《Inevitable》41 - H O M E


"Come on, let's get you home", Axel announces after their small scene. Noelle, a blushing mess, just nods, too shy to utter a word, as her legs shakes whilst he walks her to the passenger seat. He smirks at the sight of her wobbly figure, leaning onto him for support.

"So f*cking sensitive", he whispers with a little chuckle, making her pout adorably as she took a seat. He pecked her pouted lips before making his way to the drivers seat. As he drove past the restaurant, the couple notices Michael and Iris, who looked like she walked through the flames of hell, arguing, making Noelle feel guilty for her actions, knowing it was her fault. She looked down at her lap, taking Axels hand and playing with his ring-clad fingers, tracing the little tattoos he had on his fingers.

"Don't feel sad, doll. You did what was right. If she's still here by tomorrow morning, I'll deal with her personally", he stated, causing her head to whip up at his words.

"You're gonna kill her?", she asked worryingly.

He didn't respond, which was enough of an answer for Noelle.

"No, please don't", she pleaded.

"Why shouldn't I?", he replied, wanting nothing more than to end Iris's pathetic life.

"Because, be-because", she stuttered, trying to think of answer, but to no avail.

"Exactly", he said with a sigh.

"What does Easton say?"

"He agrees with me. That b*tch shouldn't be alive", Axel answered.

"You won't do anything to Michael though, right?"

"Debating on that."

"Michael is innocent, he shouldn't be punished for her actions", Noelle stated calmly.

"You nearly died today baby, and that wouldn't have happened if he didn't bring her here, especially without telling you and I first. He made a huge mistake, and he should be punished", Axel explained, tightening his hold on her small hand, such a little gesture, but it made her feel so safe.

"I understand that, but please don't kill him", she said, hopeful that he would listen to her.

"I won't. Now stop worrying your pretty little head. I wanna do something special for you before we go home", he began a new topic, making her instantly smile.

"What is it?", she asked.

"What makes you think I'll tell you doll?", he spoke rhetorically and she giggled.

"Meanie", she whispered, loud enough for him to hear.

"I dare you to say that louder", he spoke in playful tone.

"Meanie!", she spoke louder, but to Axel, it still sounded quiet, but her voice was just like that, gentle and soft like butter, a sweet melody to his ears.

"I'm not mean", he chuckled alongside her.

"You're the meanest."

"I'll show you how mean I can be babydoll just you wait", he teased and she went silent.

A blushing mess yet again.

"Not so confident now, are we?", he challenged. Still quiet, she gripped onto his hand and brought it up to her lips, giving it gentle pecks, distracted. He wouldn't admit it aloud, but his heart melted at the sight of her playing with his hands and giving it small kisses. It was the smallest piece of affection but he was going to bask in it for as long as possible.


It's the little things that count.

"You're so adorable", he whispered and she smiled up at him.

"And you're so pretty", she returned and he could've sworn his inner demons completely melted.

She's so perfect

The rest of the ride was completed in a comfortable silence, just admiring each others presence.

"We're here", he announced and she sat up in excitement, ready to do whatever he planned. He opened her door and held her hand, helping her out and as soon as she was out in the open, she clung to his arm like a lost puppy, feeling safe in his embrace.

"Close your eyes", he ordered and she obeyed, a smile rising on her face.

She held him even tighter as they began walking, not wanting to trip over and hurt herself. With the limitation of sight, her other senses came into power. She could smell fire, but not the dangerous kind. The fire people light to keep warm, roast some marshmallows and chat with family and friends. The sound of giggles from little children could be heard from every angle, like they were playing a game of hide and seek, or tag, just like Noelle and the boys used to when they were younger. The was all oddly familiar. They finally stopped walking.

"Okay, open your eyes."

She did as he said and as soon as her eyes met her surroundings, she gaped at it in awe.

"The Highland villages, you remembered", she whispered, not able to contain her excitement.

"Of course I did. How could I forget when you'd beg me to take you down to the villages everyday when we were little?", he said and she squealed, wrapping her arms around his waist, embracing him tightly. He chuckled and kissing the top of her head.

"Thank you Axel", she beamed at him and he pecked her face until she was in a fit full of giggles.

"Wanna take a trip down memory lane, little lady?", he asked while holding his hand out for her and she nodded eagerly. "Where to first?"

"The wishing well", she answered immediately, pointing to her desired destination.

Hand in hand, they made their way to the well, a place where people would come to make a wish, dropping pennies in the water.

Flowers and fairy lights decorated the exterior of the well, something that wasn't there before. It was beautiful. Roses, dandelions, lilacs, all sorts of flowers intertwined with each other to create a mesmerising pattern. The yellowish lights, that were wrapped around the pillars of the well, created a serene effect, showcasing the flowers even more.

"Since when was this a thing?", she asked, referring to the decoration.

"Since you were gone. We all knew how much you loved the well, even though we never really understood why, it was just water after all. After you were gone, we decorated it in honour of you, giving us a reason to love it just as much as you did", he explained and she gushed over his words, overwhelmed with the love she felt at that very moment.


"You're the best thing that ever happened to me", Noelle said while staring up at her mate, her neck hurting a little since she had to crane it upwards in order to see him properly. He smiled down at her, taking her face in his hands, supporting it. He gave her a lingering kiss to her forehead, making her close her eyes at the sweet affection she was receiving.

"It's the other way around."

She shook her head, pouting, which made him laugh and plant kisses all over her face causing her to laugh as well. He took one arm and wrapped in around her shoulder, pulling her towards his chest, whilst the other hand stayed securely on her head, massaging it and playing with her soft locks. She leaned against his chest and watched the people surrounding them, all happy in their own little bubbles, making her smile.

"Go on, make a wish", he whispered and she giggled, making a wish in her head.

"What did you wish for?", he asked, looking down at her.

"It's a secret", she teased.

"Oh so we're keeping secrets from each other now. Fine, I see how it is baby, you just don't love me anymore", he spoke in a fake sad voice.

"Your acting skills are terrible", she said while laughing at his behaviour. He pouted and looked away from her. "Aww, I'm sorry Axel. You cute little thing, come here", she teased even more, pulling his face back to face hers.

"How are you calling me cute and little, have you seen the size of me?", he asked, pretending to sound offended.

"I've seen your size, and I'm not impressed", she said, not realising how dirty it sounded until it actually came out. Her eyes widened and she slapped her hand to her mouth.

"Wow I am hurt", he whispered, holding his hand to his heart.

"No! I didn't mean it like t-that. I swear, it was a joke, I was talking about your body not your... thingy. I promise Axel, please d-don't be mad-", he cut her off by kissing her.

She gasped, and he took his chance to take full access of her mouth. He sucked on her bottom lip, making her whimper quietly. His hands moved down her body, whilst hers rested on his biceps. He gripped her backside roughly, making her squeeze her legs together. He continued to kiss her passionately, taking full control of the moment, until..

"Ew, that is gross", they heard the sound of a little child, causing them to end their moment. The both looked down to see a group of boys and girls, all showing a look of disgust on their face, except one girl.

"How is it gross, that's what mama's and papa's do", she argued.

"They aren't mama's and papa's, their king and queen", another spoke.

"And girls have cooties, so he should stay away from her", a boy said, making gagging sounds.

"Nuh uh! Boys are nasty, should stay away from ", the little red-head spoke angrily.

Noelle and Axel just stared at the group in shock, giving each other side glanced every now and then whilst they argued. They tried their best to keep in their laughs, but it all became too much.

"What are you two laughing at?", a boy spoke in an angered tone, making the couple shut up.

Who knew kids could be scary

"Uh, him! I'm laughing at him, b-because he has cooties", Noelle said, in an attempt to save herself. The girls giggled and agreed whilst the boys looked confused.

"But he's the king, he has no faults", a boy defended Axel.

"Exactly, little man. I have no faults, she does though. You should see how messy she is, her clothes, shoes, hair, all over the place. Oh, and she eats all my food, even when she tells me she isn't hungry. She always puts her freezing cold feet on mine, and steals all my warmth. What else does she do? Oh and-"

"Me?! Let's not even talk about how you fart, burp and snore 24/7. Or how you always steal the blanket when we're sleeping and how you keep the toilet seat up. Don't forget about how you leave your dishes everywhere, and you have the audacity to call me messy-"

The group laughed at the couple, making them stop abruptly.

"What are you guys laughing at?", they said in unison, causing the kids to shut up.

"Run", one boy ordered, and they all followed his lead.

"What the f*ck just happened?", Axel spoke after a small period of silence.

"I want one", Noelle said.

"Boy or girl?", he asked.

"Hmm, boy. I grew up with boys, I don't know how to deal with girls. I'll have to learn", she answered. The two didn't even realise that they had been swaying back and forth, as if the were slow dancing. They had also caught the attention of the village, all the men and women watching the king and queen from afar.

"We can have a little king, them little princesses", he suggested.

"I can't argue on that. I think I need a break from boys to be honest", she said and he slapped her backside jokingly.

"A break from me?", he asked teasingly. "Cuz I will gladly leave you alone for a day or two, see if you can survive."

"Please, you can't breathe when I'm not around", she retorted and he gasped in shock.

"Meanie", he said, using her own word against her. She giggled, remembering the conversation from earlier.

"I love you", she whispered, kissing his jawline.

"I love you more baby."

"Come on, I wanna look around more", she pulled his hand and he followed her to wherever she wanted to go.

He loved it. Seeing how excited she got over the smallest of things, like the little robin that sat upon a tree branch, or the moths flying around the fireplace. It was mesmerising, how much she adored the village. She preferred living like this, rather than the lavish castle, which is why they tried making the castle look similar to the village, just for her. The way her eyes lit up whenever she saw something she recognised gave him flashbacks from when they were kids.

They ran across the pebbled ground like youthful souls, completely ignoring the people surrounding them, and forgetting the previous events from this day. The moment was ethereal.

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