《Guitar Cry: A Cody Simpson Love Story》Guitar Cry: Chapter (12)


Cody's P.O.V:

Knock, knock.

I stopped typing on my iPhone in the middle of a new tweet and looked up. "Who is it?" I hestiantly asked.

"It's just me," dad chuckled. I locked my iPhone and slid it under my pillow while throwing the covers over my legs. I propped my arms up and rested my head in my hands, positioning myself to make it seem like I just woke up.

"You can come in." I called out in a weary voice. The door creeked open slowly as my dad walked into the room. He sat down on the edge of my bed, a gentle smile on his face.

"I didn't wake you, did I?" He cautiously asked.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, but it's okay," I assured him.

"Are you sure?" He said, reaching under my pillow and picking up my iPhone. He examined it while raising his eyebrow. "You just got a recent text message from Santana."

A blush crept onto my face. I sunk lower into my bed and raised the covers up to my chest. "Alright, maybe I wasn't asleep." I mumbled.

Dad chuckled. "Speaking of Santana, that's kind of the reason why I'm here."

My ears perked up at the sound of her name. "What do you mean?"

"I think it's time we have the talk."

Oh, God, no.

"That's alright dad, I passed with an A in Health Cla--" Dad cut off my sentence.

"No, I think it's important. I want you to feel comfortable and not be afraid to ask me anything. Things your mother would freak out about." Please don't say it. "Such as getting condo--"

By now, my head was burried deep into my pillow. "Please don't say it."

"Don't say what?"

"What you were about to say."

"Oh, you mean con--"


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he chuckled in defeat, raising his hands up in surrender. "So, speaking of Santana, you never told me you two were dating."

"I thought it was kind of obvious." I admitted.

Dad nodded his head. "It wasn't at first, but when I would catch you guys sucking faces, it became pretty clear."

"Mhm." I mumbled. My face must have been a coral shade of red.

"You must be really serious about this relationship. After all, you two have pratically known eachother for all of your lives. I just want you to know that I'm really happy for you two, but," he paused.


"But what?" I asked, daring to peek out of the covers. Bad mistake. Before I knew it, his arms were been thrown around my neck as he embraced me in for a deep hug. His breathing was becoming heavier and he was sniffing.

Was he crying? "But, my little boy is growing up. I know you would expect this more coming from your mother, but I can't help it. You're gonna be driving in a few years, an--"

"Dad, calm down. Take deep breaths. I'll always be your.." I sighed. "Little boy."

My dad nodded and pulled away. "No you won't. You're becoming a man. And part of becoming a man means going threw changes and experimenting. Such as puberty, having se--"

"I know." I breathed out, wishing he would stop.

He broke our eye contact, reaching into his pocket and fumbling for something. He took out a small blue box and threw it at me. I caught it, reading the label. Trojan. "You got me condoms? I'm only fifteen! Wh--dad, I'm not even--"

"I know," he gulped. "It's just better to be safe than sorry."

I shoved the box of condoms under my bed. I didn't want Santana seeing them or getting the wrong idea. "Thanks, I guess?"

"You're welcome." He checked the time on his watch. "I guess I should be going to bed now. Goodnight, champ." He said, patting my shoulders.

As he started walking out, he looked over his shoulder and called out, "remember -- the Giants aren't the only thing making a touchdown on Sunday."

That could have been a funny, perverted joke from anyone else, other than my dad.

He closed the door behind him. I reached under my pillow and updated my Twitter.

Awkward was my latest tweet.

- - -

Santana's P.O.V:

"Psst, Alli."


"Hey, Alli."

No response.

"Alli, are you sleeping?"

I heard something stir and then low grumbling. "No, I'm just practicing on how to die."

I cracked a smile. "Sorry, I just can't go to sleep," I whispered.

"Why don't you text Cody or something?" She asked, switching on the night lamp.

"I think he fell asleep on me." I muttered, waving my iPhone back and forth. "Plus, we have any early day tomorrow and he's lacking enough sleep as it is." I pointed out.

Alli nodded understandingly. "Well," she mumbled, "that sucks." The lights went out as quickly as they come on.

"You're such a good best-friend." I muttered sarcastically.


Alli groaned, turning on the night lamp again. "It's three in the morning. If you let me sleep, I promise I'll stock up on all of my energy and be a good enough friend tomorrow. Or today. Or, well, whatever, you get my point!"

I sighed, sinking back into the bed. "Alright, you're right."

Alli chewed on the inside of her cheek before sighing and rolling out of her bed. She grabbed her large stuffed animal Christian brought for her, and held her blanket in the other hand. She plopped down beside me on the bed and burried herself under the covers.

"What are you doing?" I hissed, moving over to make room in the bed.

"I'm trying to be like Cody so you can fall asleep." She simply responded, wrapping her arms around my body.

I awkwardly shifted around. "This is weird."

"Oh c'mon," Alli teased, "I know this gets you all hot and bothered."

It definitely did, but not in that way. "You guys may look alike, but you definitely can't pull this off." I muttered.

"Hey, then I have a bright idea," Alli suggested in a bitter tone, "why don't you make your way to Cody's room and sleep in his bed?"

I never really thought of that. "Hm. I like your idea. You should really use your brain. It makes me like you a lot more." I said, pushing her off of the bed.

Her face popped up. "Enough to think that I'd make a hot lesbian?"

I studied her face. Alli was gorgeous, but she didn't fit the role. "I don't think so."

"LEZbihonest, here. You know I'd make a hot lesbian."

(A/N: They're only playing around, for those of you who can't detect sarcasm. Don't worry, Cody's her only man -- and love interest!)

I rolled my eyes at her and pushed past her. I picked up my pillow and made my way into Cody's room. I opened the door slowly to find him asleep, snoring lightly. I smiled at the image and walked toward his bed. Just as I was about to crawl onto his bed, I tripped over something.

Dang it! I looked accusingly at the small box beside my foot that made me fall. There was a shuffling noise before Cody peeked his head out from beside the bed. "Babe?" He murmured, rubbing his eyes.

There was nothing sexier than a guy's tired voice. I smiled innocently at him. "Hey."

He raised his eyebrow suspiciously at me. "What are you doing here -- at three in the morning?"

"Shh." I got up from where I was sprawled out against the carpet. "This is all a dream."

"So if I'm really dreaming, then I guess I can do this." A michevious grin spread across his face as he reached out and enveloped my body into his. He fell backward onto the bed and I rolled out of his grip. He wrapped the blankets around us and kept his arm around my waist.

"I know you think that I'm incredibly irresistable and you can't even go one night without keeping your hands off of me, but what's wrong?" He genuinely asked.

I smirked at him. "No, everything you said was completely true," I sarcastically responded. "But then I fell over --" I reached my arm out behind me and picked up the box that made me trip earlier. From the moon that was reflecting light into the room, I could make out the brand Trojan.

"Santana -- that's not, I didn't, I -- erm."

"That's okay," I gave him a reassuring smile, "we won't be needing these anyway." I threw it across the room and grinned evily at him as I heard it thud against the wall.

"Hey, I thought this was my dream. And in my dreams, we've --"

"Pervert." I playfully hit his chest.

Cody locked his hand around my wrist and kissed my hand. "No, just a fourteen year old boy who has the most amazing girlfriend ever."

"You do, don't you?" I smirked.

"Ye--hey, you're supposed to say it back!" Cody pouted his lower lip.

"Sorry," I apologized, "I can't say anything I don't mean."

Cody placed either side of his knees on my body and began tickling me. "Who's the best boyfriend ever?"



"Cody!" I yelped out.

"Sorry, I can't hear you!"

"You! You, Cody!" I squirmed in his arms, trying to kick his legs.

"Scream my name."

"Cody Robert Simpson!" I said in between deep breaths of air and giggles.

Just then the door flew open. "Are you two doing the dirty?" Alli was standing in the doorway with a playful smirk on her face.


Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry this chapter is really short. . .I just realized I haven't uploaded in forever and felt so bad for you guys! I'm sorry the uploads have been taking longer. I had midterms for the past two weeks. My last midterm is this week (math, OMG, ew.) and then I'm free to write stories without stressing out or studying! >:)

Stay amazing. xx

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