《Inevitable》34 - T R U E . Q U E E N


"You are really pretty", she whispered tiredly while staring up at me as if it were her first time, just waking up from her power nap. I didn't blame her for passing out right after I marked her, it does have it's side effects.

Now, more than ever, it's going to be so difficult to be away from my angel.

I just stared at her while she slept, making sure she was safe. I chuckled at her random statement and pulled her small body even closer to mine. She wrapped her legs around my waist tightly, but I wanted her to be even closer. Before I could say anything, she spoke.

"Like really pretty. Has anyone ever told you that?"

"No, I have never been called pretty in my life-"

"Well people should start telling you the truth, 'cuz you are very pretty", she repeated for the third time and I couldn't help but laugh at her weird but utterly adorable behaviour.

"Thank you, babydoll, and you are even prettier than anyone could ever be", I said while caressing her now red face with my thumbs. "But I think the word pretty is an understatement when it comes to you", I revealed and she looked down shyly.

"I beg to differ", she said with a small smile on her face, which I didn't return.

"Why would you say that, angel?", she shrugged.

"You are so incredibly perfect it's unbelievable. Ever since you were little, you outshone everyone with your beauty, and not just the beauty you possess on the outside, but the beauty you hold on the inside. Your golden eyes, which I can just stare at all day. Your soft, silky hair which I can play with all day. Your soft, plump, pink lips, which if you'd let me, I'd kiss all f*cking day. Your cute, little nose. Those freckles that reappear in the summer, the ones that dot your perfect face. Your hands, your feet, you legs, your stomach, your everything is just too beautiful to put into words. I love how your feet don't touch the ground when you sit. I love how your eyes widen when someone mentions something dirty. I love how you gasp every time I touch you intimately. I love how you smile at everyone who walks by. I love how positive and happy you always are. I f*cking love everything about you. ", as I was speaking, tears were brimming in her eyes, but I didn't stop, she needed to know how special she is.

"Stop being mean to yourself, remember when you told me you don't know how to be mean? Yes you do, because you're being to my Noelle, which I do not like", she giggled at my words. "So, can we come to a mutual agreement. Noelle pledges to never be mean to herself ever again", I said with a big smile and a hopeful look on my face, which she returned. She held up her pinky and I intertwined mine with hers.

"I pledge to never be mean to myself again", she whispered and I sighed in relief.

I didn't waste another second, and gently pulled her closer to me and captured her lips.



F*cking ecstasy

I smirked again her lips as I continued to kiss her passionately. She returned the passion and wrapped her delicate hands around my neck and her fingers playing with my hair, as my hands roamed her small body. I re positioned us so I could be on top of her, one arm holding me up as I deepened the kiss.

"Child of God coming through, I better not see anything unholy", we hear Theodore's voice and we pull apart from one another reluctantly. I groan in annoyance and pull Noelle to me possessively.

"The f*ck do you want?", I ask in an irritated tone, wanting him to leave.

"Can't I spend some time with my best friend?", he asked sarcastically.

"Well I don't want to spend time with you, so leave", I ordered.

"Uh, who said you were my best friend? I was talking about Elle", he says in a 'duh' tone which made Noelle laugh.


"Come on girly, chop chop, let's leave the king to do his work while we hang out", he spoke in an obnoxious voice and grabbed Noelle by the arm, careful not to hurt her. She was giggling uncontrollably while I was struggling. All I wanted was some alone time with my love.

"Fine, just bring her back to me ASAP", I give in, knowing that I've been taking up a lot of time with Noelle, and the rest want to spend time with her too.

"Bye Easty", she said before walking away.

"Where's my goodbye kiss baby?", I asked while sitting up at the edge of the bed, with a pout on my face. She giggled and came back to me, standing in between my legs and pressing her soft lips against my own.

"Ew, my virgin eyes", we heard which made us both laugh.

"One more?", I asked hopefully, feeling so f*cking needy. We locked lips yet again, which made Theo groan in annoyance, but frankly, I do not care.

"I love you Noelle", I whispered after giving her a couple more pecks.

"I love you too", she returned while blushing.

"Come on, before you lovebirds start making out for the millionth", he grabbed her hand and pulled her away from me. I sighed and got up, getting ready for the day a head of us.

As I walk down the wide staircase, I see Nate walk up to me with an angry expression on his face. Whenever he has that look on his face, I know something's not right.

Me and Nathaniel have built a very unique relationship. Not only do I consider him my second father, who was there for me since the say I was born, he is the father of my beloved. He trusts me more than I deserve to be trusted. He's told me on numerous occasions, that he couldn't have asked for a better mate for his daughter, and that alone means so much to me, more than words can express.

The fact that he gave me his blessing the second he found out Noelle and I were meant to be, shows that he is willing to leave his daughter in my hands, to protect, to love and to cherish.


Although he gave me hell for doing what I've done in the past, he still can't bring himself to trust Noelle with another man, which I am immensely grateful for. If he taken her away from, I would've taken my own life away, because a life without Noelle isn't worth living.

"She's back", he said in a monotonous voice. I raised an eyebrow at his words.


"The witch, and she's on her own this time", he revealed and I immediately felt my blood boil in rage. This woman doesn't give up does she?

"Take me to her", I order and he nods, gesturing me to follow him.

We walk in silence to the castle gates. We aren't going to allow this b*tch to enter our home.

She straightened her posture once she saw us walking over to her.

"You never give up, do you?", I asked rhetorically.

"When it comes to my daughter, never", she answered and I rolled my eyes. "I want to see her."

"In your f*cking dreams. I know exactly what you've been trying to do. Working with Cecelia wasn't a very smart move, and attempting to marry her off to the dog I have caged up in my cells was definitely not a smart move", I spoke with gritted teeth, not wanting to unleash my beast on this woman. She is not worth it.

"I had to! I was never going to find her if we didn't sign the deal with Cecelia", she tried excusing her actions but I wasn't having any of it.

"I don't give a f*ck. You gave away her freedom as if it were nothing, and you don't feel any remorse. Yet, you come here, thinking you have the right to speak with my daughter", Nathaniel spoke, his eyes switching from their normal icy blue, to a deep black.

"I'm sorry! I just want one conversation with her, just one!", she begged and I sighed.

"Nate", I whispered, he looked at me wordlessly. "Go get Noelle", I said and his eyes widened, but just as he was going to answer back, he seemed to have understood what I'm trying to do.

He nodded with a smirk on his face, leaving to go find Noelle. Iris had an appreciative smile on her face, little did she know, this conversation isn't ending well for her.

After a few minutes, I see Noelle walking towards us with Nathaniel in front of her. She froze once she recognised who Iris was, and hid behind her father. I wanted nothing more than to run up to her, comfort her, and take her back to our room, maybe watch a movie and eat snacks, but I want to see what the witch has to say.

"It's okay, my love, I'm here, remember what I told you. You're always safe with me", I whispered to her once she was by my side. She nodded and grabbed my arm as if it were her anchor.

God get a grip Easton, stop getting distracted.

I couldn't help but find it so utterly adorable that she clings to me when she feels uncomfortable. It shows that she trusts me, which makes me the happiest man alive. Just knowing that she feels safe with me, is worth so much.

"Noelle", Iris whispered.

"You have grown into such a beautiful woman", she continued and Noelle smiled slightly. She kept a death grip on my arm as well as on Nate's hand, and I didn't blame her in the slightest.

My love definitely has a hard time meeting and trusting new people. Her life hasn't been an easy ride, especially when it comes to people outside of the royal castle. She's grown up knowing that everyone is out to get her, either for their own benefit, or to take advantage of her.

It's horrible to know that my beloved has to be the one who's life will always be at risk, but she knows that whilst I'm alive, nothing bad will happen to her. Never again.

"I wish we could've met on better terms, but life seems to always be against us", Iris said.

"Life i-isn't against me, I'm h-happier than ever before", Noelle whispered, making Nate and I smile, but Iris frown.

"It must get lonely in the castle though, don't you think?"

"No, ma'am, I don't think that", Noelle answered bravely, emphasising the word 'ma'am'.

"Would you be willing to spend a day with your father and I, so we can explain everything to you?"

"My mother and father are here, in the castle, with me", she answered kindly, the smile on her face never fading. Nathaniel smiles widely at her words, and I don't miss the blush that rose on his face.

"Oh don't be selfish-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence witch", I interrupted.

"Easton", Noelle whispered and tugged on my sleeve. I looked down and my eyes softened at the sight of hers. I took a deep breath in and silenced myself.

"I'm not selfish for wanting to stay here. I'm not selfish for declining the offer of the person who tried marrying me off to a random person, just for their own satisfaction. In fact, you are the selfish one here, for giving away my freedom and trespassing on our land", she finished, her voice as calm as ever. Iris's mouth was wide open in shock.

"As Queen of the Highlands, I ban you and your husband, Iris and Michael Winters from entering our territory", she spoke with such authority and courage. I couldn't be more proud of my angel.

The castle guards immediately pulled Iris away as she yelled and struggled, leaving us three alone. Noelle had a small frown on her face, which made me furrow my eyebrows in confusion. I lifted her chin up with my fingers.

"What's wrong?", I asked.

"I was being mean", she whispered, making Nate and I chuckle.

"You did the right thing, pup. You acted like a true queen, one that we are all so proud of", Nate spoke and she smiled up at us. Nate embraced her in a fatherly hug. "I love you so much pup. What would I do without you?", he whispered and I smiled at the two, the bond they shared was so beautiful.

"I love you more, papa."

It was finally over.

Highland is now at peace.

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