《Inevitable》37 - C O R O N A T I O N


The couple went their separate ways in order to get ready, mainly because they both knew if Easton stayed, he wouldn't have allowed Noelle to get ready in time, distracting her the whole time. Although he huffed and groaned when forced to leave, he gave in towards the end, finally.

One one side of the castle, the great hall was being prepared by maids and butlers, all running like headless chickens, trying to get everything done in time for the coronation. The stage, the lights, the food, the tables, the decoration, everything had to be spot on for the queen.

On another side was Easton, Sheila and Alexander, as well as Trevor and Theo. Sheila had yelled at them time and time again for 'wasting time', when in reality, the had 4 more hours to get ready. The men were playing a chess tournament whilst Sheila was having a panic attack, not literally though. She was just worried for the coronation.

And then we have Noelle, Lilah and Nathaniel. Unlike the other residents in the castle, they were as calm as ever, not rushing or panicking. Of course, there was a huge worry, since this would be the first time Noelle's re arrival would be announced nationwide, and literally anything could happen, good or bad.

"How are you feeling, pup? Do you think this is happening a little too past?", Nate asked while holding his daughters hand. She smiled at his concern, but shook her head.

"The pace everything is going at is perfect, I couldn't of wished for it to happen any other way", she answered gratefully, not able to describe her happiness. The couple smiled back at her. "Why do you ask?", she pondered. Lilah sighed before answering.

"Easton's coronation was a mess", that one sentence caused Noelle to frown.


"He didn't want it. He thought he didn't deserve to be king, since he wasn't able to find you. Easton was so sure you were dead, no matter what anyone told him, he didn't want to serve as king if you weren't by his side."


(Author here, I know some people complained about the flashbacks, but that's not going to stop me from writing them xox)

"No! I'm not going on that stage", Easton growled when his father brought the coronation up yet again.

"Easton, you must! When an heir turns 18, he or she becomes king or queen, it's the rule", Alexander explained, frustrated.

"F*ck the rules! I'm not ruling without her beside me, end of story", he argued, emphasising his distaste towards his fathers words.

"Do not speak to your father like that", Sheila spoke calmly, though her facial expression didn't correspond to her tone. She was angry. Easton silenced as soon as his mother spoke. He still sat with a scowl on his face, burning holes into the ground.

"This is what you were born to do. What would Noelle want you to do?", Sheila asked.

"She'd want me to rule", he answered quietly, his voice less angry, and more hurt.

"Exactly, and do you want to go against her wishes?"


He was saddened by the reality of his mothers words. She uttered the truth. Noelle would want him to take responsibility and care for their kingdom, with or without her. The people needed a king, Easton to be exact. He could just about hear her sweet, angelic voice in his ears:


"Go on Easty, be the king the people need."

He smiled slightly, though not a full one, since it was only his imagination, it was still a smile, something we haven't seen Easton do in ages. His parents stood and waited for his response in anticipation. They needed him to say yes to the coronation.

"Fine, but only because she would want me to", he answered and they sighed in relief.

Flashback over.

"Even though he agreed to it, he was moody the whole day. He refused to greet the guests, eat the food, give a speech, or even smile. It was his day, yet he pretty much sat on the throne the whole time, not uttering a word", Nate explained and Noelle couldn't help but feel saddened by the story.

She knew first hand how stubborn Easton is, and if he didn't want to do something, nothing would change his mind, except for her. She felt special to be the one who could encourage him to do anything, without even trying, but being stubborn could be the best or worst trait.

"You can't blame him, he was in a terrible state. I would be the same if I were in his position", Noelle spoke, excusing his actions.

"Of course, I can't imagine what he was feeling that day", Lilah said and the three sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"Okay, no more dwelling on the past, we've got a coronation to go to", Noelle stood up excitedly and the two chuckled at the sudden change in emotions. She got up and ran to the bathroom to get herself ready for the coronation.

A few hours later:

Everything was complete.

The jitters had finally reached Noelle's body and only now has she started feeling nervous.

"You look beautiful, Elle. Please don't stress", Lilah comforted while rubbing Noelle's back. She smiled at her mother and took a deep breathe in.

"Where's Easton?", she asked.

"He's already on the throne, guests are still coming in. Once everyone is seated, you'll walk in and give a speech before the Count crowns you as Queen", Nate explained, causing a whole to form in Noelle's stomach.

"Can he walk with me?", she asked, not wanting to be alone.

"Unfortunately not, he's already king, there's no reason for him to walk in with you", Lilah said, making her anxiety sky-rocket.

She couldn't do it. She can't possibly face everyone after 10 years on her own, without her parents, without Easton, without anybody. Noelle knew she had to be independent, but put yourself in her shoes. There's no need for further explanation, the task would be hard for anyone.

"No, please, I-I need him, I c-can't do it alone", she stuttered shakily, gripping onto her fathers arm as if it were an anchor. The two sighed sadly for their daughter.

"Be strong for us Noelle, you can do it", Nate encouraged but it didn't help her case.

"But everyone will stare at me with disgust, they'll probably think I betrayed them. What will they think of me? They'll think I'm weak and not fit for the role. What if I mess up my speech? Oh my, papa please, I need someone with me", she begged, tears threatening to fall out of her golden eyes.

"Hey, pup, please don't cry. I'll call Easton in here, he'll help you feel better, okay?", Nate compromised and she nodded vigorously. The couple walked out to grab Easton before every body walks in, and once he entered the room, she ran into his arms, embracing him tightly. Shocked, he wrapped his arms around her waist, a concerned look on his face.


"What's wrong baby? Why are you crying?", he asked in a worried tone, caressing her back lovingly while giving the crown of her head countless kisses.

"I can't do i-it, Easty", she whimpered, her face still buried in his suit clad chest. He sighed.

"That's what I said on the day of my coronation. Do you know what I did to feel better?", he asked and she shrugged, not answering verbally.

"I thought of you", he stated and she looked up at him, a few tears laying on her plump, pink cheeks, which he wiped away with his thumbs, holding her face in his calloused hands.

"That's the magic of beloveds and mates, just the thought of them could get you through anything. I won't be standing beside you, but I'll be there, standing from a far, watching you proudly. If you get scared, just look over at me, I'll make you feel better, okay doll?", he comforted and she nodded, hugging him tightly once again.

"You look beautiful, my love", he whispered and she blushed.

"You look v-very pretty as well", she sniffled slightly and he laughed, pecking her nose and forehead.

"I'm gonna go now, okay babydoll? Will you be alright?", he asked and she nodded with a smile on her face. "I want words", he ordered sternly.

"I'll be fine Easton", she answered and he smiled down at her.

With one last lingering kiss, he left the room.

After a couple of minutes, a maid entered the dressing room and told Noelle it was time for her to enter the great hall. She took several deep breathes in before leaving the room and making her way towards the hall. She saw the guards opening the large mahogany double doors, and inside, a herd of people, men, women and children. She could see Easton right at the back.

Everyone turned and looked at Noelle, gasps and whispers heard.

She walked in elegantly, praying she wouldn't trip over her long dress. She smiled at the people she passed, keeping her head held high, like a true queen. Smiles were returned and the looks of shock on everyone's face made Noelle feel better about herself. She saw Lilah and Nate, both giving her looks of encouragement as she finally made her way on the stage, a guard holding her hand, guiding her up the stairs.

The room went silent once she turned to face the crowd.

She began her prepared speech, hoping to not mess up.

"For those who don't know me, I'm Noelle Brie Winters. Yes, the girl who was kidnapped 10 years ago. Yes, the strongest supernatural to walk to face of this earth. Yes, the girl who was found in a basket in the forest. Yes, the fox shifter. I have many more nicknames, but from this day forward, I will no longer be referred to as any of these, but Noelle Brie Winters, the Queen of Highlands."

"My journey to get to where we are today has not been an easy one, as many of you would understand. I thought my life was over 10 years ago, though I wasn't physically dead, I was mentally. No details are needed, all you must know is that my life was a living hell, until I was saved. I returned to the Highlands a long while ago in secret, not as a human, but as a fox. It took me weeks to recover and even when I did, I still wasn't ready for this day."

"But now, I stand here today as your Queen. This Kingdom saved me, and now I shall return the favour, by living the rest of my life supporting, guiding, helping, protecting and loving each and every one of you."

"I, Noelle Brie Winters, vow to rule the Kingdom of Highlands justly and graciously, til my last breathe."

The crowd cheered once she was finished, causing Noelle's smile to grow even more. All the stress from earlier had flown out the window, and all she could feel now was happiness and pride, in herself and the people standing before her. She turned to face Easton, he was smiling widely at her, blowing her a kiss.

"What a speech that was", she heard from behind her, causing her to gasp in surprise. She turned around, only to be faced by Count Dracula himself. Her eyes widened and she instantly bowed down in respect.

"A pleasure to meet you, Count", she spoke quietly and softly as he smiled down at her.

Although centuries old, he didn't look a day above 40. His hair, slightly grey, was styled neatly, and only a few wrinkled scattered along his face. He was tall and well built and radiated so much power, Noelle couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by his presence.

"I can sense the success you will lead this kingdom to already, you're a special one, Noelle Winters. I crown you, Queen of Highlands", he stated proudly, placing the elegant crown on her head. She smiled widely at him as he kissed her hand.

"Thank you, sir", she whispered in awe, still not believing that the Count himself was standing in front of her.

Never wash that hand ever again, Crimson said, causing Noelle to smile even more.

She felt hands wrap around her waist, and she instantly relaxed, recognising Easton's touch.

"Thank you for gracing us today, Count", he spoke deeply, his hands tightening around Noelle's waist.

"Oh the pleasure is all mine, King. You've got a precious one, don't let her go", he said and Noelle blushed.


They shared a couple more words before the Count returned to his seat beside Alexander, Nate and Victor, leaving Noelle and Easton alone once again.

"See, I told you. I'm so proud of you Elle."

"Thank you, Easty", she gave him multiple kisses to his jawline and his grip on her tightened even more.

Completely ignoring the fact that there was were hundred of people surrounding them, Easton couldn't help but kiss Noelle feverishly. He didn't care if every body was watching, he was proud to show his beloved off, marking her as his.

"Easton?", she whispered against his lips.


"I need to go pee", she giggled and she groaned in annoyance, giving her one last peck.

"Be quick baby", he ordered and she nodded.

As she made her way towards the bathroom, she heard a loud whisper.

"Noelle", the voice called out. She recognised the voice, but couldn't put a face to the sound.

She stopped in her tracks.

"Over here", she heard again. She turned around, and to her surprise, it was....

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