《Gang Leader's Princess ✓》xxiii.


The car was finally fixed and they could make there way to the airport. I got up from Giovanni's jacket and handed it back to him.

This was going to be my first time going anywhere abroad. I couldn't help but feel anxious.

I wasn't necessarily scared of flights or airplanes, I just didn't know what to expect.

We were driving in Giovanni's Maserati and the gang just got back from getting milkshakes at the diner down the road.

They didn't bring me back anything though. I felt kind of disappointed about that, but there's was nothing I could do.

We were on the road for so long, I was starting to get tired. I felt my eyelids become heavy and vision drooping.

The next thing I knew I felt myself lean amongst a warm surface. It was strong and comfortable. I was leaning on Giovanni.

He pushed my head aside, roughly and I woke up with a gasp.

My eyes widened once I realized what happened.

"Don't do that again," he roughly said.

I mimicked him and his sharp tone. "Don't do that again."

"What are you twelve? Grow up," he growled.

I was about to mimic him again, but his hard stare bore into me. He was still so scary.

I looked away from him.

"I'm just so tired," I whined. My eyelids almost closed again and I felt myself falling asleep.

I tried to put my head against the side of the car, but I was in the middle seat.

I leaned my head towards him again, I involuntarily placed my head on his shoulder again and fell asleep.

This time he didn't move or interrupt me, he let me sleep.

"What are you doing with my boyfriend, you slut," I heard an high pitched voice say.

The man who was on top of me got off and smirked.

"She came at me," he said. He faked a gasp and looked at me.

I looked horrible, my shirt was ripped and my skirt was torn. Tears fell from my eyes. Why couldn't she see I was in pain? Why couldn't she see what he did?


"You always go after people's boyfriends?" She asked. Her voice was poisonous and toxic. I didn't even know any of these people.

I wanted to just party and have fun. I didn't want this.

I froze. I was paralyzed at what just happened.

Derrick came to the basement and came towards me. "What happened?" He asked.

I didn't answer. I couldn't the words were taken from my mouth.

"She is a whore," she told Derrick. "Everyone hide your boyfriend, we have a boyfriend stealing whore on our hands," the girl shouted. Everyone gave me a dirty look.

Everyone hated me.

"Shut up," Derrick yelled back.

He attacked the girls boyfriend and punched him in the face. The boy tried to fight back, but Derrick got a good aim at his face. He just kept punching.

There were police sirens everywhere, but I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move, everything hurt.

He took my innocence.

He raped me.

Everyone hated me, everyone loved him.

Before I knew it the police busted down the party and everyone rushed out.

Everyone left like nothing happened.

I woke up with a gasp. My shoulders were shaken and I noticed Giovanni woke me up. I felt tears fall down my face and my body trembling.

"Again?" Derrick asked from the front seat. His gaze met with mine in the mirror. "I though they finished. You were fine for weeks."

"I-I know," I said. My breath hitched when Giovanni came towards me.

I tried to pull away from him and back away, but my seatbelt was on, not letting me get far away.

"What happened this time?" Derrick asked.

I shook my head I couldn't answer him, not with Giovanni in the car.

"Okay, will you at least tell me if it's about that party?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. Giovanni was listening to our conversation. I wasn't going to go spilling my worst secrets in the car with someone who hates me.


"I'm not saying anything," I said, stubbornly.

"God, would you quit being stubborn for a second?" Derrick groaned.

"No." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Put your tongue back in your mouth before I use it for better reasons," Giovanni grunted.

I felt sick to my stomach. My face paled and I tried to ignore what he said, but it stuck with me. Would he really do that?

I stuck my tongue back in my mouth and shut it.

Giovanni smirked. Derrick saw how disgusted I was and helped me out.

"Gio, stop, man, don't say those type of stuff around my sister," Derrick told him.

"Why it's nothing she hadn't done before, I bet?" He grinned at me.

I refused to look at him. He thought of me as some slut who throws herself at guys, but I didn't do that. That was far from me.

Derrick slammed his hand against the steering wheel. "I'm serious, quit it out!" He raised his voice a little.

Giovanni scoffed. He stared at him with his cold stare. "You telling me what to do?" He asked, harshly.

Derrick stumbled over his words. "Uh . . . no, just, never mind."

He was no help. He couldn't even stick up for me around the big bad gang leader. I mean, he could kill him in an instant.

Giovanni hadn't said anything the whole drive there. All he gave me were spine chilling glared here and there. He looked angry.

He was no good, yet why was I so attracted to him?

The rest of the drive was boring and I was too afraid to fall asleep again, afraid I would get the same nightmares.

Once we arrived at the airport, I got out of the car. I felt my body get pushed among the car door and Giovanni holding me still.

"Listen here, if you turn my gang against me, I will make sure to ruin you, Chanel." He said my name like it was poison on his mouth. "I'm warning you, pull a stunt like that again and you see what happens. Don't underestimate me, princess."

I felt my heart beat faster and my breathing became out of sync.

I started to panic, fear was evident in my eyes.

I looked around the landscape, but my brother already left to go onto the airplane. I was trapped alone with him.

I tried to push against his chest to let me breath, but he wouldn't budge. "Giovanni," I choked out. "Please . . . I didn't mean too, I'm sorry."

He stared at me, intensively before stepping back. My breaths became coughs and I my throat closed in so I couldn't breathe, properly. I was having a panic attack.

Giovanni just walked away as if nothing happened. I fell to the floor and tried to steady my breathing. No matter how hard I tried to calm down, I couldn't.

My panic attacks were coming back.

I was alone.

I felt tears in my eyes and my body shut down. I was heaving heavily, trying to control my out of control breaths. My head was spinning and everything was blurry.

I noticed someone coming towards me.

"Oh, my God, Chanel, are you okay?" Valeria asked.

She dropped to my level and I looked up at her. She noticed my glassy eyes and panicked expression and engulfed me in a hug.

She knew those were how to calm me down after a panic attacks.

"I'm fine," I answered. After the hug my heart started to slow down. I calmed down. "Thank you, I'm just a little anxious for the flight," I lied.

I couldn't tell her that Giovanni threatened me again. I couldn't tell her that I haven't changed.

I couldn't tell her everything was coming back.

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