《Stay [taekook FF]》✧*。 Past 。*✧


The walk to the younger's house was not so long.

Currently taehyung was sitting on the couch in the living room nervously fiddling with his fingers waiting for the younger to come join him.

A few seconds later jungkook walks in with two cup of warm tea.

He hands one to tae and sit next to him in the couch.


"Before I tell you can you promise me something hyung..?" Jungkook asked hesitantly while staring at his cup of tea.

"Yeah. What is it?"

"Please don't be mad at me....."

"Ofcourse not!! I can never be mad at you angel....just tell me what... What happened? What happened to you?" Taehyung asked carefully observing the younger's features.

"I wasn't always like this before.... this introverted.. people always liked me for my appearance And when I was in school I had a many admirers but Jimin hyung would always protect me.

Once this guy of my school got interested in me and I rejected him because he was not a nice person.

He got very possessive over me so he would scare anyone who tried to be friends with me so I don't make friends.. and he could take that chance to come close to me but he couldn't scare jimin hyung and ofcourse he regretted that later." Jungkook chuckled at the last part making taehyung smile at the boy

God he missed his cute chuckle.

"So I was safe till jimin hyung had to move" jungkook paused think about the past then started again.


"Do you really have to go jiminie?" The younger said sobbing in jimin's arms. They were at the train station for their last good bye as jimin was moving to Seoul.

"I'm sorry kookie but my dad won't listen. I really don't wanna go but I have to...just promise me you will take care just one more year than those bullies won't do anything to you but till then remember what I taught you okay."

The younger nodded in his chest then pulled away waving at jimin.

Jimin smiled and waved back and got on the train.

The next day school jungkook tried his best to hid from those boys but guess luck was not on his side.

"Hey gorgeous~ guess park finally left you to huh.. but no worries I'll keep you company~~" the guy said blocking jungkook's way in the hallway licking his lips while staring deep into the younger's doe eyes.

"Go away Sehun..." The younger said trying to walk past them but instead got harshly pinned to a locker with a loud thud.

People started gathering in the hallway to see the drama.

"Oh... what if I don't? What are you gonna do about it cutie~" Sehun whispered in jungkook's ear.

"Why do you gotta be so beautiful....huh? Do you know what you do to me hm? " Sehun said slowly leaning choser to the younger's lips. But before anything happened he was yanked off of the younger.


Sehun stopped when he saw his English teacher standing there with a scowl on his face.

"Sehun what do you think your doing?! This is your final warning if I see you near mr. Jeon again it won't be good!! NOW GO BACK TO YOUR CLASSES!!"

Everyone ran to their classes to avoid getting scolded.

After that day Sehun and his friends didn't approach jungkook but occasional touching and flirting was still there.

It has been a week since jimin left and the younger was walking home alone since no one wants to risk their lives to be friends with him.



'damn that ass' someone said and jungkook turned around only to see his bullies standing there.

And jungkook did what he thought he should do....

he ran..

But ofcourse the guys chasing him were in the baseball team so it didn't take them long to yank him by the collar and dragged him somewhere which jungkook didn't know as he was to busy struggling in the grip of the older boys.

Suddenly his arms were pinned on a wall by two boys. And Sehun was standing in front of him smirking at the younger, eyeing him like the prey he was at the moment.

Jungkook was scared ,cause the looks the older gave were not a good sign.

"What? Did you really thought I would let you go that easily hm? I have waited for so so damn long I can't take it anymore it's annoying at this point. I get what I want no matter what and want you!!" Sehun growled in a deep voice.

That made jungkook tremble with fear.

Slowly Sehun stepped closer to the younger but before he could get any closer a harsh punch landed on his face making him fall on the ground the other two were yanked from the younger's side and punched on the faces as well.

The younger looking up to see a guy probably a senior who helped him, looked at him then smile with his dimple smile making the younger blush from the sudden sweetness.

"Come on." The stranger said.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" The younger said following the stranger out of that place.

"Oh my bad I'm chanyeol. "

"I'm Jeon jungkook. Thanks for helping me. I was so scared......" The younger said looking down still quite shakin' by the incident.

"It's okay. Those bastards won't do anything anymore don't worry."

"Well I doubt that but hopefully they won't...." Jungkook said looking down at the ground cause he knew they won't leave him alone so easily.

Chanyeol looked at the younger with pity as he knew these bullies were probably from school.

Jungkook walked all the way to his house with older by his side.

"Wow I live only a block from here and my uni is in the same road to where your school is. How about I walk you to school every day, well I have a car so I can drop you so you don't have to tolerate those guys." Chanyeol said smiling his charming dimple smile which seemed to melt the younger by its sweetness.

"Thanks hyung but I don't wanna burden you..."

"It's okay. It's nothing. I should go now see you tomorrow..?"

"Ahh I guess...."


Saying that chanyeol left with a smile on his face.

The next day when jungkook got out of his house for school he was met with a smiling chanyeol with his grey Audi R8


"Hyung you didn't-"

"Ah don't. It's fine. Now hop in!" Chanyeol said cutting jungkook mid sentence.

Jungkook sighed in defeat and got in with a small smile on his face.

After they reached jungkook's school all eyes turned to the expensive car and it's hot owner who came with the school beauty, Jeon jungkook?!

The gossip spread like wildfire in their school and ofcourse in chanyeol's college. That he got himself a pretty babyboy. But they weren't like that ofcourse jungkook only saw him as his savier and a friend and chanyeol supposedly knew that too.

The bullies backed off cause they were intimidated by chanyeol a lot after their little mishap.


Sehun was burning with anger but couldn't do anything ofcourse. He might be a bad boy but he was still a kid so he just went back to his old habit of admiring the younger from afar.

After eight months, jungkook and chanyeol grew quite close as they would talk for hours on phone or hang out on weekends and ofcourse their ride to jungkook's school and back was a regular thing...

It was their thing...

The younger was happy that he found a friend who took care of him like his jimin hyung. And he couldn't ask for more.

It was a sunday so jungkook decided to go to a café near by to see chanyeol.

"Hi chanie hyung! How are you?" Jungkook said while sitting facing chanyeol who smiled wholeheartedly at the younger.

"I'm great!! What took you so long? your 30 mins late, did something happen?" chanyeol said suddenly getting worried.

"No no nothing happened....I...I just couldn't decide what to wear....." The younger said looking down mumbling the last part but chanyeol heard it and smiled at his cuteness.

"I'll be back nature's call"

"Oh ok hehe"

Chanyeol went to the washroom leaving jungkook sitting in the café all alone.

Suddenly a ding sound made the younger look at the phone chanyeol left behind.

And Jungkook didn't wanted to invade someone's privacy but the text was short and the younger unconsciously read it....

You're goin' to purpose jungkook!!!

Jungkook's smile fell after seeing that, he didn't know how to feel about this. This is not what he wants.... he can't break the older's heart.....

"Sorry if I made you wait." Chanyeol's voice snapped him out of his thoughts as he gave the older the sweetest smile he could muster.

"Though I guess we're even now cause you made me wait too" chanyeol said winking at the younger.

The younger chuckled at the older and pushed his thoughts at the back of his mind for the time.

Suddenly a customer came in the café and everyone started 'aww-ing' and when jungkook turned to look he found the reason.

The woman had a little girl with her, probably her daughter, who was holding her white fluffy pet bunny in her arms who was chewing on his little snack not minding the stares and awws of the people.

"hyung! Look it's a bunny!! It's so cute!!" Jungkook said chirping making him look like he just found his soulmate.

"not more than you~" chanyeol said chuckling at the cute boy in front of him who can easily beat that bunny if this was a cuteness competition.

"Hyung~~ I'm not a bunny~~" Jungkook said whining while pouting his naturally pouty lips and chanyeol unconsciously licked his lips at that which didn't go unnoticed by jungkook this time.

After they talked for hours, they parted ways and went home.

Jungkook was looking at the ceiling. Thoughts coming back as he remembered the text.

Once again someone fell for him and he didn't but it was different this time he cared about his hyung , but he never thought of him as something more than a friend, and he didn't want to see him broken.

But then again it could be a misunderstanding right. Like maybe his friends were teasing him or something. Right?

The next day jungkook couldn't help but realise how blind he was...

The way chanyeol would pat his head.

The way he would subtly flirt

The way how his aura would change in others presence like his sweet side was just for him.

The way he sometimes catch him just staring at him.

How did he miss it? Jungkook didn't know what to do in this situation cause it was obvious that chanyeol was liked him but he was to blinded by his happiness that he couldn't see it.

They were walking at the park near their house as it was a nice weather, cloudy weather with gentle wind with bright sun light and a blue sky with white clouds.

And chanyeol could feel how different the younger was acting like he limited skinship , and avoided eye contact , and it was to the point he was even keeping a 10 cm distance between them.

"Hey kook.." chanyeol said suddenly stopping in his track.

"Yeah chanie hyung.." jungkook said fiddling with his sweater paws.

"Why....did I do something wrong? D-do I make you uncomforta- "

"NO! tha-that's not it..!" Jungkook suddenly shouted then lowering his voice at the end, looking down.

"Then why are you.... distancing yourself" chanyeol said looking at the younger with glassy eyes.

"hyu-ung do y-you l-like me....." Jungkook said hesitantly still not looking up.

Chanyeol was shocked and didn't say anything for a few seconds and then took a deep breath.

"No...I don't like you,"

Jungkook looked up shocked by the answer but at the same time relieved but that was soon changed when chanyeol continued.

"I love you..."

Tears fell from chanyeol's eyes as the younger said his next words.

"I'm sorry but I-i don't feel the same way....."

It was silence for what seemed like hours. No one said a word.

Jungkook kept looking down and chanyeol seemed like someone just killed him.

Soon jungkook had the courage to leave and that's what he did.... slowly he disappeared from chanyeol's site.

After the heartbreaking rejection, chanyeol never showed up. Jungkook felt worried and guilty for not being able to comfort the older.

After a week he received a letter from his hyung which broke his heart....

Dear kookie,

I'm sorry that I didn't had the courage to say it face to face but I knew that if I see you I won't be able to do this..

I'm leaving for states tomorrow and you'll probably receive this when I'll be halfway there.

I'm sorry that I'm leaving, I don't blame you for not loving me. It's fine that you don't. I just can't be there at the moment cause my stupid heart still wants you and I need to move on so I had to make this choice.

Don't blame yourself love, never.... it's me not you I'm running from my feelings not you.

I can never run from you, I love you too much for that.

Don't worry soon you'll graduate and meet new people who will care for you believe me I just know it.

I know you will be mad at me for leaving you but I can't.....it hurts so much I now I shouldn't have got my hopes up and I shouldn't expect you to fall for me.

But the possibility just seemed so good.

That's why I don't wanna burden you with my feelings so I need to leave.

If I stay I'll only fall harder and you won't.....

Take care of yourself for me would you.

Goodbye my bunny.

Your chanie hyung.

Jungkook ran to chanyeol's house only to see the 'up for sale' sign hanging at the door.

'he really left'

Jungkook thought as he went back.

After that Jungkook didn't see him or called him.

Three months passed jungkook graduated from school and entered Busan University.

He was doing fine he even made some friends who would help him with projects, just like chanyeol predicted.

It was a weekend when jungkook received a message from a unknown number.


You look beautiful in white.

Jungkook frowned his brows.

'Is this a prank?' jungkook thought.

Who is this?

You're future husband;)


Look who ever you are, stop messaging me!!

No can do.


After jungkook blocked the number he shook his head and went to take a shower before going to bed.

When he was done with his night routine jungkook sat on his bed and looked at his phone and his eyes blow wide at the notification.


Block me again and I'll show you your place baby.


What do you want from me?!




Please just stop this!

your Jimin hyung aren't you?!

Hyung please this is not funny!!


Oh. But sorry baby it's not jimin or whatever and don't talk about other men in this chat or I won't be happy...


Fuck off!!


Love you too ❤️

The messages kept coming and jungkook would reply but would mostly ignored thinking it as a prank but the fact that some messages would really scare him....

'you look good in red'

'tell that fucker to stop touching you'

'you shouldn't wear those Jeans shorts it gives me hard time baby'

'that Flower looks amazing on Your hair'

These messages were proofs that he was indeed being watched. Which scared him cause he didn't know who it was.



"You seem distracted are you okay?" The guy sitting in beside jungkook asked him.

"I'm fine just didn't have a good rest in a while..."

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