《haikyuu x reader》❥Sugawara Koshi


❥title: confess

❥story: fluff

❥warnings: none


"You said you would." Kiyoko commented after you told her you weren't gonna confess to Sugawara yet.

"I know I did, but I just-he's too perfect!"

"Who's too perfect?" you let out a small squeak, turning around to see Sugawara with a playful smile as you flushed.

"No one, right Kiyoko?" you signaled her with your hand, lucky for you, she noticed this and replied with a:


Sugawara seemed to be doubtful but he wanted to be respectful, so he just dropped the topic off with a teasing joke.

"Suga-San! Get over here!" Suga yelled a 'Hai!' turning again to face the two of you, "Well, ill talk to you guys later!" and with that, he walked away.

You let out a sigh of relief, hiding your face in your hands "Y/n-San, you need to tell him soon." She places a hand on your shoulder with a small yet visible smile.

"I can't, did you see how he looked at me? It's mouth watering!" you began to ramble things about your little crush as Kiyoko glanced over to him.

She caught him staring at you with light pink tinted cheeks, Tanaka patted his senpai's back, telling him something that made him yell and blush even more.

She seemed to get an idea as she stares at you, then back to Suga, back to you then back to Suga.

Clasping her hands together, she excused herself as she made her way infront of the blushing male.

"Sugawara-San." She called out, making the male stop yelling and pay attention to her.

"Is there anything you need, Kiyoko-San?" He asked with his usual smile, she points to your direction, you didn't notice since you were too busy talking to the duo.


"You like her, don't you?" she asked with a hint of teasing in her voice, Suga burst into different shades of red, waving his hands around furiously.

"I-what?.. How-you?!" He stammered, covering his face with one of his hand. "So you do~!" Tanaka chimed in, they both completely forgot he was there.

Suga's face flushed as he hides with both of his hands covering his scarlet face.

"Stay quiet.." he managed to say as Tanaka just gave him a loud laugh, "Are you going to confess to her?!" Tanaka asked loudly.

Lucky for Suga, the others didn't hear the loud yell.

"Shh! Keep it down! I mean yeah I would but..shes too cute, seriously!" Kiyoko sighs, probably thinking that both of you were too hesitant.

Tanaka gave the silver-ish haired male a confused expression yet you can see he's teasing, "Aren't you supposed to be straightforward?" tha "bald" male teased.

"Shut up, I told you..shes too adorable and I can't handle it." Suga replied unknowingly making Tanaka laugh, patting him several times on the back.

He points to himself, still not letting go of his hand on the other male's back, "As long as I'm here!" He paused to strike a rather dramatic pause.

"You will get anyone you desire!"

"I'm doubtful of that, Tanaka-Kun.."

"Eh?! Where's the supportive Sugawara?!"

"Not existant to you I suppose~"


"So you're saying I should just..straight up tell her?" Suga asked their female manager, Kiyoko.

At the moment, Tanaka dragged Suga outside to have a little chat, dragging Kiyoko as well.

"Mhm, be yourself." Kiyoko answered with a small yet noticeable smile plastered on her beautiful face making Tanaka laugh out loudly, again.

"You should say some pickup lines to get someone like Y/n!" again, he swings his arms in random directions, making the two awkwardly dodge the "obstacles"


"I shoul-"

"Of course you should!" Tanaka interjected with a slight pause, leaning closer to Kiyoko who seemed to get the idea.

"Like this!" He clears his throat, light practically glowing around him as he does a weird funny expression.

"Are you a dictionary? Cause you give meaning to my life."




"That's..very original! Nice job Tanaka-Kun!" the male mother clapped with a genuine smile, even though it was obviously not, he saw the same thing 2 days ago.

Kiyoko sighed lightly, thinking the same thing as Tanaka striked another pose.

"Guys? Daichi-kun told me to call you." they all turned their heads to see you peeking out the gym door, this made Tanaka smirk.

"Y/n! Suga-San wants to tell you something!" Tanaka exclaimed making the other male blush furiously.

Tanaka quickly dragged away Kiyoko as you walked and stopped infront of Suga.

"D-do you need something? S-Suga-San." his heart melted, he found you so adorable whne you get nervous and stammer like that.

"I actually wanna tell you something.."his heart punded like crazy as he tries to come up with words, but nothing seem to come up.

"R-really? Well.. We might need to hurry up then, Daichi-kun seemed a bit impatient." he took a deep breath, this is it! He exclaimed in his thoughts.

"I don't-I uhm-I like? No-! I what? Don't.. Uhm err.."

"Sugawara-San fight!" Tanaka quietly exclaimed, he was currently peeking his head by the doorway with Kiyoko as he spies on the two of you.

"What..?" you asked, tilting your head in complete confusion as he yelled a "I can do this!" in his mind.

"Don't be nervous Suga-kun, I'm sure it's not that bad!" your reassurance seemed to work on him because after you said that his next words were:

"Do you wanna come over to my place later as a date? I know how to cook!" He smiled warmly at you, confidence and something like motherly love came back to his senses.

You think for a moment, processing what he just said but once you did you turned into a tomato, making Nekoma's color to shame.

"So? What about it? I understand if you don't wanna!" His smile grew wider but inside he was mentally screaming for you to say yes.

"S-sure! I don't mind!" your answer made him cheer internally, including the two spies by the doorway.

"B..but can I do something real quick..?" He tilted his head, still with the same smile he had.

You quickly pecked his lips, running away Into the gym with a crimson face as he stares at the spot you were previously on, his face covered with different shades of red.


"Oi! Get in here!"

"G-Gomen Daichi-San!"

Let's just say he was extra nice the whole day.

any news for me today, reader?

I'm kind of bored - > -

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