《Newt Scamander Imagines.》Obliviated.


(Credit to the author that inspired the beginning of this chapter)

You walked onto the sidewalk outside of your apartment complex and watched the people in front of you whisp by in a rush. The cars flooded every which way on the street only feet away from you. It was two hours before you were expected at your job in a bakery. You dodged every passing car until you got the the other side of the road, where a bank was. A woman stood on the stairs in protest to everything to do with magic. She yelled that they existed, and it was being hidden from the nonwizard. You rolled your eyes and smirked.

"Poppycock," You murmured to yourself. You were never one to believe in magic; a pessimist, really. You were watching the woman instead of where you were walking. As you turned to walk around the bank, you ran into someone head on. The impact was aggressive enough that you both dropped your suitcases.

"Oh, dear- I'm so sorry- I wasn't paying attention- I-" You cut yourself off once your eyes met his. His eyes widened with shock. You couldn't help but smile, and you didn't know why. But when you looked into his hazel eyes, that's all you could do. His red hair was covering his face, and that miraculously made you blush even harder.

"T-terribly sorry, Miss," He bent down to pick up his suitcase and handed yours over to you.

"Thank you- I-..." He walked away briskly before you could ask him anything. You couldn't stop smiling. Something about seeing him made you blush and want to cry out of happiness at the same time. You turned around and watched him watch the protest. A small, woodland, green creature stuck its head out of the collar of his trench coat. It blinked at you.


"Pickett," You blurted out, as if something had forced you to say it. You covered your mouth in confusion.

Newt was trying not to look at you with every fiber in his very being. He had obliviated the only person he had ever promised to love, and now she was back. But this time, it felt like he didn't even know you himself. Two years of lost communication and regret, and so much had happened. You got a job and were promoted to manager. You made money, moved out of your parents house, rented out an apartment, and even managed to date every once and a while. You never had a relationship, though. You always felt as though you had already met your soulmate and lost your chance. You just didn't know whom it was.

You slowly made your way to through the crowd in an attempt to follow the man. He was only a few feet away from you once you were forcefully shoved out of the crowd. You continued walking and watching him as his coat swayed from side to side.

"Sir?" You called after him. "Do I know you?" You asked loudly, finally catching up to him. He kept walking.

"You don't know me," He said in a sternly, his voice almost sounding pained.

"No, I know you from somewhere," You searched your mind for any possible memory of him. It felt like you had a dream about him, like he wasn't even real as he was still walking in front of you.

"You don't know me, now please stop following me," His voice sounded genuine, but, somehow, you know that he was keeping something from you. You gripped his shoulder and turned him around to face you. Your eyes met again, and you couldn't help but smile at him. Your eyes even brimmed with tears. He stopped himself from smiling back, and his face turned to sheer terror.


"I don't know why I'm so happy to see you," You cried softly. "I know you...I know I do-" He cut you off.

"You don't know me! Please, just leave me be!" He shouted at you, his voice broken up. It hurt him more than it hurt you when he yelled at you. Your face immediately dropped into a frown., and your tears of joy turned into tears of hurt.

"You keep saying that...but not once have you said that you don't know..." Your voice trailed off, and your face softened. Memories started flooding back into your mind.

"He seems to really like you," Newt said with a smile as Pickett climbed up your arm and into your coat. His little legs felt like a spider's as he played on your shoulders. You looked up at Newt as he carefully watched Pickett. He returned the gaze and blushed. "You're cute," You murmured to him, making his cheeks turn a deeper shade of pink.

"...me," You finally finished your sentence when you came out do your daze.

"N-Newt," You stammered out. His facial expression dropped.

"How did you-" You cut him off this time.

"I remembered...dear god, I remember you!" You began to sob with happiness again.

"Newt! I'm so happy to see you! Oh my god- I don't know what to do with myself," You chuckled. "God- Newt Scamander! I missed you deeply!" You continued, hugging his neck. He didn't say anything. He just hugged you back and weeped into your chest quietly.

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