《Guitar Cry: A Cody Simpson Love Story》Guitar Cry: Chapter (13)
A/N: Hey everybody! I just wanted to clear something up before you read -- they all took a flight to the Beach House, and then drove from the airport to their destination. Their car was shipped to where ever they were. When they're on the airplane now (in this chapter) their car has already been shipped to the Simpson home. If you don't understand this, that's okiedokie, it doesn't really matter! Sorry for the confusion. xo
"Are you sure all of your luggage is in the car?" I hesitantly asked, raising my eyebrow.
It wouldn't take a brainiac to know that Cody wasn't one of the most brightest people when it came to keeping things in order. That was especially difficult for him, since he's always traveling day and night.
Cody sighed and crossed his arms. "Yes, mom." He muttered in a teasing way.
"No, I think you're forgetting one thing." I said, stepping toward him.
"What's that?" Cody beamed.
Before he could react, I jumped into his back and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Your most important souvenir." I grinned. "Me," I added, whispering the last part in his ear.
I saw the goosebumps form on the nape of his neck as Cody threw his head back in a sarcastic chuckle. I took this moment to lean down and peck him on the lips. When I pulled away, I realized his head was in an awkward position as he frowned.
"Why'd you stop?" He moaned in a seven year old's voice, much relevant to Tom's.
"I can't give you all of the good stuff now." I teased, straightening myself on his back. "I have to leave some for when we get back to L.A."
He smirked. "Well in that case. . ." Before I knew it, Cody was sprinting down the stairs with me behind him. Brad, Alli and Tom were outside tying ropes around the bikes we're going to be riding once we arrive in L.A.
"Good morning, lovebirds." Brad greeted us in a sing-song voice. "I haven't seen you two all day."
Cody shrugged. "Sorry about missing breakfast this morning. It took me forever to wake this girl up," he grinned, nudging me on the arm.
"Of course it took you forever to wake me up. I was in the best position ever." I said, giving him a knowing smile.
Brad broke out into a fit of coughing. "Position, aye?"
"Last night," I added. Brad raised his eyebrows in shock. Cody's cheeks turned into a shade of deep pink. I felt as if I was missing out on a big inside joke.
Alli walked over toward us right then. Her head fell onto my shoulder as she leaned toward me.
"You seem tired," I commented, raising my eyebrows at her.
Alli brought her hand up to her mouth to cover a yawn. "How could I not be? All of the noise you and Cody were making last night kept me up."
"If you thought we were being loud last night, then you should just wait and see how loud he can make me scream in public." I cried. "And in my defense, considering the circumstances we were in, I wasn't that loud."
At this point, Brad looked as if he was about to pass out. I don't understand why though, all I was talking about was Cody and his amazing tickling skills.
"You were loud enough to make me barge in." Alli protested. "And considering what I walked into, I've seen better," she pointedly narrowed her eyes in Cody's direction. "You really need to put some more back into it."
Cody began fanning his face with his hands as if he were about to pass out. Brad's eyes were popping out of his sockets. "My innocent, sweet little girl, you saw what they did last night?" He asked in disbelief.
Alli shrugged. "It wasn't really a big deal, dad. I've seen them do it many times before."
"In public?" He choked out.
"Oh yeah! In the supermarket, while we're shopping, and even when you and mom have your backs turned." Alli added.
"Cody --" Brad said threw gritted teeth, "do you remember our discussion from last night?"
Why was Mr. Simpson getting so upset? All we were talking about was tickling. . . right?
"Dad, no, it's not what it sounds like, I--"
"What do you mean it's not what it sounds like? I was just describing everything I saw." Alli said.
Brad leaned backward and fell onto the car. We all quickly rushed to his aid, fanning him with magazines and anything we could find. I think the reason why he passed out was because of the heat, since Cody was also sweating too.
But it wasn't even that hot to begin with.
- - -
After an explanation and clearing up a few things, the Simpson family and I were in the airport waiting for our departure. The six of us were in a private room made for security customed by the airport. We were in there for privacy and safety reasons.
I've personally met some of Cody's fans, and even though they're not as bad as Beliebers, they can get pretty ugly.
"Today is such a beautiful day to waste." Mrs. Simpson sighed happily, opening her Mac laptop. "We should do something when we get back home."
Brad nodded his head in agreement. "How about we take a hike to our special vineyard?" He suggested.
Tom nodded his head furiously. "Can we? Can we please? It's been awhile since I've taken a ride on Poppy." Poppy was Tom's nickname for one of their hoses. The horses' original name was Popsicle (idea by yours truly, Alli) but Tom couldn't pronounce that when he was younger, so he'd always stutter the word 'Poppy.'
"Sounds good." Mr. Simpson smiled. Then he looked at me, "if that's alright with your mother. We've had you for a whole week, I'm sure she's going crazy missing you."
I laughed at him. I doubt she is, I thought. Ever since her new boyfriend, Elliot, popped into the picture, I feel as if I've been the last thing on her mind. "I'll call her to make sure, but I don't think she'll mind. You guys are pratically my family."
Everyone chuckled while Cody smiled cheekily at me. "Are you up to it, babe?" He asked.
"Of course." I said. "But only because I want to spend more time with Montana," I added playfully. Montana was Cody and mine's favorite horse.
He snickered in response. "But I'm pretty sure Montana doesn't wanna spend time with you." He winked.
"Psh," I rolled my eyes, "whatever you say, Simpson."
"Are you guys talking about our horse Montana? Or the show Hannah Montana?" Alli asked.
"I love Hannah Montana!" Tom piped.
"Yeah, well she already has a boyfriend." Alli bluntly stated.
Tom's mouth widened into the shape of an 'O.' "S-she w-what? Who?"
"Liam Hemsworth. He's from our country, has a smoking hot body and is currently growing a mustache. Which is something you won't be able to do for another eight years. Tuff luck, kid." Alli replied.
Tom gasped and ran away into the bathroom. Awe, poor Tom. "We were talking about our horse Montana. Why?" Cody asked.
"Awe, Montana. Hey -- do you guys remember that time when we were eight years old and we showed Santa our vineyard for the first time ever? And we all know how much Montana loves cranberries, so I made Santa drink a whole cup of cranberry juice and dropped some cranberries into the back pocket of her jeans? Then Montana started chasing after her, trying to bite her on the butt and on her shoulder? And Santa became deathly afraid of Montana up until a few years ago? Oh my gosh, that was too funny." Alli slapped her hand against her knee in humor.
What. "Are you joking? Because of you, I had nightmares about horses. I sold all of My Little Pony toys and coloring books away."
"That's not even the funny part. The real funny part was when I made you think Cody did it and you stopped talking to him for three months? Oh gosh, I was such an evil kid back then."
Cody coughed on the water he was drinking. "Back then? Don't you mean still now?"
Alli sighed in happiness. "Ah, I'm really such a great person."
- - -
"Thank you for aboarding (A/N: I'm totally making this up!) Rhinestone Airways. We will be arrived at LAX in approximately two and a half hours." The sound of a high-pitched feminime voice said over the intercom.
Our tickets and seating arrangements were messed up, sticking Alli and I in the center of first class. Cody and Tom were up in the first row, and Mr. and Mrs. Simpson were seated in the back of first class.
"Ohmigod, Stacy. I heard Cody Simpson was on this flight." Squeaked a random teenage girl in front of us.
Another voice, who I'm assuming is Stacy, screamed in excitement. "No way, Chanel. You are so lying." It sounded as if she had braces or headgear, because she had a deep lisp. It made what she was saying all sound as if her words were all in one sentence.
"I am not lying. I saw him with my own two eyes. See!" It sounded as if the girl smacked her face. She then winced in pain as she realized what she did, and sighed in frustration.
"He totally did. He even winked at me."
These girls were pathetic.
"Ohmigod. I hear wedding bells! And-what-did-you-do-back?"
This time, I recognized the voice. It was Alli. "Listen, if you two don't shut up and let me go to sleep, then I'll tell you -- better yet, show you, what I'll do to your faces." She interrupted them.
The girls in front of us snickered obnoxiously. "And who are you?" The girl, whom I'm assuming is Chanel, snapped, making eye contact with Alli. When she realized who she was, her eyes widened in shock.
"I'm-Alli-Simpson." She retorted, mocking Stacy's voice. "Duh," she added, acting stupid.
"Alli, we're so sorry, I--we didn't know it was you!" Chanel apologized.
"Save it, witches. It doesn't matter if I'm Alli Simpson, or one of the girls you two probably gossip about -- you have to treat everyone with the same amount of respect." Alli said. I gave her a high-five.
The two girls rolled their eyes at us. They didn't make a peep for the rest of the flight. That give Alli and I pleanty of sleeping time.
- - -
We finally arrived in L.A. I was in Cody's room, helping him pack. All of a sudden, he looked up at me and chuckled.
"What?" I asked, reaching for one of his hoodies. Not only was it soft and seemed comfortable, but it was Cody's and even held the scent of his cologne I was in love with.
"It's no--well, I just think it's funny." He replied, shooting me an innocent smile.
"What's funny?" I asked, closing one of his drawers and sitting on his bed.
Cody sat down beside me. "It's funny how we left Los Angeles not even speaking to each other, unless it was saying something rude, and we came back as friends." He replied, slipping his fingers threw mine.
I smiled at him and rested my head on his shoulder. "That's true," I murmured. "I remember how much you hated me back then." Back then. It felt good to use those words because they weren't present tense. It was something that we once were, but weren't now. And that's all that mattered.
Cody leaned backward, enough for my head to fall and land in his lap. Instead of getting up, I propped my feet up onto his bed and positioned myself comfortably. Yeah, I'm really lazy.
He frowned at me. "You thought I hated you? Baby, I could never hate you."
It was such as a relief to hear him say those words. I didn't respond. Instead of talking, the two of us just gazed lovingly into eachother's eyes.
"At that time, I wasn't upset that I found out Bella was a two faced bi--"
"Bi--, sorry, I mean, 'witch.' The reason why I was so angry was because you had to deal with her for so long. I'm truly sorry you had to, but why did you do it?"
"Because -- I saw how happy she made you. Whenever you were around her, you were either laughing or smiling. You talked about her as if she was your whole entire life, and I couldn't be the reason why that all suddenly ended. Even though I had to put up with that douchebag, it was all worth it; because in the end, you were happy." I replied.
It took him a moment to reply. "You mean -- I acted the same way I act when I'm around you? Did you ever realize that in all of those moments we shared, you were there too? That was because you were there. It was all because of you. I was never really in love with her. Infact, I don't even know why I dated her. I guess I was just upset that you were dating that douchebag, that I-I-"
"You wanted to make me jealous?" I smirked, raising my eyebrow.
Cody nodded his shade shamefully. I pushed my upper body upward, and kissed him. "Just shut up and kiss me."
The door flew open and in marched Tom. "We're getting ready to go to the vineyard." He announced.
"Alright, buddy. We'll meet you--" Cody stopped mid-sentence. "What's that thing on your upper lip?"
"Oh this?" Tom batted his eyelashes innocently. "That's my mustache."
I smirked at him and bent down in front of him. I touched his upper lip and examined my finger. There was a small dot of black ink. It was a washable black marker. "Tom -- why did you suddenly decide to grow a black mustache?" Unlike Alli, I wasn't going to crush this little kid's dreams of ever growing a mustache.
"So that Hannah Montana will fall in love with me. Duh." He said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. With that, he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.
When Cody and I pulled apart, I smiled at him and threw his hoodie over my head. I felt better and at peace now, knowing why things happened the way they did.
"Is that my hoodie?" Cody asked, putting on a new shirt.
"Yup. Got a problem with it?" I teased.
"Yeah, I do." He smirked.
"Oh, really. What?"
"It's still on." He winked.
Do I have perverted Simpsonizers reading my stories? ;D I seriously feel like I do. Whether you're a perverted Simpsonizer or not, I still love you :*
Thank you for reading. Don't forget to comment & Vote! It means so much to me. Stay amazing! xo
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