if get an opportunity to break the other teams bed.
"AHHHHH!!" I heard Tommy scream out
"What's happening?" I asked
"What did you do Tommy?" Wilbur questioned, sounding a little nonchalant about the whole thing
"TECHNO IS CHASING ME!!!" Tommy shouted "AHH!! Y/N!! WIL!!!"
Wilbur was just laughing his ass off while Tommy kept screaming.
"Run Tommy! Run those block legs of yours!!" Wilbur exclaimed, still laughing and not helping in the situation
"FUCK YOU WIL! FUCK YOU!!" Tommy yells
"Holy shit- calm down and just book it back to base" I told Tommy, trying to be calm myself
"IM TRYING!!!!" Tommy screamed
I quickly bought a fireball that was on the bottom right of my quick shop and made my way over to the front of our base.
When I got over there, I saw Tommy at mid and he was running away from Techno who was very close behind him.
I also caught a glimpse of Wilbur at the diamond gen watching this all unfold.
Tommy looped around the whole island of mid, finally starting to get closer to our bridge way between our island and mid.
Techno managed to hit Tommy, launching him forward. Luckily for Tommy, Techno's hit made him land safely on our bridge to emeralds.
"OHH!!! OH MY GOD!!!" Tommy screeched "I AM A PRO MINECRAFT GAMER!!!"
But despite Tommy landing safely on the bridge and heading towards our island, Techno didn't give up that easily. He still gave chase.
Techno hopped over the small portion of void and continued to chase after Tommy.
"Keep running Tommy..." I say
"What do you---?" Tommy cut himself off when he was hit by Techno from behind "AHHH!!!"
At that, me and Wilbur just went into a laughing fit.
"Yeah, yeah. okay-- finee" I managed to say through laughs, shooting the fireball I had at the bridge once both Tommy and Technoblade got close enough
As soon as the fireball hit the bridge, Tommy was launched forward back onto our island which earned me a shriek from him. Technoblade meanwhile got laughed back from the force, miss stepping and causing himself to fall into the void.
His death message displayed in chat soon after, showing that I killed him.
Look- I don't want to deal with Technoblade as much as the next person. But I don't want Techno taking those emeralds.
"pft-- okay. Whatever you say big man" I say, going back to the shop keeper to buy me some wool
"Nicely done Y/N...!" Wilbur applauded "Now- uhh... Can either of you fix the bridge? I'm at diamonds and I have no blocks"
"Well I'm not doing it- you didn't even try to help me" Tommy muttered
"ha-- okay Wilbur, I'll fix the bridge for you" I say
Once I fixed the bridge, Wilbur made his way back and I went back into our base. I saw Tommy placing the resources he got into the chest and shortly after Wilbur did the same.
I opened it up out of curiosity and saw that there were just 3 emeralds and 4 diamonds.
"hmmmm.... Hey, Tommy? Can you go get us one more emerald? Maybe some diamonds while you're at it too" I ask
"What do you think I am? Your errand boy?? Your S L A V E??" Tommy raises his voice
"I'm just trying to get us a quicker win???" I answer
"You wanna go after them now??" Tommy asks "Do you want a death wish??"
"I'm just saying! If we strike them now then we can get this first match out of the way" I say
"Do you have a plan, Y/N?" Wilbur questioned
"Yeah. But I need for you two to also come with me if we want this to work" I say "I've always wanted to do this kind of strategy with people, but I was never able to... It's something I came up with myself..."
"It's probably a shit strategy" Tommy said, I could hear his jokiness so I didn't take the insult personally
"Tommy!" Wilbur says, baffled "Y/N- dont listen to him. What is the strategy?"
"I will explain it once Tommy decides to get those damn resources" I say
"Why not send Wilbur to do it??" Tommy asked
"Because Wilbur isn't whining like a little bitch. Now please Tommy- go, go" I state
Wilbur laughed once more and Tommy let out an annoyed groan.
"Fineeee." Tommy murmured
I smiled.
"Great! great... Okay Wilbur, buy some fireballs and blocks"
"Alright!" Wilbur says
Me and Wilbur began to stack up on fireballs and wool.
"Hey-- HEY!! HEY!! TUBBO IS GOING TO OUR BASE!!!" We heard Tommy exclaim
"huh? what the shit?" I questioned, going outside
When I went to the front of our bed, Tubbo was there, placing down a piece of TNT.
If on instinct, I quickly pulled one of the fireballs I had into my main hand and threw it at the TNT.
The fireball didn't blow up the bed defense other than a bit of the wool. And because of the underlayer of endstone, nothing else blew up further. Also during the explosion of the fireball impacted, it also threw the TNT off of the bed completely because of it's explosion radius.
The explosion also somehow managed to knock Tubbo back and he fell off the edge of our island.
I'm sorry bee boy.... T_T
"Wha--?!? HOW!?" Tommy exclaimed, seemingly to have been watching the whole thing from mid
"Wait- what happened?" Wilbur asked "I heard explosions"
"She deflected the TNT off into the void!!" Tommy shouted
"Well- I mean--- It does work..." I muttered, getting a little quieter "As long as you throw the fireball at the right angle before the TNT explodes then it will deflect like any other entity with its blast radius..."
"Wait- you can actually do that??" Wilbur questioned, surprised at this information
"Yepp... Found that out when I was accidentally trying to fireball someone who was about to TNT my bed this one time" I said
"Y/N, are you just- like- a god at bedwars or something?" Wilbur asks
"uhh- no. I just play a lot and think a lot" I answered
Which was true. I played many times. Though I won a lot of my games, I never really got a good win streak because I get too cocky at times and just want to play for the sake of it.
But, through many trials and errors, I learnt and came up with new strategies for games. And- they are especially funny when they actually end up working...!
It took a while for Tommy to get back, but once he did he threw the resources right at me.
"What now?" Tommy asks
"Nicely done. Thank you for doing this" I say
I then got the emeralds and diamonds that were in the chest and got them out. Then turning to the shop keeper once more and buying us a few pots and then heading over to the other shop keeper to get a few traps for mining fatigue.
I exited the shop menu and passed over a jump boost pot to Tommy and Wilbur, as well as a stack of blocks and a few fireballs to Tommy.
"Okay, lets start going over" I say, leaving the base first
"You didn't explain what we're going to fucking do" Tommy says, following after me anyways with Wilbur
"ah- uhh.... yeah. I'll explain it quickly" I murmur
Once the plan was discussed and everyone knew their roles, we put our plan into motion.
When we arrived at mid we saw a bridge to emeralds from the other base, so we took that as our way to enter.
I quickly drank my invis pot and the other two drunk their jump pots. We then headed over to their base.
Tubbo seemed to notice us-- well... more like Tommy and Wilbur.
And shortly after, Philza and Technoblade came out of their base and stood on their bed.
Once Tommy and Wilbur got to their base, one of them set off the others trap. At this they started spamming their fireballs they had and jumping around like little crickets.
Techno, Philza and Tubbo were all distracted and chasing after them to even notice my presence.
Wilbur would occasionally stop and break a few blocks to make it look like he was trying to get the bed, but I was on the other side breaking in slowly.
It took a bit, but somehow I was able to break the bed.
was destroyed by !
Upon that, we all ended up catching them completely off guard and somehow won the round.
"POG CHAMP!!!" Tommy exclaimed
"How did that work?" Wilbur laughed
"Who knows?, but lets not question it" I said
Though we had a successful first round, our second and third round weren't so lucky.
I don't mean we lost them both--
But we did end up having our last and final game end in a tie.
So-- Did we win against the creator of Minecraft, the blood god and the bee boy?
Yes!.... and no.
But either way, the games were surprisingly fun. ^-^
...and, I ended up getting a lot closer with the lot of the youtubers.
...what a dream come true. :)
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