《My Princess ( Draco Malfoy x reader)》1



"Damn I'm coming y/n jeez.

It's sixth year. You and your best friend Pansy are running late to Potions for the third time this week.

"Why're you wearing a Ravenclaw tie?"

"Oh yeah I am, must've forgotten mine at his dorm."



You guys made it to class, and you instantly saw your least favourite blonde, Draco Malfoy. Sadly, the only seat left was next to him, as Pansy had sat down next to Blaise.



Snape walked in looking grumpier than usual.

"Turn to page 234, discuss with the person next to you.

"Ugh. Let's just get this over with Malfoy."

" Oh come on. We're both in the same house, and we're all grown up. You could at least try to like me."

"Not a chance Malfoy."

"Your loss. Most girls would kill to be friends with me."

Malfoy was smirking.

"Well I'm not like most girls. Now let's get to work."

A While Later...


Pansy was super excited, jumping up and down in the air.

"What's up"

You say in a tired voice.

"Blaise kissed me! Finally!"

Pansy has been eying Blaise for years now, hoping he'd felt the same.


"Also he's throwing a party, just for slytherins, we have to go!"

"Sure, I don't have much to do anyways tonight."

"Ok! Make sure you dress hot!"


"You ready y/n?"

You walk out wearing a short, tight black skirt, an emerald green crop top, and a choker. You had your hair in a bun and a smokier makeup look on.

"Dang girl you look HOT. Malfoy isn't gonna be able to keep his hands off of you."


Pansy giggled

"Oh shut the hell up. I don't care what Malfoy thinks"

But you did. You cared a lot. You had liked him since first year. But he wasn't gonna find out that.

"Sure you don't. Y'know everyone can see that you both are head over heels for each other, no matter how much you guys pretend to hate each other."

"I do not like him Pansy."

" Oh please y/n you could cut the sexual tension between you two with a knife."

"Ugh. Let's just go."

Pansy giggled as you guys left.

There were lots of people at the party, all Sytherins of course.

"I'm gonna go get us drinks!"

Pansy yelled as she ran off.


You were just standing around when you felt someone spin you around.

"You look good l/n"

It was Malfoy, and he was smirking.

"Malfoy. Don't look too bad yourself."

Your mind could not process the sight in front of you. Malfoy was wearing a leather jacket, with ripped black jeans and an emerald green t-shirt. He looked HOT.

Draco's pov

Blaise forced me to come to this party of his, saying it would be fun and blah blah blah. I agreed after he said that Pansy and y/n were coming as well. He chuckled and said "ok whatever bro" I sipped my drink and looked around the room. Then I saw her. Y/n. She looked gorgeous. With her jet black hair tied up, and her tight little outfit I didn't know what to do with myself.

Back to your POV

Pansy still hadn't returned. Probably bumped into a hot guy. Whatever. You'd finally gotten Draco to leave, and then you could see Blaise and Pansy chatting in another room, yet you couldn't hear them.

"She's so stubborn Blaise we have to do something. They are literally in love with each other, they just won't admit it."

"I've an idea Pansy. You get y/n, and I'll get Draco and the others. Meet me back here in 5"

Slight cliffhanger there guys 😏 what do you think Pansy and Blaise have planned?

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