《Central cee imagines》Rain kiss


You and cee were at the studio all day long.really tiring.But for some reason you had this random wave of energy come over you.It was currently raining and cee and a few of his guys were looking at beats.You were bored out your mind so you decided to go in the rain.As a kid you had always found the rain lovely.Just the way it falls down so elegant but messy and how quick it can be.Even slow,but nevertheless beautiful.You could never understand how people hated this type of weather it was just so just so calm but chaotic.It describes a lot but it doesn't at the same time.The same way someone can look so happy on the outside but inside they're breaking down so much and don't know how long they can keep it up for.So you did what you and your older brother used to do as kids you went out in the rain.You had spare clothes in the car so that didn't really matter.You ran,hopped,twirled in the rain it was so fun you felt as though you were free.But from what is the question.Back in the studio cee was finishing up his work and he went to go look for you he was confused when he came to your usual spot and found you not in sight he heard a faint laughter coming from outside and recognised who's voice that was.There was only one person with that beautiful laugh.You.(my laugh sounds like a dying elephant bruv)

He went outside and saw you."What a beauty" he thought to himself.You spot cee standing under the door looking afraid of the rain as if almost.You shout for him "Cee cmon join me it's so fun!"


He takes one more look at you deciding whether or not he should and he decided to join you on this fun you were having and damn did he love it so much.

He loved seeing you smile.

He loved seeing you happy.

He loved you.

And with all these thoughts circling his head about how much he loves the girl that was drenched in water standing before him.

He thought to himself "worth a try"

And here goes it

The moment he's dreamt of for the past few months.

Finally coming through.

He got up the courage and finally did it.

He kissed the girl he loved.

So passionately.

But yet still so fierce.

He wrapped his arms around you and so did you.

Now hugging each others drenched bodies whilst kissing.

This was life.

This is what you want.


Hahah this ones a bit more wordy and emotions than my other imagines but I hope you like it

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