《haikyuu x reader》❥Tsukishima Kei


❥title: annoying

❥story: fluff/very very small angst

❥warnings: small swearing?


No doubt you're the sweetest yet loudest person in school, you would greet almost everyone in the hallways with a big o'l smile plastered on your face.

Its kinda like you swallowed a megaphone..

I guess you could say that the one you admire is a bit of the opposite.

He would clap salty remarks and statements and has that teasing smirk on his face whenever he does but you knew he's a kind person.

"Good morning, Senpai!" you greet a random second year female student as she snickered, waving and greeting back.


"Good morning, L/n-San." another first year greets with a small smile, you kept doing this until a certain blonde came in your view.

With the same smile, you walk up to him, walking beside him as he sighs, giving you a small glance. "Morning Kei~!"

"Tsukishima is fine." he stated as Yamaguchi, who was right beside him gave you a apologetic look and mouthed a "hi Y/n"

You giggled, "Hi Yama~!" you spread out your arms to hug him as he awkwardly stood there, leaving Tsukishima walking alone, not dialing to see a small scowl on the blonde's face.

"Oh would you look at that!" you say as you pull away, looking at your watch that was on your wrist. "I have 2 minutes until class starts, bye Yama!" and with that you sprinted away.

"Goodby—! Huh—wha-?! 2 minutes?!"

Your fingers tapped your desk in beat as you listen to the teacher, you gotta admit it was a pretty boring lecture but props to the teacher who kept in a yawn.

"L/n, question number 8." the teacher called out as you read the question before nodding, "29?" you answer, unsure of your own reply.

Some snickered and chuckled at your words, the teacher simply shook his head. "This is English class, Ms.L/n." you blinked for a few times before laughing.




"Right! Sorry about that, Sir." the teacher simply hummed in response before picking anouther student to answer the question you managed to misunderstood.

Finalky, after a few hours and subjects it was finally lunch, one of your favorite things to do in this whole school.


Only because you normally eat with Yamaguchi and Tsukishima.

Making your way to the teacher's desk you placed an apple, making the male that was sitting down look up to you with a confused look.

You smiled sweetly, as usual. "A doctor a day, keeps the apple away." the male blinked a few times before awkwardly snickering.

"I-it's the other way 'round, Ms.L/n.." he scratches the back of his head, feeling second hand embarrassment for his student.

But you simply laughed at it off, "It is? Oh well, okay goodbye Sir!" you walked away as your male teacher eyed you with a small chuckle.

"I can't believe this girl placed rank 1 in her previous school." he teased as he went back to think about his life choices.

"Oi oi oi, Yamaguchi~! Tsukki!" you shout through the hallways, a earning a few stares and giggles ones in a while.

The green haired male turned his head to smile while the other one let out a short yet heavy sigh, do you have to be this loud?

You walked beside Tsukishima as you grinned at him, he took a small glance before rolling his eyes slightly. "Stop staring at me, what do you want?" He asked as you grinned wider.

"Go out with me!"

This was the usual for you. Yiu normally ask him to go on a date with you and he answers with—

"No." that.

Yamaguchi scratched his cheek as he grins awkwardly, feeling second hand embarrassment for you even though this always happens.

You let out a laugh, you weren't giving up so easily. "Its okay~! I'll ask again tomorrow incase you change your mind." you stated with a wink as the three of you walk up the stairs.

"And I'll answer the same thing." he replied with a monotone voice, opening the roof door as you ran around the spacious area with a smile.

"Let's eat~!"


"Tsukki~!" it was another day, another question and another—

"No." Rejection..

"Awe come on, I've never said anything ye—Good morning Kageyama!" you stopped and waved at the male as he simply waves back before getting dragged by a energetic Hinata.

"Anyways, don't you guys have practice?" You asked Yamaguchi as he nods in response, "Well it got cancelled."


"Oh." you mumble, a bit disappointed considering you wanted to watch their practice, especially Tsukishima.

Glancing at your watch in your wrist you smiled, "We got half an hour before class starts~! Let's talk!"


"No thanks, I can't speak dwarf language." you gasped as Yamaguchi sighs a bit, Tsukishima walks away with his hands in his pockets.

"I'm not short! You're just tall!"

"I'm not tall, you're just short." he retorted from a far as you huff, chasing after him with a grin.

"Tsukki~" he sighs heavily, stopping in his tracks as he adjusted his headphones that were around his neck.

"No I will not go out with you. No I won't change my answer, no I won't change my mind. You're just plain annoying so leave me alone." and with that, he walks away.

Dumbfounded, you found yourself with teary eyes. Yamaguchi finally caught up with you and placed a hand on your shoulder, "Y/n? You're crying.."

"PFFT me? What are you talking about? I don't ever cry!" swiftly, you wipe away your tears as Yamaguchi wanted to speak.

"Oh won't you look at the time? I'm almost late! Bye!" you dashed away, leaving a concerned yet bewildered Yamaguchi.

"O-okay.. But its half an hour before class..?"


You walked the hallways, tired to even greet someone.

Of course alot of students including the staff members such as teachers, found this confusing, you always greet them.

"Ah good morning, Y/—"

"Morning." Yamaguchi was slightly taken aback from your monotone voice but didn't bother asking, "Tsukki wanted to go ahead since he didn't want you asking him."

You simply let out a fake laugh, "He doesn't need to worry about that, I won't bother him." Yamaguchi tilted his head.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he fixes his crooked collar, waiting for your answer. "I just won't okay?" you spat, walking away—more like stomping.

"E-eh..? Don't you wanna watch our pract—"

"No!" He heared you answer as he sighs heavily, still puzzled and confused about your sudden mood change.






"Im telling you Tsukki, she—"

"Urusai Yamaguchi."

"G-gomen Tsukki.." the male stopped talking as he eats his lunch, even though Tsukishima was hiding it, he was genuinely confused and worried about your disappearance.


"L/n." he called you out as he sees you walking away from the school gates, it was afterschool at the moment.

You turned your head and smiled lightly, "Don't worry Tsukishima! I won't ask that stupid question anymore.. I'll just.. Ask another I k—"

"Shut up, you aren't asking anyone but me." you widened your eyes in surprise as he pulls you in a tight hug, Yamaguchi left early so he didn't have to worry about being a 3rd wheel.


"Kei, call me Kei." he interjected as you nuzzled your gave into his chest, "K-kei.. What's wrong..?"

"Tch, I like you too."

"But you said—!"

"I only said that because I thought you were just playing with me okay? I thought you liked Yamaguchi.." he mutters , embarrassed as you laugh.

"Silly you! You're the only one I like! Oh oh—! Can I say a pick up line?" you pull away and beamed as he sighs, placing his hands in his pockets.

"Go ahead.." you smiled brightly, "Okay! EHEM—! Do I know you? 'Cause you look like my next boyfriend." you winked as he stares at you.

"That's bad."

"A-ah?! No it isn't!" you stopped to blush, "D-does that mean we're together?" you asked shyly as he chuckled, nodding lightly.

"Yeah, of course." you smiled widely, "Tell me a pick up line!" you beamed again as you jump up and down, he looked away, blushing from your adorable state.

"Y-Y.." he cleared his throat to make eye contact.

"Y/n you're a piece of shit."




"Wow that's great,Kei-kun~!"

"But you're my piece of shit."

"Oh, even better!"

the "pick up" line That Tsukki

Did isn't mine, I found it in another

haikyuu book.

But I don't remember what it is..

If you know where its from tell me


Anyways, what do you think about

The new art style?

I appreciate it alot and I understand

they wanted it to be closer to the manga style but..

But I kinda like the old Tsukki alot more.. Or is it just me?

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