《Learning To Love You (Noah X Cody)》High Demand


Flash forward, we're at the finale of the season. It's come down to Owen and Gwen because apparently the obese and the goth are superior species. Of course, I would've loved to view this finale of Underdogs from the joyful uncomfort of the Playa, but Chris has demanded us losers to go back to the hell he calls Wawanakwa and watch it live. Most people wouldn't complain about a day trip to the island to watch the action, but it's Chris we're talking about, so there has to be a catch.

Oh yeah, and when Izzy started telling everyone Cody and I kissed no one believed her, but people still send skeptical looks when we get a little too friendly in public.

Anyway, they boated us all back to Camp WawaKillMe, and then requested we divide between Team Owen and Team Gwen. And because I have at least some morals, and standards of course, Team Owen it is. And surprise surprise, Cody chose Team Gwen.

I tried not to show any anger or resentment on the outside, but I was a bit pissed he chose that goth freak over Owen.

I pretended to be interested in whatever Chris was torturing them with, but my eyes kept drifting back to Cody, who was cheering for Gwen enthusiastically.

Maybe he was putting on a show for the cameras.

I wanted to believe it, but I'm smarter than that. I know that face he makes when he looks at Pastey Pants over there. It's the look of pure infatuation and blinded admiration. It's a different look that he expresses than when he looks at me...

"Noah dude, are you alright?" Geoff, who was sitting to my right asked quietly, waving his arm in front of my face. Generally, I hate when people do that, but Geoff always took me as a nice guy. Plus, the dude's hot, so I let it slide.


"Definitely. In fact, coming back to this island is the icing on my cake of joy" I replied sarcastically. Geoff seemed a bit hurt at my careless response, so I gave a quick smile.

"I'm fine, thanks" I muttered, turning my head towards Chris, who was walking up to the stands where all the losers were separated. He started explaining the challenge that Gwen and Owen would have to complete for the crappy reward. At this point, it didn't feel like the million was worth spending a summer in hell. In fact, Izzy has a theory that Chris is actually a secret sponsor for a trauma centre, and is using this show as an excuse to send all of us to the centre to get money out of our families.

As much as I have no respect for Izzy, it's not something I'd hold past Chris.

Anyway, the challenge was something of a race/obstacle course, which after hearing that, I immediately lost any interest I had previously. After the race started, Izzy and Geoff ran to help Owen up some sort of flag pole. And surprise, surprise, Trent was stapled to Gwen's side.

Actually, Gwen didn't seem to enjoy Trent's company. Or maybe she did, but was reluctant to accept it. But now that I think about it, she was still upset after he smooched on Heather. I'd like to say I feel bad for both Trent and Gwen, but my sympathy glands don't work for people that I don't like. Or people that my boyfriend is inappropriately attracted to. Either way, the drama going around with everyone taking sides is always interesting. Well, interesting until I get dragged into it. At least once a day Sadie asks if I'm 'Team Gwen' or 'Team Trent'. I always respond with 'Team Get Out Of My Face You Pudgy Pillow Sack', or something along the lines of a typical Noah comeback.


As the competition started getting more difficult for the two finalists, my interest started to peak. I actually found myself getting into it more than I thought I would, to the point where I'm cheering out loud, non-sarcastically, for Owen to get his ass off the ground and across the finish line. Perhaps I legitimately want Owen to win, or maybe I just can't stand the thought of Gwen winning a huge fortune to blow on eyeliner or whatever.

Owen was trying to crawl toward the finish line, but it just wasn't getting him further than Gwen and her boulder-slinging boyfriend. I had heard Izzy talking about a plan to pull him ahead, but I didn't think she was being serious until she brought out a giant platter of fresh brownies, then I knew she actually had a sane brain cell in her.

Izzy cued for a fan to blow the scent of the brownies toward Owen, instantly motivating him. And boy, that guy can move when tempted with food.

Before I had time to stand up and cheer, the whole area was full of teenagers screaming about Owen's underhanded victory. And as thrilled as I am about his win, and the season being over, I'm just ready to go back to the Playa and pack up to go back home. I assume I'll swap numbers with Cody to keep in touch, and maybe a couple of the others whom I'll probably text once and then never reply to again. But I guess I'll kinda miss it, if not, I know I'll miss Cody.


"This party is awesome!" Owen shouted, shaking water from his blond mass of hair, drenching me in it.

"Right. It really screams a hundred-thousand dollar value" I smirked, but in a friendly way, because I can secretly enjoy myself at events like this, as long as I have my respective space.

Cody was over partying it up with DJ, LeShawna, Tyler and Lindsay by the pool. He must've given up on trying to third-wheel with Trent and Gwen who were sitting by the pool looking judgemental of everyone having a good time. I mean, it's the pot calling the kettle black, but it just grinds my gears.

I confided in to Owen about my relationship with Cody and my hate for Gwen and Trent and Izzy and... well pretty much everyone else. He keeps telling me I only despise Gwen because of Cody's attachment to her, but I've hated her even before I knew Cody so I guess it's just little old hateful me.

"Enjoying yourself Turkey Leg?"

I turned around to meet the blazing black eyes of LeShawna. I would normally be threatened by her large physique, but the shock of her talking to me at all trumped that.

"Oh yeah, I..." I had to stop myself from saying something sarcastic, just in case she wants to take out her fists.

"Yeah, I'm having fun" I said monotonously, desperately trying to get out of the conversation. I earned a hum in response, and she moved on to harassing Harold who enjoyed her overlarge company.

I managed to make small talk with Eva, who gives my nervous system ticks, but it was better than watching Cody talk to everyone but me. But this oh-so pleasant conversation​was interrupted by my favorite man in Canada, Chris McCheapass.

"Who wants a second chance at the money, but this time for one million dollars?!"


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