《Guitar Cry: A Cody Simpson Love Story》Guitar Cry: Chapter (15)


I opened my eyes as they adjusted to the burnished lighting of the room.

The room had a faint smell of latex.

The walls were white.

I looked down to find the lower half of my body enveloped in ruffled white sheets. "Oh my God," I breathed out.

Why am I in here?

Where is everybody?

So many things were running through my head. I tried to piece together what could have happened, but my brain wasn't functioning properly. I couldn't make sense out of anything.

"I see you have awaken."

I twisted my neck around to the sound of the voice, only to find a young man in white with a clipboard at the source. He crossed something out of his clipboard, then lowered his eyes to look at me. "You must be a fighter. We were predicting for you to wake up in the next three to four days." He bluntly said.

I blinked, trying to make sense out of what he'd just said. "What?"

Without giving me as much as so much as an explanation, he walked right out of the room as he had walked in.

The only thing I knew was that I knew nothing.

There were wires on my forearm that connected to a machine beside the bed. The monitor made no sound, conveying that everything was okay. My heart that was once pounding against my chest in fear, seemed to fade into a gradual speed.

I heard the door swing open.

"Sir, you can't go in there yet," a nervous feminime voice called out.

The familiar sound of heels rushed to my bed-side. It was Pamela!

"What do you mean I can't go in here, yet?" My dad boomed. I've never heard him raise his voice in demand like that before. "She's my daughter, I have every right to come in here whenever I please."

"If you and your wife do not leave, I will have to call security." The woman threatened.

My father's voice softened. It was if the thought of him having to leave me again intimidated him. "Ma'am, do you have children?"


I couldn't see them because of Pamela's tall figure, but I could imagine the woman shaking her head right now. "I have two."

"And wouldn't you do anything to see them if you knew you weren't there to protect them?" He questioned.

The woman seemed antagonized by his question.

There was a long pause before she replied. "If anyone sees you, I was never here. You only have one hour before Dr. Reynolds meets with her again."

"That's all I ask for," my father said, "thank-you."

The door closed behind her as I heard my father's footsteps coming toward the bed. My heart picked up it's pace again -- anxious to see him.

Pamela and my dad pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. "I didn't know if -- we thought you were going to -- I was so sca--" I cut Pamela's sentence off shortly.

"Just shut up and hold me." I hissed, pulling their bodies tighter against mine. The three of us began to cry happily as we were reunited once again.

After we all calmed down and relief washed through us, my dad told me how the hospital looked as if they were feeding me disgusting food through tubes. He offered to sneak in ice-cream from the cafeteria downstairs, and me being me; I couldn't resist.

When he exited the room, I dared to ask the question I was thinking ever since I woke up. I couldn't ask it in front of my dad because I knew he would get emotional.

"Is there anything else I could do for you, sweetheart?" Pamela asked as she fluffed out my pillows.

I nodded slowly.

"What is it?" She asked.

I took in a deep breath. "Can you tell me why I'm here?"

"Well, it all started when your father and mother married each other. One night, things went a little too far and they --" I could hear the teasing sound in her voice.

I shook my head as I waved my arms around frantically. "Please stop!" I begged before she would go any further. "What I meant was, how did I get here? In this hospital?"


"I knew you were going to ask that," she sighed. "Two days ago, Cody took you out to the movie theatres for a date. You excused yourself to go to the bathroom, and three young girls attacked you. They didn't physically hurt you, but they posioned you with chloroform in attempt to kill you."

"Cody!" I cried. "Where is he? Is he okay? Did they hurt him? I swear --"

"Calm down, Santana." She cooed. "Cody is fine. They caught the girls who did this to you from a website called Twitter." The way she said 'Twitter' made it sound so formal. I felt relief wash throughout me once again as she informed me that Cody was in perfectly good condition.

"Cody was in court yesterday over the case. They were charged with attempted murder and are currently serving their time in juvy." Pamela said.

"Wouldn't I need to be there to testify?" I asked.

"Your hospital records and documents were all the proof they needed," she explained. "Everything will go back to normal once you're out of this hospital."

"And how long will that be? Will I get to see Cody?" I poured her with questions.

"One question at a time, please!" Pamela teased. "You'll be able to leave whenever the Doc says you're stable enough to go. And yes, Cody is allowed to visit you."

That was all I need to know.

- - -

The next week went by in slow motion. I hadn't talked to Cody after what happened at the movie theatres, (whatever happened; I still don't remember), and frankly -- I couldn't care less.

His girlfriend was in the hospital, and he didn't come to visit her? Surely, he knew where I was, because the rest of the Simpson family visited me frequently.

I never asked about him, because I knew it would be rude and I was beyond angry with him.

Yet, at the same time, I felt drained and lifeless.

I needed him in my life.

If I could just see him; hold him, or kiss him one more time, I know all of my negative feelings toward him right now would go away.

My family and Alli supported me with everything. I was truly greatful for that, but yet, I couldn't stop feeling the way I did inside.

I was on bed-rest as the doctor instructed when I recieved a text from Cody. That's exactly what it came up as. I erased "Baby

I don't care if it makes me look weak.

He's the reason why I feel weak.

Cody: we need to talk.

- - -

I waited a few hours to respond. He walked out of my life for a whole week. Three hours wasn't going to kill him.

- - -

Me: so you suddenly remembered me and want to 'talk?'

- - -

Cody: there wasn't a minute i wasn't thinking about you. and yes, we need to talk.

- - -

Don't go all lovey-dovey on me. You left me, remember?

- - -

Me: no, i don't think we do.

- - -

Inside, that was all I wanted and needed -- for us to talk.

- - -

Cody: please. i just need five minutes. can you walk yet?

Me: if you actually came to see me, you'd know that i'm just on bed-rest and not facing any permanent physical injuries.

Cody: can you come to the courtyard in the back of the hospital around 10:00 a.m. tomorrow?

Me: no. i'll see you there at 12:00 p.m. during my lunch time.


Okay. Who else wants to punch Cody in the face right now? D: But we can't do that, because then we'd get his amazing face all messed up! LOL

Uh-oh. What does he want to talk about? :O

Comment what you think, and don't forget to vote puh-lease! Love y'all! (:

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