《Inevitable》39 - D I N N E R


Today I'm having dinner with my father.

I'm running around my walk-in closet like headless chicken, in only my underwear.

It sounds so weird saying it out loud. Michael is my biological father. Never in a million years did I think I would be reuniting with my real parents, and truth be told, I never really wanted to. I was, and still am, so happy with the life I've been given. I have two incredible people who I have the privilege to call mother and father, Nathaniel and Lilah. Though not by blood, they are my family, and I'm blessed to have them, so the thought of meeting my real parents never crossed my mind. I didn't feel the need to see them. Sure, it would be cool, but it wasn't something I yearned for.

After the whole situation involving Iris, I didn't think meeting Michael would be the most pleasant thing in the world, but I was proved wrong. He genuinely cares about me, and understands my feelings, unlike Iris, who did not consider how I may have felt about the whole ordeal, and called me selfish for wanting to stay with my true family. I want to meet her again, hopefully once she understands her wrongs, like how Michael did.

The news from yesterday still hasn't sunk in.

Easton was raped. That vile woman gave him drugs against his will, without him even knowing, causing him to sleep with her. For what? Just so she could be queen? Just so she could take a spot that was never hers? Just for the power? It shocks me, how selfish people are these days, and how people would practically do anything for money and power.

Putting someone under the influence, using drugs, which is even worse than alcohol, and having sex with them is still classified as raping them. Sure, Easton never said no, but he wasn't aware of what was happening, no body would be.

It breaks my heart just to think about, and I know it hurts Easton too, even though he didn't seem upset about it. I can read Easton like a book. He wanted to remain strong for everyone around him by not showing his emotions, but I want him to know he can be vulnerable around me. We can both be vulnerable together.

We had a long conversation about it this morning, and everything's been better since. I comforted him and made him understand that it wasn't his fault. .

"Baby! Are you ready?", speaking of the devil, I hear his masculine voice call out from the bedroom, whilst I'm in my walk-in closet, getting ready for dinner. I still haven't decided on what to wear, too busy thinking about what occurred yesterday. He walks in and gives me a surprised look when he sees the floor covered in clothes.


"Help", I give him a pleading look and he laughs hysterically at me.

"Elle, it's dinner with your dad, not the f*cking Queen of England", he teases and I through a random piece of clothing at him playfully.

Only to find out I had thrown my lace red bra right at him face.

Come on, out of all the clothes on the floor, it just had to be my underwear?

"Woah, doll, are you planning on postponing dinner?", he asked flirtatiously, making me groan in frustration, but also let out a little giggle.

"No sir, now can you please help me pick something to wear?", I ask, pouting slightly to persuade him.

"I can never say no to that face", he says and I smile victoriously. He walks up to me, snaking his arms around my waist and leaning his chin on my head as I face away from him, looking at the rows of clothes hanging, and the piles on the floor. Before I even say a word, his lips latch onto my neck, kissing and sucking the mark he left on me. I bite my lips to stop myself from making any noise.

"Let it out baby, I wanna hear every little sound you make", he whispers against my ear, making me shiver, a breeze running up and down my spine.

I sway from side to side, basking in his embrace, the feeling of his lips against my skin leaving my in a frenzy, a high. It feels like what I imagine a volcano feels right before it erupts, if volcano's can even feel things.

Girl, you are so weird, shut up and let me enjoy this moment, Crimson says, shutting my brain up.

"Y-you're supposed to help m-me, not distract me", I stutter out nervously, not wanting to be late for dinner, but also not wanting this moment to end.

"How am I distracting you?", he teases, one hand resting on my bare stomach whilst the other caresses my waist and hip.

"Because you a-are-", I pause, not wanting to say it aloud. He smirks against my neck.

"I'm what? Go on, say it little baby", his words alone make me rub my thighs together.

"You're k-kissing me, and doing o-other stuff", I whisper, his hands trailing lower, and lower.

"You want me to help you look for an outfit?", he asks and I nod desperately.

"Give me something first, then I'll help", he orders.

"What do you w-want?", I ask shyly.

"I want you to get down on you knees babydoll."

I can't believe I just did that. Something so.. unholy. I hope I didn't disappoint Easton, it was my first time, and I don't want him to feel unsatisfied. What if he thinks I did really bad? What if he never wants to do s-stuff with me ever again? What if-


"Open", I hear his deep voice order, breaking me out of my thoughts. I obediently part my lips, still on my knees, which are starting to ache, but I don't complain. He wipes my chin clean with his thumb and places it inside my mouth.

"Suck", I do exactly as he says until his thumb is clean of any substance. He pulls his thumb away and strokes my face lovingly with one hand, and pulling my up on my feet with the other. My knees shake slightly. He notices and lifts me up, causing my to squeal in surprise and I wrap my legs around his waist. His hands situate on my bottom and I lean my head on his shoulder, hiding from his face, too shy to make eye contact after our unholy moment. He chuckles.

"Don't be shy Elle, you were perfect", he whispers sweetly, his tough exterior that was present a few minutes ago melting away.

"Really?", I whisper.

"Really. You did such a good job, such a good girl", he says, taking a seat on my vanity chair, taking my face in his hands, making me face him. I blush when we make eye contact.

"Are you gonna be like this from now on, shy?", he asks with a smile, looking at me in adoration.

I shake my head, my cheeks darkening even more.

He leans in to kiss me, and I do too before I remember,

"Wait! I-I just.. did that, why w-would you wanna kiss me?", I ask, a little embarrassed.

"I don't give a f*ck. Come here."

He states, kissing my hungrily as I didn't just suck his thingy.

I sigh into the kiss, feeling my tense body relax at the feeling of his arms around me.

I stop, pulling away and he groans in annoyance, leaning forward to kiss me again. I giggle.

"No, you have to help me pick an outfit, you pinky promised", I say and he sighs.

"Come on then", he says, standing up and putting me down. I walk over to the clothes with his hands still in mine. We both look for a good few minutes before he picks something off the floor.

"How about this?", he asks and I smile.

Wow, he's got style.

"Perfect, thank you Easton!", I hug him tightly and give his jaw multiple kisses. "Now get out so I can get changed", I try to push him out of the room, but he doesn't budge.

"I'll turn around, I pinky promise", he says and I smile.

He's even starting to say the things that I say.

How cute.

We intertwine pinkies and he turns around, keeping to his words.

I quickly get dressed and tell him to turn around when I'm done.

"Beautiful as always."

"Thank you kind sir."

I hear my phone ding, indicating that the driver is outside and Easton sighs.

"Okay, remember what I told you?", he asks and I nod.

"I have to call you if anything happens, even if I get a paper cut, and I must be home by 10 p.m", I repeat his words exactly.


"And...", I say, confused. There's something else.

"And you have to give me a kiss before you leave", he says and I giggle, giving him a quick kiss before running out of the room.

"Bye Easty!"

"You little sh*t", I hear him yell out, making me laugh even more.

I take his black jacket right before I leave the house, swinging it over my shoulder, knowing it will be cold. I hop into the car and before I know it, we've made it to the restaurant. The driver kindly walks me right to Michael and I's table, where I see Michael sitting down and drinking a glass of wine. He smiles when he sees me, standing up and engulfing me in a hug. The driver walks away and I return the embrace.

"It's nice to see you again, Ellie", he says and I smile at him once we pull away. I take a seat.

"You too Mikey", I say sweetly, giving him a nickname like how he gave me one.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet me. I've been waiting for this for forever", he says and I smile.

"No need to thank me, it's the least I could do."

We order our food and it comes quite quickly.

"I'm pretty sure you know why we had to leave you. It wasn't safe, the wolves were after us. I hope you can understand why we did what we did", he explains.

"Of course, I wouldn't have done anything differently if I were you", I reassure him and he smiles.

"I also hope you'd be willing to speak to Iris soon?", he question nervously and there's a slight pause.

"I don't m-mind speaking to her, but could you be there as well. I don't want to be alone", I ask hopefully and he nods.

"How come Easton didn't come with you? I was sure he wouldn't let you leave the house on your own after everything", he asks, letting out a little chuckle.

"Although he didn't tell me, I'm pretty sure there are about 10 guards surrounding this restaurant, and a few undercover ones. Including the waiter", I say, making us both laugh.

"I didn't want him to come, he'd probably try and scare you off, and I want to do things independently, and not have to rely on everyone else but myself", I continue and he nods.

"Very understandable. You remind me of Iris a lot, she's very independent. She hates asking others for help", he reveals and I smile. She doesn't sound terrible.

Maybe reuniting with my real parents won't be such a bad thing after all.

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