《haikyuu x reader》❥Asahi Azumane


❥title: it's okay

❥story: fluff

❥warning: swearing

"Y-Y/n, its alright really.." Asahi says, drawing small circles on your back with his fingers as he walked beside you.

"Its not alright! Their judging you by your appearance!"

For all of those years dating Asahi [since junior high], it was only today ever since you found out that people were basically making up rumors about him.

And starting right now, you became protective of him.

"Its quite alright..im used to it already." he gave you a reassuring smile but that didn't work on you, "I'm going to..." you muttered angrily underneath your breath.

Asahi leaned closer, "What was that?" He asked, tilting his head. "I said I'm going to hit them with a ball until their blo—"

"Okay, I get it now!" He cut you off before anything else, he didn't realise how scary you could get.

You held his hand, squeezing it tight with a sympathetic expression. He noticed this and gave you a genuine smile.

"I'm okay, really." he reassures you with a small chuckle.

You were about to drop the topic off and just enjoy the aesthetic and pleasant vibe that the park gives off but something had to ruin it:

"Isn't that Karasuno's ace?" your listened in, Asahi gulps.

"Yeah, I heard he got stayed back for a few years." you clenched your fist, Asahi tensed up.

"Really? I heared he's violent.." one more..

"Ouch, I feel bad for the girl he's with right now."

"Say that to my face, bitch!" you shouted as Asahi tries to calm you down with a few reassuring words like:

"No no no, I'm fine see?" but you ignored him, you got infront of the 3 people who were slightly intimidated by the aura you were unleashing.

"Say that to my face, no actually." you paused to drag your nervous boyfriend right next to you.

"Say it to his face! Come on, don't be shy!" you ordered with a tone, lucky for you, the park was quite empty.



"Baby, its alright." and with that, Asahi managed to pull you away from the 3 people that recently just let out a sigh of relief.

You crossed your arms with a huff, "Their making it seem like you're some kind of Mafia gangster or something..i hate it.." you mumble as he giggles a bit.

"Its okay really, I kinda got used to it."

"That just makes it more sad."

"Right." silence filled the two of you as he glances at you, only to find you searching something a bit violent:

"how to kill someone with a volleyball"

Asahi shivered from this, yeah he defiently doesn't wanna make you mad.

"Y/n-San?" He called out, placing his hands in his pockets as he hesitated to ask the question after you replied with a hum.

"Why are you searching that?" He asked after a few seconds of hesitation, you chuckled, not noticing it sounded a bit creepy until Asahi squeaked a bit.

"Because you're going to learn it!" you answer with a mischievous smile as he looked at you with wide eyes, "What? I don't wanna kill anyone!"

"Killing is different from making them pass out!

"Y/n~!" He whined, even though he knows the fact that you will still manage to force him.

"Come on, it's easy! Look here at number 1."

"What does it say.."

"It says, threaten them!"


"I'm not sure that I should do this, Y/n.." Asahi says, grabbing on tightly to the ball with a quite hesitating look as you just stare at him with a grin.

"Come on, don't you wanna defend yourself?" He thinks for a moment before shaking his head a bit, "No..not really its fine, its really fine Y/n." he reassures again.

You gave up, "Fine..but don't say I didn't warn you." he drops the ball and tilts his head in confusion, "You warned me?"


You gave him a smile, "Yeah I'm giving you a warning right now." he seemed to be suspicious about your words but decided to brush it off.

Grabbing your bag from the ground, you turned to him. "Let's go to a café tomorrow? It's Saturday anyways." he seemed to like this idea considering he smiled widely.

"I would like that." he replied, grabbing the ball in his other hand with his bag on the other.

"12pm afternoon?"

"Mm, sounds great!"


"Y/n-San, I hope you weren't waiting too long!" Asahi says, guilt laced sound his voice as you waved your hand. "Its alright, I was just early."

He sighed in relief as you intertwined your hands with his, even though you guys were dating for a few years now, he can't help but get flushed everytime you hold his hand or anything that involves physical contact really.

You noticed this and chuckled, "Still not used to it, hm?" you teased earning a soft grunt from the male. "S-sorry, your hand is just so soft..i feel like I'm in heaven.." he replied shyly.

You turned red from his statement and quietly muttered a "thanks".

Finally, you entered the café as both you and Asahi sat down near the window.

"Hello, what would you two lovebirds want today?"


Asahi took a sip in his drink and glanced around the almost busy café, you took a sip too, choking it out when you hear a triggering sentence.

"Its that gangster guy from Karasuno."

"Bitch—" you were about to stand up but Asahi grabbed your hand, shaking his head as a signal of no.

"But Asahi~!" you whined out making him nervously chuckle, "We don't wanna cause a ruckus in here, don't we?" you pouted and pointed at the outside.

"Its not in—"

"No, not outside either." he interjected, he noticed your glare to the person who just recently judged Asahi.

He chuckled, placing his hand on top of yours, surprising you as he gave you a soft smile.

"Its okay, as long as you're here, they can say whatever they want." he paused to tighten the grip on your hand as you giggle.

"As long as its not something bad about you, I don't care." he leaned forward to peck your forehead, but instead, you moved your head to catch his lips.

He pulled away with a flushed face, "Y-Y/n, I was aiming for your forehead!"

"And I was aiming for your lips!" you laughed as you stare aat his flushed face, unknowingly he smiled seeing your happy expression.

"I'm going to marry her!"


"Hey, Asahi." you called out as he hummed in response, getting up from the chair.

"Can you wait for me outside? I need to go to the bathroom." he happily nods, walking away as you quickly walked to the person from earlier.

You slammed your hand on their table as they jump in surorise , "Who's that guy from Karasuno?"

"T-The gangster?" you gave one of them a glare.

"The what?"

"The gang—" another sharp glare.

"Again?" they gulped from the tone of your voice.

"The nice guy.." you clasped your hands together with a smile, "Great! Now stop judging him because he's the nicest person I have ever fuckin met!" you barked, walking away with a satisfied grin.

"Y/n..." Asahi says, tapping his foot to the ground with his arms crossed, you terribly forgot that he could see you through the big window.

You gave him a nervous chuckle, "S-sorry.." he sighs as he pecks your forehead with a small blush.

"Its fine..just don't do that again infront of me."

"Oh then—"

"Even if I'm not infront of you."

"But Asahi!"


"I love you~!"

"I..mhmm..yeah I love you too."


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