《Blasé》am 2


Louis, it’s time we talked about Harry

Why are you bringing him up?

You need to move forward with your life Louis, and in order for me to help you do that, you need to stop holding it all in.

I’m not holding anything in, that sick bastard’s locked up in Sing Sing; he has nothing to do with me anymore.

(Sighs, exasperated) We’ve been through this time and again, Louis.

I don’t even understand why I’m still here; I was there maybe a week. I’m strong –always have been.

He’s not in Prison, Louis.

(eyes widen immediately, chokes) He broke out?!


No! (Pulling his hair) How could they let him out?! (stands, picks up a glass, throws it against the wall)

(winces at the shards flying) Until you accept the truth, we’re going to continue these sessions Louis. Harry is not in Prison, he never went there to begin with.

(Hyperventilating) All those people he kill –

You know he never killed anyone, Louis.


I’m going to show you these pictures one more time Louis and I need you to dig deep, you know what happened to Harry, and I’m sorry we have to visit this again bu–

(Louis exits the room, running, crying)

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