《Newt Scamander Imagines.》A Proposal.


You and Newt were sitting on the picnic table outside of the cottage you shared in Newt's suitcase. The wind was blowing a considerable amount as always, and the golden light shone through the magnificent trees around the cabin. He poured you a glass of wine and you thanked him, taking a small sip from your glass. He sat down again and half-smiled at you. You raised an eyebrow at him, your glass still up to your mouth. You placed it back onto the table and licked your lips.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" You blushed and curled your lips. He flashed a bright smile at you and folded his hands in his lap. He was so happy, his eyes were even smiling. His whole face turned red, from the tips of his ears to his neck. You smiled back and rubbed his ankle with the tip of your shoe from under the table. You felt him pull away lightly, and he looked down at his lap.

"We've never really been on a proper date, have we, love?" He'd never smiled that much in the three years you'd been together. You paused for a moment.

"What's up with you?" You said slowly, a mischievous look in your eye. His smile softened.

"Nothing! Nothing, I just...wanted to do something special for you," He stammered out, clearly nervous. You took another sip of your wine. You knew he was up to something, but you were interested to see how everything would play out in the end. So you stayed quiet. His eyes scanned around the room for a moment, as if her were in a state of panic to find something to say.

"What about tomorrow night?" He asked, the corners of his lips turning upwards again.


"What would we be doing?" Another sip.

"It's a surprise,"


Your face was warmed by the presence of his hands over your eyes as you both walked down what your presumed to be central park. You felt an elevation in the angle you were walking. You suddenly knew exactly where you were.

"Are we there yet?" You smiled from behind his hands.

"Nearly there, love," His voice was deep and raspy, like usual, but it sounded more nervous. Once it felt like you were at the top of the stone bridge, he uncovered your E/C eyes. It took a few moments for your vision to adjust, but, once it did, you were astonished from the beauty of New York City during the night. Your breath danced in the air along with his as you took his hand on impulse. He jerked his head towards you, surprised that you took his hand so quickly. You looked across the frozen water and the naked trees, a large blanket of snow on top of it all.

You sighed. "Wow,"

He didn't respond. He just watched you as you were dumbfounded by the beauty that was before you.

After a long moment, you turned towards him, the smile not leaving your face.

"Why'd you take me here?" You asked intently, staring into his eyes. A crooked smile grew on his freckled face, tucking his free hand into his pocket.

"I just thought that, since we're here..." He let go of your hand, stepping away from you. "And I knew how much you love this spot..." His eyes darted towards his pocket as he pulled out a small, navy blue box. Your hands flew up to your mouth, your smile growing even bigger.

"Y/N...I'm standing here tonight, in front of you, because I'm absolutely, entirely in love with you. You're the most brilliant person I have ever known. Will you do me the honor..." He bent down on one knee. "By agreeing to be my wife?"

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