《Inevitable》44 - F L I G H T


I'm going to do it today

I'm finally ready, and I hope she is too.

Everything has been prepared and she has absolutely no clue about it.

I told her that we're going on a date to disguise the fact that I'm going to propose. Thankfully, she didn't suspect anything. I haven't told her what I planned, obviously, so she's completely oblivious.

I lied in the note I left her, I didn't have any work to do, I was just busy making sure everything goes exactly how I want it to. I'm glad she had fun without me though, it's been ages since she spent time with the boys, and as much as I hate leaving her, it all went perfect.

We are currently driving to our destination, and I brought a blanket and some snacks since this trip is going to take a while. I didn't want her to be cold or go hungry.

"Sleepy?", I asked.

"It's hard not to be", she stated and I smiled, reaching my hand out for her to fidget with. She did exactly what I imagined her to do, play with my rings.


She hummed.

"I was thinking that we should both shift soon, since Axel and Crimson have never properly met or spent time together", I suggested.

"Crimson tells me about that all the time, we definitely should."

"You're comfortable with that?"

"Yeah, why not? It's been ages since I've shifted", she said.

"I thought you wouldn't want to, since you were trapped in your fox form for ages", I added.

"I hated that period of time. I tried shifting everyday, but my body always went against me", she complained.

"It was fine at first, I was just ecstatic to have you back, regardless of what form you were in, but as time went on, I started to hate it too", I told her.

Although it sounds bad, it's true. No one would like for the love of their life to be stuck in an animal form, not knowing when she'll be back. I didn't love her any less, in fact, it just made want to care for her even more, since I knew the healthier and happier she was, the quicker she'd shift back.

"It was miracle I shifted back", she said in awe. I smiled.

"I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't shifted", I spoke sadly.

"You would be a sad little bean forever", she giggled.

"You would've been a fox forever, and I would say that's worse than being sad", I responded and she gasped dramatically.

"An adorable fox, that's for sure, unlike you", she added, making me laugh.

"You don't think I'm adorable."


"Alright, let's go back home-"

"No! I was kidding you crybaby", she immediately interrupted and I laughed at her behaviour.

"I think you were being very serious", I stated.

"I pinky promise I was kidding", she said confidently, intertwining her pinky with mine.

"The amount of trust I have in your pinky promises is unbelievable", I chuckled.


"You should put your life on it, it's like an oath", she exaggerated.

"Silly girl", I whispered and she smacked my hand playfully.

"You think that hurts?", I asked sarcastically.

"Of course, you're holding in tears right now", she scoffed

"Really? Want me to show you how to hurt someone?"

"I know better than you, weakling", she made fun of me.

"Says the one who was screaming my name-"

"Shhh!", she interrupted and I laughed at her.

"I need to put a ball gag in your mouth, the whole castle can hear your screams", I continued and she placed her face in her hands in embarrassment. I took her hands in mine and cooed at her red face.

"Aww, don't be embarrassed love, it's not that big of a deal", I reassured her, but she looked far for reassured.

"Not a big deal? Everyone knows we did it! It's your fault you're so-"

She stopped herself and I glanced at her with a raised eyebrow.

"So what?", I asked and she blushed, hiding behind the blanket.

You have reached your destination, the GPS announced.

F*cks sake

She sighed in relief.

"Saved by the bell", she giggled and got out of the car. I shook my head with a smile on my face and followed her.

Once she finally noticed our surroundings, she looked at me, shocked and confused.

"An airport?", she questioned.

"Yep, I'm taking you to Italy", I announced and her eyes grew in surprise.

She squealed and ran up to me, jumping up and straddling my waist. I chuckled, grabbing her thighs securely and holding her tightly. She kissed my face countless amounts of times, only making me laugh even more.

She's so perfect

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!", she spoke excitedly in between each kiss.

"No need to thank me, doll, it's the least I could do", I nuzzled my face in her neck.

"The least you could do? You don't see how amazing you are Easton. You're the epitome of perfection, I don't deserve you", she smiled at me widely.

I swear I felt my heart just melt

I couldn't help but kiss her. I smashed my lips against hers, wordlessly telling her how grateful and lucky I am to have her. She's everything to me, and she says she doesn't deserve me? It's the other way around.

I sucked on her lips, leaving the swollen and red. I could feel her panties dampen, as her crotch was resting on mine.

I didn't plan on going to Italy with a hard on, but plans change I guess

She smiled against my lips and pulled away.

"Let's go!", she exclaimed jumping down and leaving me high and dry.

F*cking tease.

I shook my head and motioned her to follow me to the plane. I held her small, soft hand in mine and lead the way. We walked up the stairs and the pilot and flight attendant bowed their heads down in respect. Noelle smiled at them.


"Why are we alone?", she asked once we were seated face to face.

"This is my private jet", I said.

"Woah", she whispered, staring at the interior in awe. Her hand never left mine as we rested our arms on the table in between us.

"You think this is pretty? Wait until we get to Italy", I stated and she looked back at me.

"You've been?"

"Of course. They have villages just like ours, if not better. We can go look if you'd like", I suggested and she nodded rapidly.

"I still don't know why you love the villages so much", I questioned.

"You have to humble yourself, going to the villages and seeing people who are less fortunate than you makes you realise how privileged and lucky you are.", she explains and I look at her in adoration.

Like I said, perfect

"Has anyone ever told you, that you're so f*cking perfect?"

She laughed and kissed the palm of my hand.

"You remind me everyday, Easton", she said in a soft voice, her head resting on my palm

"I won't stop reminding you."

She blushed at my words and smiled up at me.

"Come with me, baby", I ordered whilst standing up and taking her hand in mine. She gave me a weird look, but obeyed my orders. I lead her to the room at the back of the jet. It was simple and elegant, perfect for the next few hours.

"If you're gonna ask me to join the mile high club, it's not happening", she said the second we entered.

"Woah, baby get your head out the gutter. I just wanted to cuddle", I said innocently.

"Oh", she whispered, looking down at the ground.

I picked her up, causing her to yelp in surprise, laying down on the bed with her small self on top of me. I sighed in relaxation as she placed her head in my neck and rested her hands on my chest. I pecked her cheek a few times, closing my eyes.

"You smell good", she whispered and I smiled.

She's prone to saying random things when it's least expected.

"You do too."

After the flight:

I sighed once we stepped foot on the ground, clutching onto a wobbling Noelle by her waist. The warm, midnight air surrounding us, I breathed it all in as if I were deprived of air.

There was a car waiting for us and we both entered quickly, taking a seat. Noelle leaned her head on my shoulder, tired from the flight.

"Wanna go sleep?", I asked, moving the baby hairs away from her face.

"Mhm...", she hummed tiredly and I smiled adoringly.

I planned to go explore parts of Italy, and since it's midnight, no one else should be there. It would just be me and her, like I planned, but if she wants to sleep, then sleep it is.

She always comes first.

I pecked her button nose, letting my lips linger there for a couple of seconds before hugging her close to my chest, providing her with as much warmth as I possible cold. I know how cold my little angel gets.

Our peaceful moment however, was interrupted when the driver hit a bump, causing the car to jolt back, shaking us in the process and causing Noelle to awaken.

F*cking idiot, does he not know how to drive?

"I-I apologise, Mr Mitchell, I didn't n-notice a bump!", the driver squeaked out nervously. I rolled my eyes and motioned for him to continue.

"Are you okay, love?", I asked just to make sure.

She gasped and sat up, leaning over my legs and staring out the window.

"Woah! Look Easton! It's so pretty", she exclaimed, running her fingers across the window and pointing at different things. I smiled at her.

"Can we go look? Pretty please!", she begged, now sitting sideways on my lap and looking at me with her signature puppy dog eyes.

"I was planning on it but then you fell asleep", I explained.

"I'm awake now!", she said excitedly and I smiled.

"Okay, let's go to the Trevi fountain", I told the driver and he nodded quickly, whispering a 'yes sir'.

She hugged me, wrapping her arms around my neck tightly. I held her by the hips, massaging her body gently.

We arrived shortly after, the car ride was spent in comfortable silence.

I instructed the driver to stay parked whilst me and Noelle explored the area. I've been here already, but Noelle obviously hasn't, and she's a lot more excited than me.

I'm f*cking nervous

"Easton, it's so gorgeous!", she spoke happily, dipping her hands in the clear water and staring at the castle and statues in completely awe.

"I know, though it's not as gorgeous as you", I complimented, and she smiled at me.

"Everything is so perfect. The castle, the statues, the water, so beautiful. It must've taken ages to be built, I could literally live here! I'd love that so much, imagine waking up every morning to a sight like this, right East-"

(This next part will be narrated in 3rd person)

She gasped after turning around and seeing Easton on one knee, and a golden box in his hand. He had a beautiful smile on his face, and the moonlight made his grey eyes glisten, making them even prettier than usual. Her heart began to pound, and so did his, but he masked it well, unlike her. She could already feel the tears threatening to fall out.

"I knew you'd love the sights Italy had to offer, and I also know how much you've wanted to go, so this is the best place to do this", he began.

"Even though we've been married in my mind since I was 4, before I knew what love truly was, I want to do it the proper way. Sure, I put a gummy ring on your finger when you were seven, but that's not enough for someone as perfect as you. You deserve the universe and more, and although I can't give that to you, I'll give you so much love, attention, affection, care, security, loyalty, and this ring, if you'd accept it.

You made me a love sick puppy since the second I met you, and I know that's never going to change. You make me the happiest of men, the goofiest of kings, the neediest for your attention and cuddles, and the most excited for what's to come.

So, Noelle Brie Winters, will you marry this love sick puppy?"


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