《Inevitable》35 - P U P S ?


"Come on, let's get you inside pup", my dad spoke after our embrace ended. I glanced back towards the now deserted road, ensuring that the woman who claimed to be my mother wasn't there. I can't afford to put this Kingdom at risk for the sake of myself.

Would it have been nice to see where I originally came from?


Would it have been nice to meet my birth parents?


But when it came to those two, it wasn't worth it at all. Did I feel bad? Of course! I never felt so bad for someone in my life, banishing people wasn't something I imagined myself doing as a queen, but was it the right the to do?


We walked back into the castle in a comfortable silence, still processing everything that just occurred. It clearly surprise both Easton and my father, since the looks of shock on their faces weren't difficult to notice. It made me giggle. They looked so strange, looking at me as if they were afraid of what I have the power to do. I never felt intimidating before in my life, I was usually the one who was intimidated, but today, that changed.

I do not like being confrontational, only when necessary, and this time, it most definitely was.

"Are you okay, Elle?", Easton whispered in worry, breaking me out of my own thoughts. I smiled at him genuinely, a sense of happiness coursing through my body.

"I've never felt better", I answered and a mischievous look took over his handsome face.

"Wanna bet on that?", he bent down and whispered in his seductive voice, his calloused, rough hand creeping up my shirt and rubbing my waist with his thumbs, which instantly made me go silent and red.

"Hey! No flirting or touching, at least not while I'm standing here", I heard my father say, and we both laughed at his protective nature. I attempted to pull away from Easton, suddenly embarrassed, but he did not budge, his hand practically stuck onto my waist, and to be honest, I am not complaining.

"Okay then, we'll just leave", Easton spoke calmly, making me giggle and my father glare at him, as he tried picking me up and sweeping me away.

My father however, wasn't having any of it, and did not let me go.

"Come on Nate, please?", Easton pleaded but my father just shook his head.

"As a matter of fact, there's some paperwork in the office that I left unattended, maybe you should get to work, King", my dad teased with a knowing smirk on his face, and I held back my giggles. Easton rolled his eyes and sighed in displeasure.

"Fine, just give me a sec with her please", Easton said and my dad smiled triumphantly.

Their banter always cracked me up.

"And that's my queue to leave, your mother and I will be in the library waiting for you pup", he announced and I nodded.

As soon as he was out of hind-sight, Easton kissed me feverishly. Surprised, I let out a little gasp, which gave him full access to my mouth. He smirked against my lips and continued to kiss me as if it were our last kiss. His hands sat on my hips pulling me as close as possible, whilst mine resided on his neck.


"Somebody might see", I whispered, pulling away slightly, on for him to pull me back, on of his hand reaching up to my neck.

"I don't give a f*ck, let them see", he answered back, pushing me up against the nearest wall.

It wasn't until we were both breathing heavily, the kiss ended. His hands caressed my face as he bent down so our foreheads could connect.

"I don't want you to leave me baby", he said, sadness laced in his voice which made me laugh.

"I'm not leaving you, I'm just going to be on the floor above you, silly", I spoke, opening my eyes and resting my head just below his chest. He chuckled and played with my hair as I hugged his waist tightly.

"That's too far away for my liking", he complained and I smiled at how clingy he was being.

"How about, I go and spend a few hours with my parents while you work and do other king... stuff, and when we both finish, we can stay in bed for the rest of the day, eating junk food and watching TV shows?" I compromise while looking up at him hopefully, whilst he looks up as if he's actually contemplating on what do to.

"Sound good to me, ma'am."

"Deal?", I pull out my hand for him to shake.

"Deal", he shakes my hand then brings it up to his lips to kiss gently, not breaking eye contact with me, which made me blush deeply. He chuckled and gave me one last peck before leaving me beside the wall, which we just did some unholy things next to, flustered.

I shook my head, regaining myself, and walked towards the library.

As a child, the library was a place I loved spending my time in. I loved learning about the origins of the vampires, withes, wolves, and my personal favourite, the foxes. It was so interesting to discover all sorts of new things, and what made it even better was knowing that I am a part of that history. A huge part of it. That gave me a sense of belonging. And not to mention, the cosy aspect of picking up a good book, sitting in the corner of a dimly lit room, with a mug of hot chocolate, extra marshmallows, just how I like it, and reading in silence, not distractions.


Flashback: 3rd person P.O.V

"So, Count Dracula was cursed my the higher powers above for being an evil tyrant, and they turned him into a vampire?", little Noelle asked her parents whilst reading a book on the history of vampires.

"Correct, he ruled over a Kingdom called Alson, but he wasn't the greatest of leaders. He stole from the poor, killed people for his own pleasure and would start wars with many other Kingdoms around the world", Lilah spoke passionately as Noelle listened eagerly, loving the story.

"After the higher powers witnessed this, they did not allow it to continue, turning Count Dracula into a vampire, and banishing him from the Kingdom of Alson and sending him to a deserted forest, where nobody lived. He learned his lesson, being cursed into an ugly vampire allowed his to change his ways. He was always alone, and had to survive on his own", Nathaniel continued.


"What happened after that?", Noelle asked curiously.

"A woman was walking through the forest, and she stumbled upon Dracula-"

"Oooh! Just like how you guys found me?!", she asked excitedly. Lilah and Nate chuckled.

"Yes exactly. He told her what happened to him, and she found it in her heart to help him, bringing him back to her home and taking care of the man. She believed everyone deserved a second chance. They fell in love and had pups, and their pups fell in love with other vampires, and then they had pups. The cycle continued, and now we are here today", Lilah finished and Noelle stared at the two in complete awe and shock.

"Woah, so Count Dracula is basically your great great great great great-",

"Yes he is", Nate stopped her before she could continue which made her laugh.

Flashback over.

She smiled fondly at the memory as she arrived to her destination. That story was her favourite since it reminded her of herself. Though Noelle wasn't cursed, she was abandoned in a forest, then found and she fell in love.

"There you are, took you long enough", Lilah spoke while handing over a book Noelle hadn't seen before.

"What is this?", she asked.

"The diary of Count Dracula", Nate answered and Noelle stared at it as if it were an expensive diamond.

"How do you guys have it?"

"We've told you before that Count Dracula was raised in this kingdom, before leaving and ruling over Alson, he wrote a diary of his adventures here, and never left the house without his diary. He even kept it after leaving this kingdom, and after he was cursed. He made a visit here a few years ago, when you were still missing, and told us to give his diary to you, once we found you", Lilah explained as Noelle flicked through the pages of the antique book.

"He's still alive?", she asked.

"Of course, he's immortal", Nate answered.

"Can I meet him one day? I know I have when I was little but I barely remember it, and I have so many questions to ask, and so many stories to tell! I need to see him-".

"Okay pup, his annual visit is coming up soon, as well as your coronation, you'll be able to meet him then", Nate announced and she smiled.

"Wait, my coronation?", she asked.

"We need to crown you queen, officially. It's also about time everyone knew that you're back, most of the kingdom are still in the dark", Lilah said and Noelle squealed excitedly.

"That means I'll get to see everyone again?", they nodded and she smiled in happiness.

"And meet new faces, the Kingdom grows so much everyday", Nate added.

"They'll be so ecstatic to see you again, pup, just as much as we were."

A few hours later:

They family didn't even realise the sun had gone down until now. They were so preoccupied with each other to even notice their surroundings. With a yawn, Noelle announced her departure.

"See you in the morning, Elle", Lilah spoke whilst embracing her daughter.

She left with a smile on her face, the day could not have been more perfect.

Noelle walked towards Easton's office, not expecting him to still be working, but to her shock, he was. She frowned at the sight of thousands of papers surrounding him and the bags under his eyes.

"Easton?", she called out sweetly, and his mood instantly brightened.

"Baby", he whispered, dropping the pen he was writing with and holding his arms out for her expectantly. She eagerly walked up to him and he pulled her into his lap, straddling him as they held each other tightly. She rested her head on his chest, breathing in his masculine scent as he leaned his head on hers. His arms were running up and down her bath in a soothing manner as her small, delicate hands were placed on his chest.

"You look so tired, you shouldn't have over worked yourself", she said, craning her head upwards so she could see him. He looked down at her with an appreciative smile on his face, giving her nose, forehead, and both cheeks a kiss.

"I needed to catch up on a lot of things, and it was the only thing that would take my mind off you in the slightest bit", he said and she felt guilty all of a sudden.

"I'm sorry, I should've stayed and helped you-", he interrupted her before she could continue by kissing her sweetly. It was gentle and soft, but still passionate at the same time.

"No, I'm glad you spent some time with your parents, even if it was just a few hours. You all needed it. But thank you for caring love", he spoke tiredly, his voice so quiet and raspy. His arms were wrapped tightly around Noelle as his eyes were closed, still leaning on her.

"Wanna go sleep?", she asked while caressing his face, easing his tensed expression.

"No, you wanted to watch movies and eat, so that's what we're doing", he said, forcing his eyes open.

"No, we're sleeping, we'll do that tomorrow", she whispered softly, to which he didn't argue.

Although tired, he picked her up and carried her to their bedroom.

"I can walk you know", she giggled quietly and he smiled at her.

"You're much too precious for that babydoll", he cooed at her which made her blush.

As soon as they made to their room, he fell onto the bed with Noelle still latched onto him like a baby koala. He covered the two of them with the soft blanket and rested his body on top of hers. She didn't move him, knowing he was comfortable and proceeded to scratch his scalp and play with his hair.

"Do you want pups?", he asked quietly, his voice barely hear-able.

She was surprised at the sudden questioned.

"Of course I do, it's always been my dream to have little pups running around", she whispered as he buried himself further into her chest, making her blush.

I guess guys find breasts comfortable, Crimson said.

"Good, cuz I want a lot of pups with you, especially boy pups", he speaks once again. Noelle just assumed he rambles a lot when he's tired.

"What about girls?", she asked.

"Eh, one girl is fine for me", she giggled at his answer, knowing the exact reason why he is reluctant to have a girl.

"Only time will tell."

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