《Stay [taekook FF]》✧*。Eyes 。*✧


Taehyung's pov.

I woke up on my king sized bed , feeling the same soft material of satin touch my body as I got up .

Yawning I looked around my room which looked liked a hurricane just passed by .

Pillows shattered with their feathers on the floor instead of inside them, beer bottles were tossed here and there , snacks were all over my table in the middle of the room.

But I was used to such sights by now .

I mean when you have two annoyingly crazy best friends who just love to party in your room then leave you to clean everything after .....

You get use to it.

I got up and went to my bathroom to do my morning routine than came out and put on my white Gucci T- shirt with black ripped jeans with my classy dress shoes after pulling my hair back with a blue bandana I went down stairs .

The moment I entered the living room I was met with a sight of my dad reading the news paper as usual .

I went to him and sat beside him wishing him - " good morning dad"-

I said " good morning son I assume you had a wild night from the noises I heard "- my dad said ,he chuckled softly then continued -"so where are those troublemakers "

" Judging by the amount of beer bottles are in my room and the headache I have, my guess somewhere in the backyard"- i said in a bored expression .

Last night yoongi and hoseok came over and we end up having a sleepover like we use to when we were kids ,but with alcohol which was most definitely not a good idea as we all get really drunk when we drink together for some reason ,anyway I don't remember much but the pillowfight ,the dance battle,and the food fight on the table then everything's blank .


My thoughts were cut off when suddenly we heard footsteps my father's face lit up so I turned around and saw my brother was coming downstairs .

" Namjoon son , good morning " - my dad said in a cheerful voice to which my brother only gave him a plain stare and a small 'morning' and headed towards the kitchen .

I heard my dad sign ,it's been four years yet my brother is not forgive dad ....

My dad is one of the biggest ceo of a big company and run many restaurants , cafes ,and clubs all over Seoul and some other places in Korea.

Though he's also the leader of one the biggest mafia in Korea .

He became a business man when he married mom .

They loved each other and she was he's mafia queen everything was fine until four years ago a tragedy that broke our family and took mom .

I was lost in thoughts when I saw my two best friends came out of the guest room in disheveled clothes and hoodied eyes ,their lips were slightly swollen and red marks were on their necks ,wait are those...... hickies??!!!.I looked at them in disbelief when our eyes met and they both looked away embarrassed and they knew that I knew what they did .

With out a word they went upstairs and I was just left there eyes widened and mouth hung open .

When they came Back we hoped into my car and headed for college when we got inside I turn around and looked at them they were still avoiding eye contact so I cleared my throat to get their attention and when they didn't say anything I started

" So .... You and yoongi ?" I asked looking at hoseok with an intense glare cause they were still avoiding eye contact.

" When were you guys gonna tell me? " I asked again.

" It's not what you think" yoongi said in a small voice .


" So what is it , your just fuckbuddies than ? " I said a little annoyed cause they were not tell me a thing .

" Kind of......... Yeah?" Hoseok said in a little unsure voice and turn around to look at yoongi and met gaze for a second then signed.

" Look we got drunk and it just happened and we don't know why it happened but for now we're choosing to ignore it" yoongi said in a hurried voice and I nodded in response .

I started the car and we headed for college finally there was an awkward silence which was very uncomfortable so I decided break it.

" So who tops?" I asked , wiggling my eyebrows at them .

Hoseok turn red on that remark and I knew the answer but choose to tease them .

Yoongi smirked at the mention and looked at hoseok first than at me " who else me ofcourse " with a smug expression .

"You know since your both dominant I always wondered who would top if you were to get together , guess I got my answer" I said chuckling lightly .

After that the car ride wasn't that bad and we reached our college .

As usual when we got out we were surrounded by girls and boys from all majors and classes wanting to get our attention .

Especially mine.

I stood there and looked ahead when I saw a familiar figure walking quite quickly and I walked on that direction and called his name " park" I said in my deep husky voice , he halted in his step and turned around I noticed another boy by his side I couldn't see his face but when he turned around ...

I froze .

Third person pov.

They both stood there staring deep into their souls .

Jungkook looked small and fragile in that oversized hoodie and the height difference was doing no good as taehyung was 4 inches taller than him ,big bambi eyes staring up at taehyung dark black oceans of undiscovered emotions .

They stood like that for almost 20 seconds before jimin interrupting them .

" What do you want Kim?" Jimin Said in a annoyed tone .

Taehyung shook his head lightly as if broke out of a trance. He looked at jimin and he's expression changed into a smug one a play evil smirk decorated his face .

"Were you just running away from me ? I thought we were friends !" Taehyung said in a sarcastic voice , while yoongi and hoseok chuckled at his remark ,jimin clenched his fist to calm down . Seeing the satisfing reaction taehyung then looked at the youngest of the 5. This time the younger was looking down as if embarrassed .

Taehyung looked at him closely this time his soft pink lips with a mole right below his bottom lip , his cheeks were decorated with pink hue which taehyung found extremely cute , his dark jet black hair falling gently on his doe eyes , his oversized hoodie hung a little down his shoulders revealing slender neck and perfect coller bones .

Suddenly the bell rang and all the students rushed inside for their classes .

Jungkook's eyes widened he looked at jimin " hyung , I'm sorry but I am super late on my first day . I'll see you later bye !! " He said while running towards the corridors and looking Back until he disappeared from the sight .

They remaining boys just stared with a frown on their faces as if they were thinking what the fuck was that? , Except taehyung who looked as if charmed by some kind of spell after hearing jungkook's voice .

A strange desire of hearing that voice again surge through him and only one thought occupied his mind ....

Those big bambi eyes.



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