《haikyuu x reader》❥Taketora Yamamoto


❥title: manager

❥story: fluff

❥warnings: none


"Just join! It'll be so fun!" Kuroo cheered, taking a bite of his lunch as Kenma just simply nodded in agreement, eyeing both you and the male.

You chuckled softly, sighing before looking down on the food that was in your bento box, not feeling to eat anymore as you packed it up though it was still half filled.

"I just.. I don't think I'm suitable enough you know? What if they hate me?" you frowned as Kuroo chokes on his food, making Kenma visibly worry as he pats the bed head's back softly.

Kuroo gave the setter a quick grin and thanks before averting his eyes to you.

"Come on, you're a walking goddess! And besides, it's your last year with the volleyball team. Atleast make it worth it." Kuroo pursuaded with toothy smile.

Though the bedhead had a point, you're close with the volleyball team and practically always spend your time with them. But it never crossed your mind to join as a manager, joining won't benefit anything except for more time with the team but I guess it's a way to spend the last year you have with them.

Kenma noticed your obvious silence, nudging the captain by the elbow as the bedhead looks at your thinking state. He grinned at your silence as the two just stared at you, eager for your answer.

With a small huff and a smile, you averted your attention to the two waiting male. Kuroo could already guess your response by the way your smile radiated but simply stayed quiet.

"Okay.." Kenma arched a brow but already had an idea on what was next. "I'll join." Kuroo stood up and yelled your name as a small cheer of celebration.

You and Kenma hid your faces with your hands as you pretend you didn't know the black haired male, embarrassed by the stares and murmurs that was noticed by the two of you.

Kuroo's eyes looked around the cafeteria, finally noticing what commotion he just started as he let's out a awkward laugh as he sat back down.

He looked at you and smiled widely, "You won't regret this!" you peeked from your hands and gave him a smile back.


"I know I won't."

"L-L-L/n?! I-is.. WHAT?!" Yamamoto screeched loudly, his voice echoing through the gym as some of his teammates wince from the sudden outburst while others glare at him due to the loud noise he had just created.

No doubt, Yamamoto was a huge admirer and fan of you. He would stare at you in the hallways and basically drool by your smile, he can't help but always be jealous when Kenma and Kuroo always eats with you at lunch.

You shyly wave at the fan girling male as Yaku greeted you with a smile and a small wave, "Y/n-San! Welcome to the team." he greeted, shaking your hand as acknowledgement.

You chuckled at his small gesture, Yaku's in the same class and year as you and Kuroo, so it's pretty obvious that you two already gotten close before knowing the team.

After consulting Nekomata about joining the team, he couldn't be anymore happier to let you. After all, you're the reason why the team is always so energetic when you come in, especially Yamamoto.

Apparently, everytime you come in to visit, he's always so hyped and pumped, always bringing out his best whether it's a practice match or not.

He's like that in punishments too, just sayin.

The team greeted you with utmost excitement and made you feel welcomed, which made you happier than you already were.

Kuroo slang his arm over your shoulder with a grin, "See? Told ya you won't regret it." you playfully smack his head in short response.

"So what's the first thing you guys usually do?" you asked as he chuckles, "Well usually we would just do normal exercises but--!" he paused to stare at you with a grin.

"Since your the manager now, you can change the schedule." he continued, placing his hands behind the back of his head as he stares in amusement at your suddenly flushed state.

"D-do i have to?" you stuttered as he blinks a few times before laughing, "Not necessarily, just a small information I thought I would just say."

You let out a sigh of relief as you motioned him to go, "Okay. Let's do that then." he snickered before eyurning around, clapping his hands to get the attention of the male players.


"Side to side twist! I better not see one of you being lazy!" Kuroo yelled, making sure everyone could hear him clearly as he grins, seeing that everyone already shuffled and did what he asked before he could even repeat.

"Right!" they all yell in unison making you flinch in amusement, "They take this so seriously huh.." you mutter but the bedhead heared you loud and clear.

"Of course," he paused to look around before letting out a chuckle, "Especially Yamamoto." he pointed lightly to the mohawk male as you glanced.

He twisting the day lights out of his body if that's even possible.

His energetic exercise didn't fail to make you laugh, quickly earning his attention as he flushed red after noticing that you were staring right at him.

The bedhead eyed the two of you in a somewhat suspicious way, but he's Kuroo. He's always suspicious so I guess that explains it.

With a small hum, the bedhead called Yamamoto out for apparently slacking off when he was obviously almost twisting his body to death to impress you.

The male was slightly surprised when he heared the reason for his name being called, "Huh?! I'm practically dying over here! How am I slacking off?!" He complained, frowning as he stomped his way towards the captain.

Kuroo whoever, had different intentions as he grinned. "I saw it with my eyes, now go grab a drink to cool your head." the male clicked his tounge but didn't protest.

Yamamoto glanced at you and saw your grin, immediately, his frown turned to a wide smile as he began to walk away.

Kuroo raised a brow from the sudden mood change but decided to stay quiet against it, the bedhead excused himself from your side and made his way behind Yamamoto.

With a smirk, he tripped the male on his steps. Making sure it was a hard fall as he does a dramatic gasp, earning the attention of the team.

Your eyes flickered from the clipboard to the male who was now on the ground after a loud grunt. With wide eyes, you quickly jogged to him.

Leaning down with a concerned expression plastered on your face, your eyebrows furrowed. "Are you okay?" you asked Yamamoto as he flushed red once again.

"I-I'm f-fi-fine!" he stammers out his answer as Kuroo barely held in a laugh thanks to when he cleared his throat. "You should take him to the infirmary." the captain stated with a smirk that was already yelling his intentions.

"Does she have to? He looks fine to me.." Fukagana mumbled, looking to see if there was any big impact on Yamamoto's body.

Kenma meekly pointed to the male's knee, "Bruise." he pointed out as Kuroo quickly eyed Yamamoto's knee in surprise.

"Oh.. He fell to hard.." the bedhead mumbled with slight guilt but nonetheless smiled, "Okay! Y/n you're the manager so take him." you saluted and smiled.

You held out a hand for him as he flushed red after feeling your soft touch.

Waving at the team, you left with a flustered Yamamoto as you guide him through the hallways. He flinched as he noticed a bunch of glares on him.

He raised a brow, "What are you glaring at?" He asked witty his eyes slightly wide, a mocking expression plastered on his face as they turned away in fear.

Yamamoto clicked his tounge before realising something.

He looked down and his face turned to a dark shade of scarlet, you were still holding his hand and you didn't mind it.

You hummed as you entered the infirmary, looking around for the nurse but found a note saying she was in a meeting with a few staffs.

"Ah Yamamoto-kun, you could just sit down. I'll bandage your bruise." you ordered with a smile as he quickly sat down, obeying.

You leaned down as you began bandaging up the flustered volleyball male player, "Eh? Yamamoto-kun your trembling." you pointed out.

"Bwa.. Hwa.. I LIKE YOU!" he widened his eyes in surprise from his sudden words as you stare at him, dumbfounded by the words he just spat.



he cute tho

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