《late nights ; cody ko》"dates"


imessage: naya 🍒

naya 🍒: good morning 🌞

naya 🍒: i fell asleep

honey 💦: haha hey

honey 💦: how did you sleep?

naya 🍒: pretty good

naya 🍒: you tired me out

honey 💦: 👅

honey 💦: let's do it again tonight

naya 🍒: can't :(

naya 🍒: not tonight

honey 💦: lame

honey 💦: maybe u could come over still?

honey 💦: hang out?

naya 🍒: we could watch a movie

honey 💦: netflix and chill 👅💦💦

naya 🍒: die

honey 💦: lmaooooo

naya 🍒: 🙄

naya 🍒: not funny

honey 💦: actually i'm a comedian

so everything i say is funny

honey 💦: i don't make the rules,

just accept it

naya 🍒: yes you're hilarious

naya 🍒: you've revolutionized comedy !1!

honey 💦: thank you so much!

honey 💦: you're too kind!

naya 🍒: hahah

honey 💦: what're you doing?

naya 🍒: gonna hit the gym

naya 🍒: 😋

honey 💦: stay on your grind

naya 🍒: duh 😤

naya 🍒: wbu

honey 💦: just getting ready to go surfing


honey 💦: have you ever been?

naya 🍒: yesss

naya 🍒: i even have my own lil body suit and everything

naya 🍒: & a board

honey 💦: come over and we'll go

naya 🍒: ive spent basically the

last three days with u wtf

honey 💦: is that a bad thing? 🤔

naya 🍒: not really

naya 🍒: just not used to it i guess

honey 💦: wym?

naya 🍒: i don't consistently see the

same boys

naya 🍒: never go on dates with them either

honey 💦: so that's what we're doing?

honey 💦: "dates"

naya 🍒: nah

naya 🍒: just friendly lunches & surf sessions

honey 💦: ah

honey 💦: we'll see how long that lasts

naya 🍒: what's that supposed to mean

honey 💦: see you soon! can't wait to surf 🏄😜

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