《Inevitable》36 - F A U L T S


"So you're telling me, you got the both of us banished from the Highland's, for your f*cking mistake?" Michael seethed as Iris stood by the door, leaning against it with her hands crossed over her chest. She shrugged.

"It was completely irrational of her, I didn't do anything wrong-".

"Yes you f*cking did! You know she wasn't ready to face us yet, especially after finding out about our plan with Cecelia. You should've listened to me, but no, instead you went to the Highland's and demanded she spent time with us. How stupid can you get?! Now, because of your faults, I have to pay the price", he continued to yell, absolutely frustrated with the sudden, unexpected news.

He had every right to be, and Iris didn't blame him. She sighed, tears brimming in her eyes.

"I know it was dumb! But you have to understand where I'm coming from, we're in the same boat at the end of the day. I didn't look for Noelle all my life, just for her mate to tell me I can not see her, so I was desperate!" she explained, trying to validate her actions.

"Well your desperate a*s got us both banished from her Kingdom, and worse than that, the chance of seeing her again, are slim to none", he spoke, but this time in a quieter voice, coming to terms with their fate.

That's it, there was nothing he could do.

Back at the castle:

Today was the day the whole world will know that Queen of Highlands has returned.

It would be nerve-wracking for anybody, but the pressure on Noelle was so much higher. The pressure to lead well, to set an example for the Kingdom, to rule, to be the best Queen the Highlands have seen. All of it caused immense stress on Noelle, but she was determined to be what the residents of Highland want her to be.

At this moment in time, Noelle and Easton were still in bed, whilst the castle maids and butlers were busy preparing the great hall for the coronation this evening. People from all over Europe were coming over. Allies, relatives, friends and most importantly, Count Dracula.

His arrival was the most important to Noelle. She wanted to meet him, she was desperate too. She knew he would have the answers to her questions, and to meet the first vampire to ever exist would be a great honour. After hearing his story, and reading a few chapters from his diary, she became even more excited to meet to Count.

Awakening from her serene slumber, Noelle found Easton still sleeping on her chest. She smiled as memories from last night replayed in her mind. She still couldn't believe that he was already thinking about having pups. Thinking about having a few children running around excited Noelle. She wanted little ones just as much as he did. Not right now though, their lives were too hectic to have pups, but perhaps in the near future.


Easton did not budge during his sleep, she was surprised he didn't squish her due to his large, muscular body. It was a sight to look at, and she felt blessed to be able to witness him every day.

Practically sensing that she was awake, Easton began moving around, falling off Noelle's small body and landing near the edge of the bed. She giggled at the sight of him nearly falling off. She turned over and cuddled into side, not sure if he was awake or not, tracing the endless amounts of tattoos on his chest and abs.

"What are you doing, baby?", he whispered in his rough, deep voice, which made Noelle clench her thighs. His eyes were still closed, but she now knew he was awake, which made her happy since she didn't like going downstairs without him beside her.

"Looking at your tattoos", she answered shyly. He chuckled when he opened his eyes, seeing how entranced she was by the art of his body made him oddly satisfied. He felt admired.

The feeling of her soft, delicate hands on his bare body was a feeling he has yet to get used to, and he doesn't think he ever will. Just a simple touch from her can calm his inner beast down, and rationalise his mind. It was like a super power only she possessed.

He stiffened a little when she began tracing the tattoos on his lower abdomen, which instantly made her stop. "I'm so sorry, did I do something wrong?", she asked worryingly, an adorable pout stuck on her face.

"Shh, you did nothing wrong babydoll, carry on", he reassured her in a quiet, sleepy voice, moving the baby hairs away from her face and rubbing his thumb against her soft cheeks. She sighed in relief and laid back down on his chest, and continued to draw patterns on his body. Easton left little kisses on her head and her free hand as they sat in comfortable silence.

"Today you're officially going to be crowned queen", Easton said.

"I never thought this day would come, I thought I'd spend the rest of my life locked in that cage", she admitted and he stopped kissing her hand at her words. He sighed and placed his large hands on each side of her face, craning it upwards so they can make eye-contact.

"That would never have happened, I promised I would never stop looking for you, and I kept that promise. We've started a new chapter in our lives, and the past does not matter anymore, does it?", she shook her head at that question. "If I could erase all those memories from the last ten years, I would do it in a heart beat. I never want such thoughts to invade your precious mind ever again. I know you can't help what you think, and it kills me to think about the past, so I can only imagine what it does to you. I just need you to know that you'll always be safe here, and you are so loved and adored, more than anybody else. You mean so much to all of us, and the Kingdom." He finished and she couldn't help but engulf him in a tight embrace. Easton chuckled when she did so, her body was unimaginably close to his and for someone so little, she held onto him so tightly, as if he'd disappear if she let go.


"I wish you knew how incredible you are, Easty. You always say this Kingdom is nothing without me, but without you, it would shred to pieces right in front of us", she spoke while looking into his eyes with so much love and adoration, to which he reciprocated those expressions.

"Careful, babydoll, it sounds like you're complimenting me", he said, making them both chuckle as she kept her grip on him, her legs around his waist and arms around his neck, whilst his rested on her hip, as he leaned on the headboard.

"I love you", she whispered.

"I love you more. Now we need to start getting ready for the coronation", he announced and she whined in disapproval.

"Nooo, I don't want to get up yet", she protested whilst holding him even tighter and refusing to let go, her head in his neck as he chuckled at her behaviour.

"Come on, baby", he encouraged but she continued to protest and whine.

Suddenly, she was pinned down on the bed, causing her to squeal in surprise, and he hovered above her with a dangerous smirk etched on his face. She still had her legs wrapped around his waist, but her arms were held down by his, trapping her in place.

"Something about me doll, I don't like it when my baby whines", he whispered in a sensual, deep voice. Her heart beat accelerated as he started to kiss up and down her bare neck. He paused when he reached his mark on her, smiling before continuing to kiss and suck in that specific area, leaving her a blushing mess.

"It makes me very angry, watching my good girl turn into a brat. Understood?", she nodded frantically at his words, her breathing uneven and loud as he trailed down to her shoulder and collarbone, leaving dark redish purple marks all over her chest. She gasped when she felt a hard slap to her backside.

"Words, my love", he spoke in a dangerously calm tone.

"Y-yes Easton", she whimpered as her legs started shaking and weakening.

"Good girl, there she is. The whiny brat seems to have disappeared, huh baby?" he teased, his hands moving down her body, releasing her wrists from his grasp, squeezing her hip, thighs and backside.

"She's g-gone", she stated and he chuckled at her soft, quiet voice.

"Aww, my Noelle's all flustered, isn't she? Tell me what you want, go on", he ordered, knowing very well Noelle was too shy to say inappropriate things. She didn't say anything, instead, she basked in the pleasure she was receiving, humming and letting out cute sounds.

"Tell. Me. What. You. Want", he repeated and she bit her lip to stop herself from making any loud sounds.

"Y-you, I want y-you please", she begged and he smirked at her needy tone.

He connected their lips the second the words left her mouth. Easton teased her by pulling away every few seconds, which almost caused her to whine again, but she stopped herself. Not able to stay away any longer, he stopped the torture on her and gave her a full, passionate kiss. One hand caressing her cheek as the other rubbed her waist and hip. She felt the need to clench her thighs together, but his large body stopped her legs from connecting, leaving her a wet mess.

She didn't even realise the effect she has on him. He was as hard as a rock for her, wanting nothing more than to spend the rest of the day right here, on their bed, but they couldn't.

"Sorry, kitten, but we have a coronation to attend", he spoke after reluctantly pulling away.

She pouted, he got her all worked up for nothing. He wore his signature smirk, so she knew he did it on purpose.

"Meanie", she whispered and she chuckled, pecking her pouting lips.

"Now you know how I feel every time I see you", he said, picking her up and taking her to the bathroom, setting her down on the counter. "Instead of adorably pouting like an angry kitten, wanna get in the shower with me?", he asked hopefully, standing in between her legs.

Just as she was about to say yes, an evil thought went through her mind.

"Nope, you can watch me shower, then it's your turn", she said smugly.

Ha! Payback b*tch, Crimson said.

Crimson! Don't say such a vulgar word, Noelle argued.

Sorry love!

"So that's how you wanna play?", he asked rhetorically, rubbing her bare thighs.

"You started it", she said while giggling.

"And I'm gonna finish it", he said with a wink, leaving and walked into the shower. "Oh and I'm going first", he continued and she couldn't help but laugh.


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