《Star Wars: Imagines, X-Readers, One shots, Etc. REQUESTS CLOSED》«Skywalker Family, Pt.1»




I had my son Blaze at the age of nineteen, with Anakin Skywalker. I never told him about Blaze because he was with someone else at the time, and I decided to not tell him.

I wasn't a Jedi or anything, but I was a very strong force user, and I had the ability to heal people. I lost contact with Anakin, he never looked for me, or bothered to find me, or ask why I left.

Of course Blaze has asked about his father, and I would describe Anakin to him. But other than that, he doesn't ask anymore, after all he is twenty years old.

I just got finished working on my speeder, and I decided to take a nap.

About and hour later, I was having this really weird dream,

It was pretty dark, but by the looks of it, I was in a star cruiser. There was a man in a chair, and two other people, one looked about my age, and the other looked like a robot.

The man in the chair turned his chair around, and he looked deformed, and really wrinkly.

"Welcome, young Skywalker." He said to the boy who see.ed to be the same age as me. I begin to walk around, and they obviously couldn't see me,

"You're gravely mistaken. You won't convert me like you did my father." He said, and I was so confused, father?

Then everything started moving faster, like it was fast forwarding, then it slowed down, now the boy was fighting the man in the mask.

Their lightsabers were clashing together, then everything started moving fast again. The Wrinkly man, or who they called 'The Emperor', was sending bolts of electricity out of his hands, slowly killing the boy.

"Father, please!" He shouted, and then then Darth Vader picked him up and threw him over the side.

Next thing I know, I'm watching the boy drag his father through the cruiser to a ship.

Luke lies him down, and the guy in the mask was breathing heavily, and his voice came out barely as a whisper,

"Luke, help me take this mask off." He said, and Luke looked at him, "But you'll die." He said.

"Nothing can stop that now. Just for once... Let me see you, with my own eyes.." Vader said, and Luke pulled his mask off slowly, and hesitantly.

The dying man smiles, at Luke, "Now, go my son." He says very weakly.

"No. You're coming with me. I'm not leaving you here. I have to save you." Luke said, and Vader wheezed,

"You already have, Luke. You were right about me... Tell your sister... You were right." He said, and Luke looked at him, "Father.... I won't leave you.."


But Darth Vader soon died, and my eyes opened immediately.

I started replaying everything back in my mind, and the words replayed in my head, "Young Skywalker." Skywalker? That's my last name.. That means he has to be my brother, and- my breathing hitched, and My father... Darth Vader is Anakin.. "He's gonna die if I don't stop this..none of this could have happened yet..." I said, and I jump up from my bed, and ran into the kitchen.

I was in the kitchen cooking when Blaze came running into the room,

"Blaze? What is the matter, honey?" I ask, a little freaked out.

"Mom! You know those stories you use to tell me about the force, and what is was?" He asked, and I dry my hands on the kitchen towel slowly,

"Of course." I reply, and he sits at the kitchen table, and I sit across from him.

"And father, you remember telling me about him? You remember?" He asked frantically, and I was surprised, he hadn't mentioned his father since he was at least nine.

"Honey, of course I do." I say, and I pick up his hand, "Now, what is all the fuss about? Have you been drinking or doing-"

He sighed, "No, mom! Listen to me please, as crazy as it might sound will you please just listen to me?" He asked, and I nod, "I've heard crazy talk before. Nothing can shock me." I say.

"I had a dream, but it wasn't a dream.. more like a vision, you know that people who are strong with the force, it can happen to them..." He began and I nod my head, "Well, in this vision, I seen a man who is called the Emperor, and another one called Darth Vader.. and there was this boy, my age, and his name was Luke.. Luke Skywalker.." he said, and I was very confused myself, but I continued to listen.

"And he called Darth Vader his father, and Luke's last name is Skywalker, so that has to mean he's my brother. And Vader mentioned that Luke has a sister, so doesn't that mean... I have a sister, and a brother?" He asked, and I sit back in my chair.

"Honey, the man whom you are talking about, is not your father. Your father's name is Anakin, not Vader. The last time I talked to your father, he was a Jedi, not some evil guy. It's-It's not possible, sweetie. And the whole brother, and sister thing, I don't have a clue." I say, and Blaze straightens up in his chair,

"Mom, Luke, who is possibly my brother, and Vader who is possibly my father is going to die. I have to save him, mom, please. You can heal him, and we can see if he is my father please." Blaze pleaded, and I sighed,


"Blaze, you will have to bring them to me." I say, and he looks up at me, "Mom, you have to come with me! Or else he won't make it, he won't make it all the way from there and back here." He said, and I sighed.

"Okay. Okay, I will go with you-" and Blaze stands up then I stand up after him, and pick up his hands, "But, don't get your hopes up, Blaze. Because this man can't be your father, because your father was a genuinely a good person, and isn't some murderer. It's just not possible." I say, and he slowly nods his head.

"Okay, momma. We better go, especially if we want to get there in time." He said, and I hugged him tight.

"You've grown up so much, Blaze." I say, and we walk out to our own ship, and got into it. I was the co-pilot, and Blaze knew exactly what he was doing.

I watched him flip switches, and press buttons, and had a look of determination on his face, and I couldn't help but to smile. He reminded me so much of Anakin that it was uncanny, he had that brown hair, and his smile.

He turned and looked at me, but had a smile on his face, and I couldn't help but to smile back. Next thing I know, we are off, and I was admiring all of the stars, and so was Blaze. We both haven't left home in such a long time,

that we both fell in love with the stars.

Blaze knew exactly where he was going, and after we made the jump to lightspeed, we were met with one of the big Star Cruisers, but it looked like it was about to blow up. We landed into the ship hangar, and there was someone standing over someone else.

Blaze opened the hatch, and ran out,

"Luke Skywalker? I'm Blaze Skywalker, and I'm here to help you! My mom can use the force to heal, and she can help him!" Blaze yells over the explosions going on, and Luke nods his head, and they both pick Vader up, and brought him into the ship.

"I'm going to get us out of here! Mom, heal him, please." Blaze told me, and I nodded.

I put my hand over Darth Vader's body, and there was a lot of healing to do, "We need to take all of this off of him." I say, and Luke looks at me,

"But he'll die." Luke said, and I shook my head, "No, he won't." I say, and we began taking all of the prosthetics, and then I closed my eyes, and began to focus. I haven't used my powers in a very long time, and so it was making me tired, but I kept doing it.

He was healing slowly, "He will live, but I need a second to regain my strength, and I can completely heal him." I say.

"How did you that?" Luke asked me.

"Force healing, or Force curing, is a power that is used to accelerate the natural healing process rapidly, and can be used to heal the most fatal of wounds and injuries." I say, and I look up at Luke, "So, I can completely heal him, and he won't need any of this stuff." I say, and Luke pulls me into a hug,

"Thank you so much." He said, and Blaze came into the back, "How did you know I was there, and how did you know he was dying?" Luke asked Blaze.

"I had a dream- a vision.. And I heard the Emperor call you Skywalker, and it's my last name too." Blaze told Luke, and Luke looked shocked.

I got back over to Darth Vader, my strength completely built back up.

I put my hand over him, and he was healing quickly, his scars, and burns were all disappearing.

I close my eyes, still focusing, and I hear a voice that I haven't heard since before Blaze was born.

"Y/N?" The voice said, and I slowly open my eyes.

I was shocked, "A-Anakin?" I say.

Luke and Blaze looked at each other,

"H-how? You were Vader? I thought you were-" I couldn't even finished my sentence, so I just sat there, and Anakin picked up my hand slowly,

"I know what you're thinking... but at that time I thought I needed to turn." He said, and I stood up, "I need a second." I say, and walk into the piloting area, and Blaze walked in behind me, and I hugged him.

"I'm sorry I doubted you, son. I just didn't think it could, or was even possible." I say, and he smiles,

"It's okay, mom." He said, and we walked back to Luke, and Anakin.

Luke looked at Blaze, then at me,

"We have a lot to talk about boys." I say, and Anakin smiled at me, man, have I missed that smile, and I couldn't help but to smile back.


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