《haikyuu x reader》❥Tanaka Ryunosuke


❥title: I loved you.

❥story: angst

❥warnings: swearing


You stood there, clenching your fist as you look down on the ground, shutting your eyes tightly so that the tears that were threathing to fall would just disappear.

Loving someone who loves someone else hurts so damn much, out of everyone you could admire, you chose someone who's already got a person in mind.

Tanaka Ryunosuke, the second year who was head over heels for the other manager, Kiyoko Shimizu.

She's a third year, extremely beautiful, flawless skin, smart, kind, thoughtful—the list goes on an on, it felt like it never ended.

She's popular, not only by her breath taking looks but of course her quiet, timid and calm personality. Her touch would make you crazy.

You on the other hand is the opposite. Not popular, just the normal reputation, you weren't that smart and you weren't even interested in volleyball.

The reason you just joined in the first place is because of him.

But you're just slowly torturing yourself, seeing him flirt and blush around the beautiful 3rd year just made you feel like a piece of shit.

You felt like a slave next to her, her as the goddess and you as a nobody.

You admit, you couldn't blame Tanaka for falling for her, she was perfect after all. If Tanaka wasn't here, you've probably already had a crush on the female manager.

"Y/n-San." you gasped as a hand was placed on your shoulder, looking up you see Shimizu with a concerned expression.

"You're crying.." She mutters, pulling out her handkerchief as she gently wipes away your tears.

"Oh-! Please don't tell me they saw.." you say, wiping the small tears that were suddenly dripping and falling down on your cheeks.

She shot you a worried yet innocent smile, "No, I blocked their view with my figure." you thanked ber quietly, smiling.


"Thank you Kiyoko-Senpai.." you muttered as she sighs a bit, "Listen, if you're having a hard time. Don't be afraid to tell me, I'm your friend, okay?"

You smiled a bit wider, but it dropped since you couldn't hold in the fake smile. Just looking at her made you feel so upset.

She noticed this and frowned, "You're upset because of me isn't it?"


"No..I'm not upset.." you lied, she knew better than that. "But I'm one of the reasons." you bit your lower lip, looking at the ground to avoid her eyes.

"Y/n-San, if I made you upset I apologise.. I didn't mean to."

"Its not you, its me." you reply, cursing quietly when you felt the tears practically begging to get out.

"Hm?" she asks, not getting a hint of what you were saying. "I was too stupid enough to fall for someone who deserves a goddess." you paused to look af her with teary eyes.

"He deserves you." you walked away but she held your wrist and pulled you into a deep hug.

"It's Tanaka, I know.. I know." the team didn't bother to look, all of them were to busy practising anyways, even the coach didn't notice.


"I just do, if it makes you feel better. I don't like him back, you know? And I'll tell him to stop." She smiled as she noticed you calmed down in her arms.


"Its okay, it's okay. There there Y/n-San."


"I'm asking the both of you to please stop and behave like normal students around me." She bowed her head slightly.

"I apologise if I hurted your feelings but I'm worried ab—" she stopped talking, she didn't want them to bombard her with questions.


They didn't stop.

"Okay! But we just wanna tell you how beautiful you are!" they shouted in unison, and not even one second later.

Tanaka took the surprised female's hand and Kissed the back of it with a smile.

That was it. You were done, "I'm so stupid.." you mumbled, Kiyoko watched you as you walked out.

She couldn't move, she felt so guilty.

"Please stop!" she finally shouted, walking away with a bow, leaving the team and the two surprised.


"Did I take it too far, Y/n?" Tanaka asked his best friend. "I didn't mean to kiss her hand..i just felt like I needed to." your heart ached.

You hated this, you hated it so much you wanted to disappear.

Why did you even fall for someone like him? Why can't you just stop and move on?

Oh right.

Because you can't, you loved him for too long to let him go.

And it's killing you.

"I mean, I could apologise but I feel so embarrassed..i can't help it, she's too.. Perfect." there he goes again, starting to ramble about the things he loved about the manager.

"I think I love her." that was the last straw, standing up you looked at him with teary eyes.

"And I loved you." you spat the words out as he looks at you in surprise, not knowing what to say.

"H-huh?" was all he managed to say before laughing, "Nice! Nice joke and I love you too." he says, you one he was teasing.

He didn't take it seriously.

"But what do you mean by 'loved'? You don't love me anymore Y/n-San?! I thought we were best friends?!"

He thinks it's just friendship love, ha.. Pathetic.

"I loved you more than a friend, I loved you more than anything, I loved you as a lover. But you don't feel the same." you paused, sobbing.

He didn't know what to say.

"I know you love her..but don't worry. Because the love..

.. Is now a past tense." and with that, you walked away, crying and sobbing as he stood there dumbfounded.

The next day and the weeks after that, you ignored him.

But one day, he opened the gym doors to see you.

Kissing his best friend, Nishinoya Yuu.

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

You were supposed to be kissing his lips.

You were suppose to love him.

He regretted using Kiyoko to make you jealous.

Not it backfired, he can't do anything now..why?

Because you love another.

poor bby

ill make another one about him

soon and make it fluffy because

I can't stand angst that has no

Happy ending HAHAHA

anyways, which do you prefer?

Angst or fluff? Or possibly both?

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