《Inevitable》40 - C A L M


Axel, you need to f*cking calm down, I yelled frustratingly through our mind-link.

Wanna know why?

Because he's been going mental ever since our little angel left, as if she'd be gone forever.

Don't get me wrong, I miss her like hell, even though we've only been separated for a few hours. Like I've mentioned before, it's a mate thing. You just always have to be with each other. Being apart feels foreign, strange, and absolutely dreadful, trust me, I would know after the sh*t we've been through. But Axel is going out of control in my mind.

Don't tell me to f*cking calm down when our beloved is having dinner with a man we do not trust. What if he's hurting her right now? he argues back, giving a very valid point.

I understand him completely. After everything that's happened in the past, it's hard for me to leave Noelle alone, especially with people I do not trust. I get anxious leaving her with Trevor and Theo, how do you think I feel about leaving her with Michael? Michael is near the top of the list of the people I do not trust. He's not at the top, but he's no where near the bottom.

You think I want her to be there? She wanted to, and I can't say no to her, no body can. Even if something were to happen, we'd feel it straight away, and she isn't known as the strongest supernatural for no reason, I responded calmly, shutting him up.

I know for a fact she can defend herself. My Noelle doesn't need someone to constantly save her, she can do it on her own, with no assistance, I'm absolutely sure of it. She may be tiny, adorably tiny, but her powers are the mightiest things to exist.

She sort of reminds me of a kitten. So sweet, gentle, cute and completely harmless, but rub them the wrong way, they are feisty, strong, and can claw your eyes out in a heart beat.

It was terrible letting her go, call me dramatic, I don't give a sh*t, especially after our little sinful event together in the closet. Her down on her knees for me, practically naked, looking up at me with those beautiful doe eyes, so innocent even though her actions weren't. Sucking my-

Holy f*ck

Just thinking about it makes me go crazy. She makes me go crazy like no other.

It was her first time, but could've fooled me.

It just makes me even more excited for the day we finally -

My thoughts were interrupt by an unexpected surge of pain dominating my body. I let out a groan in discomfort and my heart pounded like drums, as it felt like needles were piercing through my flesh, entering my body and twisting everything inside. My eyesight blurring, the things around me started disappearing and black dots overtaking my vision. The only sounds I could hear were that of my loud heart beat and a ringing noise, like the vibration of a phone, warning me of the dangers ahead.

I held my head in my hands, pulling at my hair harshly in pain as I fell on my knees. I could barely hear Axel, and my breathing felt as if it were being taken away. I let out a agonising scream, which no doubt caught the attention of everybody in the house, as a few seconds later I heard people yelling all around me, the vibrating sounds slightly going away.

"It's happening again, like what happened at the Knight's home", I heard a muffled voice speak, loud enough for me to distinguish the words spoken and the voice it belongs to. Dad.


"Are you sure it's because of Noelle? What if it's something else?", Another voice spoke frantically. I felt arms around me, I recognised the touch to be my mothers. "Come on Easton, open your eyes", she begged, but as much as I tried, they wouldn't pry open.

"No, it's Noelle. We need to go", my father spoke again. They can't leave without me!

Come on Axel, do something to help me! I begged in my mind, not having heard him yet.

Slowly, I felt my position being replaced, from the one in control, to the one being controlled.

I frantically rose to my feet as soon as the black dots which were previously clouding my vision disappeared, my family looking at me with worried expressions. I ignored the pain I was feeling, deeming Noelle way more important, which she was. I knew I shouldn't have let her go.

I wanted to yell in pain, not because of my physical state, but because my heart is tearing apart into little pieces every second she isn't beside me. I need to calm down, I can't do something irrational. I took a deep breathe, slowing my rapid heart beat.

"I'm leaving", I announce, running out of the room and towards the front door. I didn't care who or what was in my way, I was pushing everything that limited me from getting to my baby as soon as possible.

My baby

What's happening to her?

This is all our fault. I should've known something terrible would've happened. This is Noelle Winters we're talking about, everybody is out to get her. She's always in danger, even in the safest of places. I should've gone with her. I should've told more guards to go with her. There is so many things I should've done which I stupidly didn't.

I got into the first car I saw, driving towards the restaurant.

I'm coming baby doll don't worry

Meanwhile, back at the restaurant:

"I wouldn't mind meeting her on better terms", Noelle saying, taking a sip from her water. Michael grinned.

"Really?! I thought you would say no", he says in shock.

"I think everyone deserves second chances", she replies.

"Great, because I told her to stop by."

She chokes a little on the water she was sipping, causing little droplets of water to run down her chin and her heart to beat faster.

Now?! She said to herself.

"Oh, how lovely", she tried to say as genuinely and sincerely as possible, not wanting to be rude. Michael smiled at her lovingly.

"Iris should be here any second now."

"Speaking about me behind my back dear?", the pair heard from behind them and Noelle's head immediately fell to her lap, not wanting to make eye contact.

"Nothing bad, take a seat", Michael says after greeting her. She complies, clearing her throat.

"Sweetheart, it's great to see you again", Iris stated putting her hand on top of Noelle's, squeezing it a little too tight, but Noelle thought nothing of it.

"Nice t-to see you too. Look, I'm s-sorry for banishing y-you -" she was interrupted quickly.

"Oh no worries, I understand why you did what you did", Iris continued, but something about the tone she used caused Noelle to wonder, did she actually understand?

They all say a woman's intuition is always right, and at the moment, Noelle's gut was telling her that something was not right, and it definitely is not the food.

Noelle may be the queen, but at the moment, she felt like a little mouse, scared of her biological parents. She was only just starting to warm up to Michael, but then he goes behind her back, inviting his wife to the dinner that was meant just for them. She felt somewhat betrayed.


"I do hope you'll change your mind on the rule you made deary", Iris said confidently, after a short pause between the three. Noelle scratched the back of her arms, uncomfortable.

"Well, y-you see, I can't really d-do that until I know you h-have good intentions and-" she was interrupted yet again.

"Oh nonsense, you can, do I look threatening?"

"Darling, let Noelle speak, you haven't even given her the chance to finish", Michael gave his input, earning a scoff from his wife.

"As I was s-saying, um, I want to be completely s-sure the Kingdom of Highland is safe when you're here before I m-make a decision", Noelle finished, her voice quiet but confident.

"Safe with me here? Are you insinuating that I'm a dangerous person?", Iris asked in disbelief, her voice laced with disgust.

"No n-o, I just-"

"No, you are saying that. You think you can talk to me this way, I'm still your mother", Iris raised her voice, deeply offended.

"I know that-".

"I held you in my stomach for 9 months, gave birth to you, tried my best with you, looked for you for 20 years, just for your ungrateful a*s to kick me out the Kingdom that you shouldn't be the queen of? What a disappointment", she stood up whilst she spoke, pointing her finger in Noelle's face, garnering the attention of the guards surrounding them, all coming closer to Noelle.

"If you could just p-put your hand down please, we could talk properly, if you don't I can't stop the guards from doing their job"

"Don't tell me what to do, you selfish brat. And what are they gonna do, huh? Slap me? Push me away? What would they do if I touched you?", she yelled into Noelle's face, slapping her on the right cheek, leaving a red hand imprint on her face. "What are they gonna do? You weak little sh*t-"

Noelle was not having it

She wouldn't let this crazy woman disrespect her and the guards like this.

Noelle stood up abruptly. Silence surrounded the restaurant for a few minutes.

She looked unfazed, unbothered.

But if only they knew her blood was boiling inside.

"Trying to get all brave on me? You couldn't hurt me even if you tried", Iris yelled angrily.

Out of no where, the witch began using her sorceress spells on Noelle. A misty, purple ball appearing on her hand, floating above her skin. She threw it at Noelle, leaving her in a daze. Her vision became blurry, and the sounds of ringing invaded her ears. She looked down, only to faintly see a crimson red pouring out of her arm.

Noelle was not giving up.

"You missed", she said as loudly as she could throughout the pain. "And I never miss."

Fire surrounded Noelle's body, but instead of harming her, it gave her the strength she needed to fight back. The dangerous orange was her shield, protecting her from the witch before her. The guards attempted to help out, but Noelle shook her head.

I can do it alone, she said to herself.

Iris and Michael looked at their daughter in shock. Her arms were engulfed by the flames, and all they could was watch. No spell Iris knew could combat those flames.

"Michael move!", Noelle yelled.


"Move!!", she yelled even louder, and he obeyed.

As soon as he was out of the way, she made balls of fire with the flames surrounding her, throwing it directly at Iris, causing her skin to burn. The sound of her screams made Noelle wince, she didn't want to torment the woman, but she was forced to in order to defend herself.

The pain she was feeling was fading away as she continued to fight back, burning Iris's pale skin. She could see the gashes and scars she was causing, and stopped, tears were falling out of her eyes.

"Noelle!", she heard the one voice she was desperate to hear.

The fire disappeared from her arms as he ran up to her, scooping her up in his arms and holding her unimaginably close. They held onto each other as if they were about to drown, crying in relief.

"Baby", he whispered lovingly, thankful she's alive and well.

"It's Axel, by the way", he stated with a little laugh, just like last time. She looked up from his neck and saw those ominous black eyes. No whiteness in it, just black, like how she remembered.

"Axel", she whispered, sniffling a little.

"I saw everything, you don't know how badly I wanted to help, but I wanted everyone to know just why you're the queen, just why you're the strongest being to exist on earth, just why you are as special as you are. I wanted the world to know that you deserve those titles, and the universe alone with it", he revealed, and she tightened her arms around him, careful not to strangle him.

"I love you, Axel, and you too Easton", she whispered with a quiet giggle.

"I love you more, and you too Crimson."

They both turned to look at the scene behind them. The outdoor patio Michael and Noelle were sitting at completely aflame, though the inside was untouched. Michael leaning over Iris, trying to see if she's alive. He looked worried, whilst she looked ruined, scarred and bruised. Noelle felt guilty, but not enough to regret her actions. She did for not only herself, but for Highland.

"Is she dead?", Axel asked hopefully. Noelle shook her head.

"Should've killed that b*tch", he mumbled and she giggled at his psychotic behaviour.

"I don't wanna be a mini-you", she said and he chuckled, walking back to the car with her still hanging from him like a baby koala. He turned to look at the remains, smiling satisfactorily at the sight his baby caused.

His cute little destructor

"What if I want you to be the mini-me?", he teased, placing her on the hood of the car. She pulled away slightly, looking up at him since he's still taller than her. She placed her hands on his shoulders, massaging them slightly as his calloused rough hands caressed her waist.

"Sure, but a little less psychotic, dirty, mean, stubborn, self-centred-".

"Okay, okay, no need to go on", he stopped her, making her laugh, and he couldn't help but join, her smile and giggles were just too contagious.

"You looked very sexy doing what you did, by the way", he said huskily, as if it were the most casual thing to say, his voice deep and low, causing her to feel tingles all over. She raised an eyebrow, blushing.

"Didn't know nearly killing someone could be considered sexy", she said with a little giggle.

"Now you do."

She gasped as she felt his hands creep up her skirt, causing her to clench her thighs together, only for him to spread them apart again.

"Don't f*cking do that baby", he ordered, his fingers squeezing and drawing patterns on her thighs, teasing her. She nodded in submission, but stopped herself instantly.

"Yes Axel", she corrected, remembering what Easton told her about words.

"Good girl, so f*cking perfect", he whispered in her ears, causing little shivers to run up and down her spine, and it wasn't because of the cold weather, and the fact that she left the jacket she was wearing back at the restaurant.

She held in a squeal once she felt his hands reach up to the strands of her underwear, pulling it down low enough. Her body temperature became extremely hot, the effects of his actions were evident, but she didn't complain, she loved it after all.

"Did you forget we're in public, we aren't at home baby doll. Aren't you shy?", he teased, knowing she didn't like PDA.

"For some reason, I think you enjoy being out in the open. The thought of someone catching us excites you, doesn't it you little minx? You love the thought of everyone not only knowing your mine, but seeing that you are mine", he spoke whilst slowly trailing his fingers lower and lower.

"Y-yes it does Axel", she whispered shamelessly, making him chuckle.

"You're naughtier than I thought. So so innocent and pure, but at the same time, you want me to do sinful things to you, I can tell. Babydoll, no need to be shy, you can tell me what you want. Go on, tell me", he ordered.

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