《Inevitable》43 - S I R


"Give it back Easton", I ordered, but he continued to smirk at me playfully, holding my bra in his hands.

"Nope", he chuckled, holding it up even higher so I couldn't reach it.

Freaking tree

"Please", I gave him the puppy dog eyes, pouting my lips in hopes he'd give in.

"Give me a kiss first."

I rolled my eyes, standing up on my tiptoes and giving him a quick peck on his pink lips.

"There. Can I have it back now please?"

"A proper kiss", he said cunningly.

He knows how to get what he wants, I'll give him that

"Bend down so I can reach you, tree", I said jokingly and he chuckled.

"Grow a few inches, shorty", he retorted and I smacked his chest lightly, laughing it off.

"You aren't getting that kiss."

"And you aren't getting this bra."

How does he have a response for everything, it's not fair

"I'll just go get another, smartass", I huffed and began to walk to the closet.

But before I could go any further, I felt his hands grip my waist and pull me back, causing me to gasp in surprise. He pinned me against the nearest wall, trapping me in between in arms. He propped one leg in between mine, rubbing against my panties and bent down slightly, hovering over me and nipping at my neck.

"But I quite enjoy seeing you walk around topless, baby", he teased, making me squirm.

He had my arms above my head against the wall, restricting any movement.

But I didn't complain

His head tucked under mine, softly kissing my neck and collarbone, but not too much, teasing me with his lips. He knows exactly what he's doing, torturing me with his kisses, working me up.

"You've gone silent all of a sudden doll, where's that attitude you had a minute ago?", he cooed gently, sucking on my lower earlobe, causing a shiver to run up and down my spine. My knees started to wobble slightly, weakening with each word he muttered.

I whimpered as he began to suck and kiss my neck roughly, leaving his mark on me. He freed my arms, moving his hands down my body, caressing my waist and hips. He pulled my closer to him, my hip now against his so I can feel every inch of him.

"My sensitive little girl", he whispered sweetly against my neck.

"E-Easton-", I moaned out, panting slightly.

He hummed, moving down to my bare chest, leaving a trail of wet kisses all over, from my shoulders to my breasts. I flung my arms around his neck, pressing my hands onto his firm, muscular back. He smirked at my reactions and continued his sweet torture. Whilst kissing and sucking on one of my breasts, his hand played and teased the other, pinching my nipples in between his large fingers. My heart drummed rapidly, and my breathing quickened.

"Pl-please!", I whimpered as he gripped onto my breast firmly, massaging it with his calloused hand. His veins were on full show each time he gripped onto me. My hands moved up to his hair, tugging at it and pushing his head closer to my chest. I arched my back, needing more.

"No baby, this is what you get for using that smart mouth against me", he stated, moving onto my other breast. "I'm not gonna give you everything you want, brat."

He finally detached himself from me, releasing my breast from his mouth and standing up to his full height. I looked up and him, teary eyed as he hovered over me. He took my face in his hands, and leaned down.


Just as I thought he was going to finally kiss me, he pressed his mouth against my ear, giving it a single peck.

"I'm gonna sit on the bed, I want you over my knees, now", he ordered, letting go of my face and walking over to the bed, sitting down and waiting for me expectantly.

Why am I enjoying this?

Why am I excited?

Have I become psychotic?

Is it normal to like this?

I slowly walked over to him, trying to hide my excitement for whatever he has planned. I gasped when he pulled me over his knees harshly. My abdomen was rested upon his legs and my backside was up. He aggressively pulled my underwear down, the cold breeze attacking me, causing me to let out a quiet cry. He cooed at me and placed his large, tattooed hand on my butt, rubbing it softly to create warm and squeezing it every now and then.

"Wanna tell me why you're in this position?", he asked, still rubbing my butt.

"I-I was being a brat a-and I said something m-mean to you", I stated, trying to be confident but completely failed. He hummed in reply.

"Hmm I was a little disappointed babydoll, I don't expect you to use words like that", he scolded, running his fingers up and down my back.

"I'm sorry sir", I whimpered.

"That's not enough, a sorry won't cut it", he stated and I sighed.

....secretly excited

"I'm gonna spank you 10 times, 5 with my hand and 5 with the belt, I'll go easy on you since it's the first time. You count each one, and say 'thank you sir', got it love?", he ordered and I nodded, hoping I won't forget.

"Good girl."


I took one deep breathe in, bracing myself for the pain, awaiting his hand.


I flinched as his hand came into contact with my butt roughly, already feeling a slight stinging back there, but it wasn't too unbearable.

"One, t-thank you sir."


Okay, that one hurt a little more.

"Two, thank you s-sir."


"T-three, thank you."

It continued until he reached the last spank, and at this point, tears were streaming down my face and my voice was so shaky it was practically inaudible. My legs and hands were shaking and my knees felt weak. After he used the belt, my butt became incredibly sore. If I thought his hand hurt, this was on another level. My butt was definitely red.

But still, I enjoyed it, maybe a little more than I should.

"T-ten, thank y-you sir."

As soon as he was finished, he pulled my panties back on and resituated me so I was straddling his lap and he leaned onto the headboard of the bed. I hid my head in his neck and held him tightly, crying silently. He shushed me and rubbed my backside with one hand, whilst the other played with my hair.

"Aw, baby, don't cry. You did so good, especially for your first time", he cooed quietly in my ear and I nodded, sniffling a little. I clung to him tightly, refusing to let go and he held me just as tight, kissing my cheek and jaw.

"This was just me teaching you a lesson, now you know that you shouldn't use language like that against me, hm love?"

"Yes s-sir", I whispered, pecking his jaw a few times.

"How are you so pretty? So f*cking perfect", he spoke sweetly, making me smile and forget about all the pain. He kissed my parted lips slowly and gently, but still just as passionate. He then kissed my tears away before smothering my whole face in kisses, making me giggle.


He smiled once my mood changed and picked me up, walking my to his side of the closet. He grabbed one of his many black hoodies and told me to stand up. I obeyed his orders.

"Up", he said, referring to my arms and I lifted them up, allowing him to slip it over my head. I smiled at the warmth it provided.

"I'm sorry I didn't bring it for you earlier, you must be freezing cold", he said sadly and picked me up once again, holding me tightly in his arms. It was true, I was freezing, but I didn't want to interrupt our little...moment.

"It's okay Easty", I said, moving the loose strands of hair away from his gorgeous face.

"You're beautiful", I whispered and he chuckled.

"You think so?"

"I know so."

"You're even more beautiful, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

A blush rose to my face and I kissed his cheek. He laid down on the bed once again and pulled the blanket over both of us.

The rest of the evening consisted of us talking. Talking about how we feel, about each other, about everything that's been going on, about the people around us. Talked about our future, what we want, children, even grandkids. Talked about silly stuff and complained about each others habits, as if we were an old married couple.

The evening was pure bliss.

The next day:

I woke up alone this morning, and was left with a note from Easton.

I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up love, I'll be busy all day today at my office.

I'm taking you out later, so be ready by 6 p.m

If you need anything, call me.

I love you doll

- Easton

Although I would've loved to spend the day with him, I got the chance to be with my friends and family. It feels like it's been forever since I've hung out with them.

So right now, I'm in the kitchen with Trev and Theo, baking.

And boy what a nightmare it is.

"You put the egg in first you f*cking idiot", Trevor said.

"No, the sugar comes first b*stard", Theo responded, throwing an egg at Trevor. It cracked and splattered all over his hair. I gasped and Trev gave Theo a murderous look.

"You messed up Theo", I whispered.

"You don't think I know that, Elle?!", he whisper-yelled back at me. I held in a giggle and moved away from the pair. As soon as I moved, he grabbed a heap of flower in his hands and threw it at Theo, covering him in the powder completely. He began to cough and Trev laughed hysterically.

Before Theo could attack Trevor again, Sheila walked in.

"The f*ck are you three doing?", she asked angrily and we all went silent.

"What have you done in my kitchen?" she yelled, seeing the state of the island.

"You see, uh, we had a little accident", Theo stated and I scoffed.

"We?", I said, punching his side.

Sheila is one scary woman, I am not about to get in trouble with her.

"I know it's not you deary, you're too mature for that. You two on the other hand-"

"That is quite offensive Sheila, We're practically your sons and you're calling us immature?", Trevor stated in a fake sad voice, trying to earn sympathy.

"Shut up, will you? Just clean up the sh*t you caused", she ordered and made her way towards me, kissing my cheek and smiling down at me.

"See you later love."

"Bye Sheila", I waved.

I turned around with a sigh and saw the two boys staring at me in shock.

"Why is she so nice to you, and so mean to us?", Theo asked in an angered tone.

"Everyone loves me, that's why", I answered with a giggle. The two rolled their eyes.

"I mean, I can't argue with that", Trev said, washing the egg of his face and hair in the sink.

"How about you do all the baking, and we do all the cleaning", he suggested and I nodded.

I started baking the brownies I'm obsessed with, since I haven't had them in ages, whilst taking to the boys about the most random things. It was fun, just to catch up and have a little laugh with them. They're practically my brothers and I missed them so much.

"We should tell Easton to let you out of the room more often, we miss you Elle", Theo said.

"You're saying that as if he locks me in there", I laughed, taking a bite from my brownie.

"Well you're definitely doing something in there", Trevor said and I smacked his arm, slightly embarrassed.

"Aw, don't be shy Elle. Everyone does it", he teased.

"It's still inappropriate!", I responded, face flushed.

"You're probably freaky as f*ck, I can hear your screams all the way from-"

"Shush!", I interrupted Theo before he could continue.

"Yeah, you sure are a screamer, oh and don't forget all the toys I see whenever I come to your room", Trev continued and I huffed, giving up on telling them to shush.

Am we really that loud?

Okay that's besides the point

"Oh shoot! It's 5:30, I have a date with Easton in half an hour", I suddenly remembered.

They both wiggled their eyebrows at me and I laughed,

"Stop! Come and help me instead of teasing me", I ordered and they followed me up to the closet. I rummaged through all my clothes, as did they. It was silent for a few minutes until Theodore found something.

"Here! You'll look beautiful in this", he handed me a pretty blush pink bodycon dress.

Wow, who knew boys could be helpful?

I stared at the dress in awe and quickly went to the bathroom to change, not before yelling out a thank you to Theo for picking out something so gorgeous.

I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror.

For once, I felt confident.

It felt like the dress was made for my body, and it hugged each of my curves perfectly. The dress made my body look flawless, and I admired that feeling of confidence.

I brushed my hair quickly and let it flow down my back in loose natural waves. I put on some lip gloss and called it a day.

I walked out of the room and the boys smiled at me.

"You look ugly!", Trev cheered and I laughed, knowing he's only kidding.

"Nah, but for real, you look very pretty, Easton's eyes are gonna pop out", he continued and I blushed, looking down at my fingers.

"Thank you Trev."

"Hey doll, you ready to go?", I heard Easton's voice and all our eyes went to his.

"That's our que to leave, see you later mum and dad!", Theodore yelled out and I giggled.

Now it was just me and Easton. His eyes never left mine.

"I missed you!", I said, running up to him and hugging him tightly, breathing in his scent, which I missed so much. His hands rested on my hip and he kissed my forehead.

"I missed you more. You look stunning", he whispered, staring at me as if I were the only star in the sky. I blushed at his expression and fiddled with the buttons on his shirt and his tie.

"Thank you Easton", I responded, smiling up at him.

He leaned down and captured my lips in a sweet kiss. He gripped my hips tightly and I parted my mouth for him, giving him full access. It became more and more heated as we continued to kiss.

"F*cking hell baby", he whispered as I pulled away.

"Come on, let's go", I exclaimed, dragging him out of the door.

"You little minx."

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