《Stay [taekook FF]》✧*。 Aftermath 。*✧



The sun rises on a pleasant Sunday morning. Bird chirping, flowers blooming as the morning sun rise reaches noon.

The supposed Kim mansion looking absolutely.............


Bottles of alcohol laying here and there , ripped off clothing scattered on the lawn and a half naked guy floating on the pool?? Wtf-

The inside was no better furniture almost destroyed due to over drunk people puking on them and the floor wet with god knows what......a few vases broken on the living room and........ don't even ask about the kitchen.........

It looked like the house was deserted but no people were there.... They were just laying on either the bathroom or stuffed in the guest rooms or........ laying on the wet floor........


Anyways far from this chaos was a master bedroom were lied a handsome young man, who was suppose to be the house owner, slowly opened his eyes.....

Taehyung's pov.

Harsh rays of sunlight hit my face , waking me up from my peaceful slumber.

I groaned at that headache that hit me the moment I opened my eyes. I looked around to see I was in the master bedroom having no idea how I got there.

I was about to get up and go to the bathroom when I felt another presence in the bed. I turned to my right to see a awake Jungkook on the bed with me, staring up at me with his doe eyes. Exposed shoulders peaking out of the covers.

Slowly the memories came rushing back.

How I was enjoying the party with hoseok and yoongi and after a drink I felt weird and passed out for a while then woke up on a couch and saw a dancing jungkook moving his hips sensually and I went to him and danced with him while eating his neck and then carried him here and grinded on him. After that it's all black.

Oh no.....

Did jungkook and I-

No no no no no noo......

It wasn't supposed to be like this!!! Our first was not meant to be a drunk fuck!! No....

A hand cupping my face pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Good morning taetae." He said in his angelic voice.

"I- " I started but stopped when I noticed jungkook was fully dressed under the covers and a few buttons of his silk shirt was open which made his shoulders exposed but other than that he was all dressed. And I only notice that cause the cover was now on his waist.

I looked at myself and saw I was dressed too.

"We didn't do it, if that's what your thinking." Jungkook said slowly.

"Really? Oh thank God." I said signing in relief. But the moment those words left my mouth I immediately regret it as jungkook's face fell and he looked down.

"You don't want me....." jungkook said and I felt my heart breaking into pieces.


"No that's not what I meant!! I said that because I don't want our first time to be in a party with me drunk to the point I won't even remember anything and- and it would be wrong I was scared if I forced you or something and-and I want to make love to you not fuc-" I stopped rambling when a pair of soft lips came in contact with mine.

We stayed still not moving or deepening the kiss enjoying the beautiful moment and also cause we both knew after a night of alcohol morning breath is not so great to start a day.

We part, a small smile adorned jungkook's pretty face making me smile as well.

"It's ok. I get it. But...." He trailed off looking down with a red face.

"But what? Doll"

"I-I kinda.... Wanted to...."

My jaw dropped when I heard the innocent boy in front of me telling me his not so innocent desires to me.

"Who are you and what did you do to my jungkookie?!" I asked in a playful tone.

Jungkook started cutely giggling.

Suddenly my smile turned into a smirk thinking about the what happened last night.

The moans and the heavy breathing ,the touches and oh how beautiful jungkook looked under me.

I leaned in and pressed my lips on his ear and he stopped giggling.

"Though I can't wait for it to happen but I'll be patient for you. So don't test me like you did last night by dancing like that, your lucky I was drunk and passed out or you wouldn't have been able to walk all this week..." I said and pulled away looking at a red jungkook looking away in embarrassment.

I chuckled at his reaction and got up to wash up.

I don't get hangovers but it's strange how I got so drunk after one drink...

Something was clearly not right.


After me and jungkook fresh up in the luxury bathroom of the master bedroom and after explaining to jungkook that this is my penthouse that my father gifted me when I turned 19 for purposes like meeting up with friends and having parties and stuff like that.

I'm thankful that jungkook didn't ask follow up questions as most people would be like 'why ? Or what about your parents house?' and I would lie saying they don't like disturbance in the house. When in reality it's for safety reasons. As we many important documents and weapons in our basement that is highly secured and since many mafia people go to my college you never know who might go behind you're back that's why I'm not really allowed to invite anyone in our house so my dad gifted this place.

As we make our way downstairs my jaw dropped in disbelief and disgust by the site in front of me.


I screamed in my head while shaking my head..


Suddenly my attention went to a......pile of clothes???

It was moving and a eye closed yoongi hyung came out of it looking around him like a woken up cat.

Soon a limping jin came out of a guest room with my brother behind him.

"What the fuck hyung?!!!"

"Heya!! Language!!"

"Sorry jin hyung...." I said sheepishly to a angry jin.

"Taehyung I'm sorry we came here and well things got out of hand....." Namjoon hyung said when I cut him off.

"Wait why are you here anyway??" I asked since I knew these two were busy so why were they here?

"Jimin called us saying we need to get here there's an emergency-"

"Wait Jimin called?? He doesn't even have your number!"

"He doesn't but hoseok does! Anyways we came here and started looking for hoseok and Jimin but then jin saw gin and-"

"How can jin hyung see himself?" Jungkook asked in an innocent voice.

"Not jin , gin with a 'g' , the alcohol!" Namjoon hyung asked.

"Ahhh. I heard of it but never had it..."jungkook said Pouting at the end.

"Anyways you know then we got drunk and ended up fucking in the guest room...." He finished looking around a little embarrassed while jin hyung and kookie were red.

"TMI hyung but did you even met Jimin?"


"Wait where is jimin-" "AH" I shouted as yoongi hyung come out of nowhere scaring the shit out of me.

"DON'T DO THAT !!! I'M GONNA END UP IN A HOSPITAL ONE OF THESE DAYS!!" I said shouting at him while he just shrugged.

"Stop shouting you dickheads!" A voice came from behind. Jimin walked out of a guest room.

"There you are !!! Now tell us why did you call us here for??" Jin hyung asked jimin who looked at jungkook and then looked at me.

"I'll tell you later. Not now. Let's-"

He sentence got cut off by a loud high pitched scream from one of the guest rooms and if you're wondering this house has 10 guest rooms in total six downstairs and five upstairs they are all average sized rooms with bed and closet, the biggest room is the master bedroom which is twice the size of the other rooms with a adjacent bathroom with a shower, toilet , and bathtub.

We all hurried to the scream and opened the door to see a wide eyed hoseok attached to the wall in the corner while looking at the bed where a half naked kai was getting up with a groan.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN THE SAME BED AS ME??!!!!!" hoseok screamed at the boy who looked annoyed.

"I SHOULD BE THE ONE ASKING YOU THAT YOU DAMN HORSE!!!" kai screamed back. and hoseok gasped.

"IF I'M A HORSE THAN WHAT ARE YOU A WEASEL !!!!!!!" Hoseok shouted back.

"ENOUGH!" Jimin's voice was enough to shut both of them .

"You wanna know why you're in the same bed ??! Because last night BOTH OF YOU GOT DRUNK AND HAD A FUCKING DANCE BATTLE!!" Jimin said slightly shouting at the end due to annoyance.

"We What??!!!" hoseok and kai said in unison.

"Yes. That is probably why you're in the same bed. And you probably didn't fucked cause both of you look fine to me.

"Ok is that every one?" I asked after we came back to the living room but instantly turned around and made my way outside in the porch cause I am not gonna sit on the couch filled with puk ew .....

Everyone followed and settled near the porch which was cleaning thank God. Namjoon and jin cuddled in the swing chair, hoseok sat on yoongi's lap while I sat with my angel snuggling in my lap while jimin sat at the corner relaxing. I took out my phone and called a cleaning service cause noway in hell I'll be able to clean this up.

After a while people started coming out of the house from god knows what corner of the house.

After around 50th person existing the house , who were hiding like the zombies in the kingdom series , the cleaning service came to the rescue.

"Well I think my hangover is down enough for driving let's go jinnie." Namjoon hyung said getting up. Followed by jin, yoongi and hoseok.

"Why the hell are you guys following me?" Namjoon hyung asked when he noticed the uninvited company.

"What I didn't brought my car!!" Yoongi said.

"We came with taehyung but since he can't leave until the servicing is done you have to drop us hyung" hoseok said Pouting at namjoon hyung.

He sighed "Fine! Fine! Get in the car.."

"Come on kookie I'll drop you." Jimin said.

I widened my eyes and tighten my grip on the younger who was sitting on my lap.

"Why...? I don't wanna say here alone! You go jimin I'll drop jungkook home I promise please please pleaseeeee" I said whining.

"I'm sorry taehyung but I can't.... Mrs. Jeon will be worried and he needs a change of clothes.

He was right jungkook didn't have spare clothes so he wore the same clothes after showering. I sighed and let go of my baby reluctantly.

"Fine ...... "

"It's ok tae I'll see you tomorrow you should rest ." Jungkook said reassuring me.

He was about to get up to leave but I pulled him down again.

"Where is my kiss? Were you really gonna leave me without my kiss" I whispered his ear and giggled in response, attaching our lips in a sweet kiss. After few minutes we pulled away and I saw him leave in the distance......



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