《Stay [taekook FF]》✧*。 The boy 。*✧



The next morning

Gentle sunlight picked through the window falling onto two figures sleeping peaceful in each other's embrace.

Beep Beep beep

Taehyung slowly woke up when his phone started ringing. He sleeply reached out to it, only to feel a small figure clinging onto him.

He looked down and felt his insides melt by the sight of Jungkook curled up on his chest nibbling softly on his lip in his sleep, looking like an actual bunny.

He chuckled and carefully picked up his call, not to wake up the sleeping bunny beside him.


"Yes. Seojoon hyung?" Taehyung whispered.

"Why are you whispering- anyways it's not the time. Your father needs you come quick."

Saying that seojoon cut the call and Taehyung signed not liking the fact he have to leave his bun.

He looked down and hugged the younger tighter, burying his face in his neck, he's scent seems to relax him a lot.

After a few minutes he got up and collected his clothes which were shattered on the floor and went to the bathroom for a quick shower cause he was smelling of sweat, sex and Jungkook but even though he would love to smell like his angel, he certainly didn't wanted to smell like sweat and sex.

After around 10 mins he came out took his phone leaned on the side of the bed, planting a sweet kiss on the sleeping bunny's cute chubby cheek, he left the room with a happy smile on his face, he skipped down the stairs only to be met with jisoo on a armchair with a broomstick in her hand, looking at him in a blank stare, causing him to halt in his steps looking at Jisoo with big eyes like a deer caught in headlights.

To say taehyung was Scared would be an understatement I mean why wouldn't he? Like he just took the virginity of the son of the woman in front of him and He was praying to every God out there that she heard nothing last night.

"So taehyung? What were you doing in my son's room? I assume you spent the whole night here.......with him......in his room.......which was locked.....all night long?" Jisoo said pausing in between in a calmly way but it did no good to taehyung cause it just made her look more intimidating and Taehyung who felt like he was getting questioned for murder.

"I-I w-was j-j-just-........" Taehyung face- palmed cause what the fuck why is he stuttering like that??.


He flinched when suddenly a loud laughter filled the room.

"BAHHAHAHAHHAHAH.....OH.....oh...my god you look like you're about to shit yourself Hahahhahahhah" Jisoo said trying to control her laughter by holding her stomach.

"Huh?" Taehyung was ..........speechless cause he felt like his brain was not working and it was true it stopped working due to nervousness and was still recovering from the shock.

"What? Did you thought I'm mad at you? I got home at around 9 pm so I may or may not heard something....or everything ......but I am sure Jungkook gave you his consent and......I'm actually glad.....before you he barely even talk to anyone......and I feel happy to see him trusting someone enough to give his consent to them.....you know after so long I saw my son sleeping with a smile on his face instead of tears that night you took him out.......and I know I should act all protective over my son but his 20 and he didn't even have friends and now he has a boyfriend? Which is really unbelievable.....and I'm happy that he's happy so I'm not mad at you! I'm proud of you for making him feel safe...!" Jisoo said with genuinely happy smile.

She knew taehyung for a long time, she met him everytime she came to seoul and gather at the kim's. She learned that he was a little confused and broken but he was a good boy, just like his mom raised him to be. He had his father's temper and his mom's reasoning.

And when she saw the way he looked at Jungkook that night of their first official date and how Jungkook looked back at him ...... she knew she could trust taehyung with her son and knew her son would be happy with him, so she was happy they are finally together. Now she just hopes nothing breaks them apart.

"Mrs. Jeon-"

"Mom.....call me mom." Taehyung froze feeling so many emotions at once. Ever since his mom passed away he never called anyone even close to the word 'mom' cause it made him remember the warmth she used to surround him with when she was there...

Jisoo went and gave a warm hug to taehyung to which he almost felt tears as it's been a long time he was embraced in a motherly embrace.

"Where are you going though I was about to make breakfast-" Jisoo said after pulling out but cut off by taehyung.

"Shit! I totally forgot!! I gotta go mrs- I mean mom! I'll come by in the evening!!!" Taehyung said while running towards the main door and went out of the house in hurry leaving a dumbfounded Jisoo behind wondering what's the emergency? She shrugged her thoughts and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.



Jungkook slowly opened his eyes when the harsh sun rays fell on his eyes. He groaned as he's hand moved to rub his eyes.

He sat up and whimpered immediately at his aching back and behind.

The memories were fresh in his mind. He blushed remembering how he begged taehyung to fuck him. He shook his head and looked around to see he was alone in the room, he frowned thinking the worst that could happen.

He shook his head and thought maybe he was in the bathroom or something. He got up and limped his way to the washroom to find it empty. He quickly did his morning routine and went downstairs hoping to find taehyung. But only saw his mother preparing breakfast.

"Mom. Did you-"

"Did I see Taehyung?" Jisoo said interrupting him.

"Uh.. yeah"

"He left. He was in a hurry. Said he'll be back in the evening."

Jungkook furrowed, wondering why he left without saying anything?.

"Here have breakfast. You must be tired after last night." Jisoo said trying not to smirk at her son red face after her comment.

"Mom~~" Jungkook whined.

"What? I'm just stating facts everyone gets tired after- Ngee" Jisoo stopped talking when Jungkook stuffed her mouth with a giant piece of pancake.

"Hoya ish tish hocw yuf bihebe wish yuf mum?!" Jisoo said with a stuffed mouth.

"What?" Jungkook asked unable to understand her.

"I said. hey! Is this how you behave with your mom?!"Jisoo repeated after swallowing the half chewed pancake in her mouth.

"Anyways tell me." Jisoo asked smiling mischievously.

"Tell you what?" Jungkook asked innocently.

Jisoo's made a 'areyoukiddingme face'.

"I'm asking how.....was it? "

Jungkook thought and then realized what she's asking. Oh,oh......OH!! Jungkook looked down blushing.

"Come on~ I'm your mom, can't you tell your mom?" Jisoo said making puppy eyes at her son sometimes Jungkook wonders if she is his mom or sister.

"It was......good."

"Umh. Was he praising you? Did he gave a petname? Did he say the 3words?"

"He did praise me and called me petnames but .....no he didn't say the 3words.." Jungkook pouted not knowing that taehyung indeed said the 3words to him but he failed to hear them.

Jisoo pats his shoulder to console him.

"It's okay. He'll say it. I know he will."

After that they finished their breakfast and were about to go to their respective rooms when a jisoo's phone ringed.


"Hello. Ms. I'm from seoul hospital I'm calling in regarding to park jimin who was in a accident a few minutes ago can you please contact his family and come here"

" What?! Yes we'll be there " Saying that Jisoo cut the call and looked at her son "it's jimin. kookie jimin got in an accident." Jungkook felt tears in his eyes and he started trembling in fear and worry for his hyung. While jisoo waisted no time and ran to her door, grabbing her purse and coat in the way.

Jungkook following her mindlessly, trying hard not to panic as they made their way to the hospital.


2 hours ago......

Taehyung was currently on the meeting room at the HQ of kim mafia with the Rest of the high post members of the gang including his friends and father. Listening to seojoon explain all the info about the current park mafia.

"The park mafia former leader, park Hyungsik has a son who's around your age taehyung a year older maybe and is currently the leader of park mafia".

"But isn't Hyungsik older than me by a decade how come his son is so young?" Minjun asked.

"That is cause he had him when he was 30 or something unlike you boss" seojoon explain shortly.

"Anyways by what we know, his son is a little mentally unstable. And is a reckless killer doesn't like working with people prefer working alone but is extremely good at hiding and using people at his advantage." Seojoon explain pausing to see if there were any questions.

"But our mole seem to catch up on something more interesting. The leader has an obsession......to a boy." Saying that seojoon looked at taehyung who knew exactly who he was talking about.

"Collecting information from us? Does that mean we know him?" Hoseok asked curiously.

"Yes. You do. They have been collecting his information from the kim mafia and his school. It is found that not only the boy but the parks have a close connection to his family too."

"Who is it?" Mr. Kim asked.

"Jeon Jungkook."




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