《Inevitable》45 - E N D


"This is so f*cking stupid, since when did we follow traditions?", Easton asked rhetorically after his mother announced we'd be separated until the wedding day. I giggled at his reaction.

"First of all, language," she scolded and he mumbled an apology.

"Second of all, we always do this for every castle members wedding, and last time I checked, you two are castle members, so you must follow the rules. Noelle's alright with it, aren't you sweetheart?"

"I most certainly am", I teased, earning a playful pinch on the side by Easton.

"You little sh-"

"Language Easton!", his mother scolded once again.

At this point, I was practically in tears. It's hilarious watching Easton getting in trouble by his own mum.

I love seeing him being put in his place, he deserves it from time to time.

"You're meant to back me up, doll, not laugh", he stated sadly, a small pout on his lips.

"You're so adorable", I said, poking his cheeks as he glared down at me.

"Five minutes, Easton, and then I'm dragging you to another room!", Sheila called out from outside of the room, and as soon as she was out of hindsight, he pulled me onto the bed and held me tightly, one arm around my waist and the other rested behind my head, allowing me to lean on his shoulder and he practically inhaled my scent.

"Don't leave me baby", he begged, kissing the crown of my head. I giggled and looked up at him.

"It's just for a day, you'll see me after tomorrow", I comforted, tracing his face with my fingertips.

"I don't give a f*ck, I wanna stay with you", he grumbled, irritated.

"You're such a big baby", I teased, playing with his dark locks.

"Mhm, only for you."

That was very cute

I awed at how adorable he was acting.

It's usually me who's like this, but the tables have turned for today I guess.

He ducked his head under my chin, nuzzling his face into my chest and I allowed him too, hugging him close to me as he gripped my waist tightly. I kissed his cheek and played with his hair, massaging his scalp, and he let out sounds of pleasure.

"I'm sick, babydoll, you can't leave me", he whined, pulling me closer.

"Sick? Are you okay? Do you need medicine? Do we need to postpone the wedding?"

"No, we aren't postponing anything. I don't need medicine, I just need you to take care of me", he demanded, kissing my chest.

"You don't feel hot", I stated.

"Uh, okay and? That doesn't mean I'm not sick", he defended and I laughed at how dramatic he was being.

"That desperate to stay with me huh?", I teased, pecking his forehead.

"Shut up."

"I love you too."

"Okay, that's enough, come on Easton", Sheila announced, re-entering our room. He groaned in frustration and reluctantly stood up.

"Bye Easty! I'll miss you", I exclaimed, blowing him a kiss.

"Yeah, yeah, of course you will."

I laughed and pushed him out the door, closing it behind him.

Wedding day:

Today is finally the day.

We've been preparing for a months and now it's time.

We're getting married today.

So much as changed over this period of time.

Easton and I have become even stronger than we were before in every aspect.

My father visits from time to time, since I've completely forgiven him.


He's been an amazing second father to me, and although he's my biological dad, Nate will always be my real papa.

My mother isn't allowed on our territory ever again after what she did, which I am upset about, but it's what's best. I saw what she's capable of and I don't want the people of my kingdom to be in danger because of her.

Theo and Trevor found their beloveds, as hard as that is to believe.

Ophelia is Trevor's beloved.

Paige is Theo's beloved.

They've been adorable together. It's nice to see Trev and Theo finally have what they've been waiting for all their lives. They've matured a lot after finding their beloveds, and have become a lot more sensible, shocker.

It's been amazing to have some more females in the castle, since Sheila, my mother and I were tired of being the only women, having to deal with all the testosterone-filled, dominant men.

We've only known each other for a few months but our friendship has been so strong, as if we knew each other since we were children.

Now, the pair are helping me getting ready for the ceremony, as they were my bridesmaids, whilst Trevor and Theo helped Easton.

"I call doing her nails," Ophelia demanded, grabbing my hands before Paige could.

"I'll do her hair then," Paige replied, unbothered, picking up the curling iron.

"You two are mental", I whispered as they each tugged me back and forth to get me prepared.

"Shush, my love, it's all part of the process," Ophelia silenced me.

"I've never been to a wedding before."

"Never?!" Paige exclaimed in shock.

"Never", I assured.

"It's so adorable, I can't wait to have my own one day," Ophelia stated.

"What if I trip?"

"You won't silly!"

"Besides, Nathaniel will make sure you won't."

"He better make sure."

We've chosen our venue to be outside, since it's now summer and the weather is absolutely beautiful.

As a child, I wished to get married down at the villages, near the forests, the same forest I was found in, so not only would I be surrounded by the scenery I admired the most, but I could also share my happiness with everyone in the Kingdom, and Easton made my desire come true.

"How's Easton?", I asked.

"The boys say he's excited to see you again, apparently he was a mess all of yesterday", Paige answered and I chuckled.

"He's more dramatic than me."

"Pretty sure you were crying yesterday because you were cold without him", Ophelia retorted and I gasped exaggeratedly.

"Meanie", I whispered, making the two laugh.

Not my fault it was really cold and my feet didn't have their personal heater

"Alright, back to work!"


"Get your ass up", Trevor complained whilst pulling Easton off the couch.

"F*cking hell, I have three hours to get ready, leave me alone", he retorted, taking a sip of his drink. Trevor gave up and sat down on the chair adjacent to the couch, beside Theodore.

"You've been such a b*tch lately, it's pissing me off", Theo argued, and Easton raised an eyebrow at him, silently challenging him to repeat his sentence.

"You can't blame him, Theo, he hasn't seen Elle in over 24 hours, I'd be annoyed too", Trevor defended Easton.

"You'll see her in a bit, Easton. Think about it, the quicker you get ready, the earlier the wedding will start, and then you'll get to see her quicker, so get your f*cking ass up", Theo explained.


How did I not think of that? Easton thought to himself

(cuz ur an idiot luv)

He cleared his throat and stood up.

"Let's get ready boys."

The next hour went by smoothly. The three men were now fully ready and waiting for the girls, who were still not done yet. Ophelia and Paige needed to get into their bridesmaid dresses, and Noelle, her wedding gown.

It was absolutely gorgeous

Tighter at the top to accentuate the top half of her body and flowy at the bottom, hiding her curves, waiting to be unwrapped.

"You look beautiful", Lilah whispered, watching her daughter walk out of the changing room.

She blushed and smiled graciously at her mother.

"Thank you mama."

She then looked at Nathaniel, who has an unreadable expression on his face. Noelle was scared of what his reaction may be, until she saw a lone tear escape his eye.

"My little pup, you've grown up too quickly", he whispered, smiling down at his only child.

Noelle hugged him immediately.

"I'm still your little girl, papa, nothing will change that", she said happily, tears threatening to escape her eyes.

(Please don't sexualise this, you dirty minded motherfu-)

"You'll be calling someone else da-"

"Shut up Paige!"

Noelle cringed at the sentence that nearly came out, but was glad it was interrupted.

That is so inappropriate, she thought.

"If you girls wanna live, I'd advise you not to say that sh*t in front of me", Nathaniel spoke calmly.

His tone a little... too calm

Dangerously calm.

The girls went silent, trying to hold in their giggles.

"I love you papa", Noelle stated, changing the subject instantly.

He smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I love you more, little pup."

"We'll be waiting for you", Lilah announced, pulling the two girls out of the room with her, so now, Nate and Elle where the only ones left in the room.


She hummed in reply, even though she wasn't.

She was shaking so much, her hand and legs unstable. She was sure that if she was given a glass, she'd drop it due to how much she was shaking.

"It's normal, I was scared sh*tless on my wedding day", Nate comforted her and she nodded, taking a deep breath in.

"Trust me, when you see your mate, the nerves will fly away", he reassured her, weaving his arm with hers and holding her hand with his free hand.

She could hear distant music in the background and a quiet chatter.

"Okay, let's go."

They walked arm in arm towards the door, and Nate knocked on it twice, signaling for the guards to open it. Once the double doors opened, the pair were exposed to all the citizens of the Highlands.

There were rows upon rows of people, it would take a while to get to the altar, she was sure.

She smiled at everyone who made eye contact with her, controlling her breathing at the same time.

Then she saw Easton

Standing strong and proudly was the love of her life, waiting for her. He looked as beautiful as ever, just like she expected. It's only been a day, but she's missed him more than she could imagine. He had a stunning smile on his face, and she could see his eyes watering, which made her emotional.

The people, the children, the music, all of it began to fade away.

It was just her and Easton

Her papa was right, all the butterflies flew away.

What was truly a minute felt like hours until they were finally face to face.

Nathaniel passed her arm over to Easton's awaiting one, shaking his empty hand and hugging each other tightly.

"Keep doing what you're doing Easton, you make her the happiest. Love you son."

Easton nodded gratefully at his father in law, then looked down at his beloved.

His Noelle.

Perfect as always

She was the absolute epitome of grace, innocence and perfection. Precious in every way, and faultless in his eyes. He was proud, lucky to call her his, and he didn't deserve it at all. He wonders everyday how he managed to earn something so perfect, and he can never find the answer.

"Beautiful", he whispered in complete awe of the beauty in front him.

She smiled up at him, clutching onto his hands even tighter.

"You may be seated."

Alexander was the 'priest' for the day, since Easton asked him to do it.

He'd rather have someone they both know and love, rather than a stranger.

"I don't have much experience in this field, but I'll do my best for the sake of my lovely daughter in law", he said, looking down at his sheet of paper.

"What about me?", Easton whispered, glancing at his father.

"...oh and Easton", Alex added and the crowd laughed, including Noelle.

He didn't even mind, as that giggle made the offensive joke completely worth it.

"We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of King Easton Mitchell and Queen Noelle Winters. Before they say their vows, I'd like to say a few words."

"Oh no", Easton stated, earning a nudge from his father and a laughter from the audience.

"This journey all started when my most trusted advisor heard the cries of a little baby in the forest. I remember that day as if it were yesterday, and I'm sure Easton does too, even though he was only four. He begged me to take him with me, as if he could sense something was wrong. I knew he'd be an amazing king from that day, he was fearless as a child, willing to enter the lions den just to see what was wrong.

That was when we found Noelle, in a little basket, covered in a baby pink blanket, with a tag hidden inside. Just like that, we had the new king and queen of the Highlands. For such little things, they had a kind of love I've never seen before. It wasn't physical at all, all of it was emotional and it was beautiful to watch.

Even after everything that happened, their love for one another never died out, it was stronger than ever before, and I have no doubt that it will continue to grow until their last days on earth.

They're the glue that keeps the Kingdom and family together, without them, we'd all suffer, just like we suffered all those years without our Queen stood by us. So a round of applause please, for the King and Queen of Highlands."

The crowd clapped and cheered once Alexander completed his short speech.

Tears were in the eyes of Noelle and Easton. Alexanders words were nothing short of beautiful.

"Ladies first."

The two said their vows as if they were all alone, ignoring the audience as the basked in each others embrace. Sweet words full of meaning were spoken, nothing was fake or underwhelming.

By the end of their vows, the crowd and the couple were in tears.

"We're such crybabies", Noelle whispered and Easton brought her hands up to his lips, kissing it softly, not embarrassed in the slightest.

"Jesus that took forever", Alex complained, exhaling deeply. The rest laughed at his banter.

"Anyways, I now pronounce you, husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

Easton didn't waste another second, pulling her gently by the face and placing his lips on her soft ones. She smiled against his lips, practically melting.

"I love you, Mrs Mitchell", he whispered, pecking her lips in between each word.

"I love you, Mr Mitchell."

After the ceremony:

The pair were slow dancing amongst all other couples, appreciating one another.

"Didn't take you as someone who could dance", Noelle stated, impressed.

"I have many talents, my love", he bragged, hinting something her innocent mind wouldn't understand at first thought.

"Care to tell me?"

"I'd rather show you", he added, his tone calm and collected with a hint of seduction.

It took her a little while to realise what he was talking about.

Her eyes grew and she paused.

"Oh..", she whispered, looking away from Easton.

"What do you say, babydoll? The guests clearly won't miss us", he stated, gesturing to the invitees, who were way too busy enjoying the free drinks and food.

She looked over at them and smiled.

"They're having fun!", she cheered, unknowingly changing the topic.

He chuckled at her reaction.

"You didn't answer my question", he said, gripping onto her hips tighter than before. She looked up at him and smiled.

"What was your question again?"

He laughed at how behind she was, which made her pout.


"You're adorable", he said, pinching her cheek with one hand.

"And so very pretty", he cooed pecking her pouty lips.

"But, you'd like a lot prettier out of that dress and tied up on our bed", he whispered, leaving kisses on her ear.

Her breath quickened and she instantly went red hot.

"E-Easton I-"

"Shh, baby, no words, let's just get you home, hmm?"

She nodded vigorously, making him smirk.

"Such a needy little girl you are", he teased, making her squirm in his hold.

"Your f-fault", she whispered, hands on his chest.

"It's my fault you're so needy for me? Oh baby, do you want an apology? 'Cause you aren't getting one", he continued to taunt her until her face resembled a tomato. Goosebumps covered her arms and her back, his words having an evident affect on her.

She wanted him

And he wanted her

"Let's go."

He ordered, grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the venue, gentle so he wouldn't hurt her. He didn't stop until they reached his car. He sat her inside and quickly took his seat, driving back to the castle speedily, but not too fast, not wanting to put Noelle in any sort of danger.

They entered the castle after the short drive.

"You're gonna get out of that pretty dress, wait for me on the bed, wearing whatever you have underneath, don't take it off, that's my job. I want you laying on your back, got it?"

She nodded, getting more and more aroused at every word he uttered. His demands leaving her flustered and submissive, willing to do whatever he wants her to do, completely under his control, and she didn't mind it.

She was more than happy.

"Yes sir", she corrected herself before he could, making him smirk in delight.

"Good girl, now go."

She turned away, practically running up the stairs and walking into their room. She unzipped the dress and let it fall to the ground, leaving her in her undergarments, which consisted of a black laced bra and matching panties, as well as stockings.

Noelle always felt pretty in lingerie.

She giggled excitedly, picking up her dress and hanging it up. She ruffled through her hair before laying down on the bed, just like Easton instructed her to do. Her heart was beating fast in anticipation, the feeling of excitement overwhelming her. She could heard his heavy footsteps from outside of the room, which only increased her joy and made her feel giddy inside.

When she heard the door open, her eyes instantly locked with his.

He was now stripped out of his suit, in only his boxers.

He walked over to her ever so slowly, making her even more needy than she already was.

She whined when he stopped walking, standing a few feet away from her.

"Aw, you want me so bad, don't you baby?", he teased.

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