《Inevitable》33 - M A R K I N G


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"We can't just give up Michael! We just found her for heaven's sake", Iris yelled at Michael suggestion.

"We f*cked up Iris, she gonna hate us when she finds out we practically threw her freedom out the window, just to get your powers back", he spoke in a rough tone.

"She'll understand that it was our only option", she retorted.

"Understanding is one thing, forgiving is another. Her life will be ruined, God knows what Cecelia did when she bombarded into their castle, and how King Easton reacted. She's got so many things on her plate, we shouldn't be another burden that causes distress. She was kidnapped at the age of 10, tortured for 10 years, found and is weaker than a fly, people are already out to kill her, and we're here, being the selfish pricks we are, wanting to take her back. We made our bed by leaving her in the forest, now we have to lay in it", he finished with a single tear streaming down his face, leaving Iris in pure shock.

None of them could say another word, for Michael spoke nothing but the truth.

"Let her be happy wherever she is Iris, that's all we could ever wish for", was the final thing spoken before he left their small cottage, needing a small break.

Iris on the other hand, had a different plan. Just because Michael is giving up, doesn't mean she is too. She vowed to never stop until she had her daughter back, and she's keeping that promise until the end of her days, no matter what it takes. If it means she'll have to do it without Michael than so be it. She's going back to that castle, whether Easton likes it or not.

She forgave me, even though I didn't deserve her forgiveness in the slightest. No one will ever understand how remorseful and guilty I am for my actions, no matter how much I show it. It will continue to eat me alive until the day I die.

Seeing Noelle kill Cecelia was something I never expected from her. Sure, I knew she had powers, but witnessing her using them made me realise just how powerful this woman is. She saved my life, even though I could've done it myself, she chose the protect.


I always wondered why it was the male who always had to save the female. It is a dumb stereotype that needs to be forgotten. A woman can do what a man does, and Noelle proved that today. Anyone is capable of saving another's life regardless of gender.

I wasn't surprised at how distressed Noelle was after she realised Cecelia was dead. I know my Noelle well enough to understand that she is a forgiving person, and believes everyone deserves a second chance. She'd never taken a life before, and her reaction was something I expected, and I can't deny that it melts my heart that she cares about someone who tried f*cking up her life.

She's something else.

She needs to know that she should never feel guilty for taking someone's life away if they deserve it, and in this case, Cecelia definitely deserved death.

"Easton?", her voice broke me out of my trance. She was laying on my chest as I played with her light brown locks, as our legs were tangled together and our arms tightly wrapped around one another.


"Do you think my parents will come back for me?", she asked while looking up at me. I sighed at her question.

"Definitely. You're too special to give up on, they'll come over and over again until they have you back. But you aren't going anywhere. Like I said before, your stuck with me, I'll always be with you, forever and always", I said quietly, my voice smooth and soft, making her blush.

"Pinky promise?" she said while holding up her pinky, and I felt my heart melt into a puddle at how adorable she was. I intertwined our pinkies together and kissed her hand lovingly.

"I f*cking love you, Noelle", I whispered while flipping us over so I can lay on top of her, careful not to squash her delicate body. She giggled as I placed my face on her chest.

"And I love you", she whispered back.

I looked up and captured her lips in mine, not wasting another second. Every time our lips touched, it felt like the first time. Pure ecstasy is what I would use to describe it. She was a drug, and I just so happened to be so addicted, to the point where there's no turning back.


We moved our lips together in unison, as if they were dancing with one another, getting more passionate as we went on. I placed one arm above her head to hold myself up whilst the other was busy exploring and admiring every inch of the goddess underneath me.

She squealed in excitement as I squeezed her thighs and hips, allowing me to have full access.

I kissed her cheek and jaw as if it were the last time, slowly making my way down to her neck, leaving a trail of bright red hickeys. I smirked in satisfaction at the sight of my love bites on her. She made sounds of pleasure, which were like music to my ears.

I stopped at the place where her neck and shoulder meet.

"Can I mark you, babydoll?", I whispered gruffly, wanting to finally make her mine, officially. She looked up at me those golden-doe eyes, which were enough to make a man weak in the knees. "We don't have to go all the way, don't worry beautiful, I won't do anything you don't want me too", I reassured her and she smiled up at me.

"Mark me", that was all I needed.

I continued to kiss and suck in the area where my mark will be, sweet noises escaping her lips.


"F*ck", the sound of her begging made me f*cking hard.

My fangs came out to play and I felt my eyes turning black.

I slowly opened my mouth and sunk my teeth into her delicate, soft skin, as gently as I could. She let out a little gasp as I sucked her juicy, red blood. I was careful not to take too much. The pain she felt soon faded and she too felt the pleasure I was feeling.

I was f*cking high on her.

Once I was satisfied, I stopped, removing my fangs from her skin and licked the area I just marked, to remove any pain she could be feeling. She moaned in pleasure and continued to trail her tiny hands across my tatted abdomen and chest

"Perfect. Such a good girl you are", I whispered in her ear, biting her lower ear lobe gently.

"You bare my mark now, baby. You're all mine", she looked up at me with a smile on her face, her doe eyes wet and glistening as her lashes hit her cheeks every time she blinked.

"Did it hurt too much? I'm sorry, angel-"

"No, it was perfect, thank you Easty", she whispered cutely and closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around my shoulder and pulling me down. "Cuddle", she whispered and I awed at how clingy she was being.

I f*cking loved her clingy behaviour.

"Anything you want, doll", I kissed her cheek, nose and forehead continuously, making her giggle, as she played with my hair.

Nothing could ruin this perfect moment.

"Nate, the witch is back", Alexander spoke in an irritated tone through the phone.

Nathaniel immediately stiffened at the news.

Those two were a nightmare. Noelle was his daughter, not by blood, but she was his and Lilah's. Iris and Michael would never get her back, not whilst he was still breathing.

"On my way", he said and hung up.

"Where are you going?", Lilah asked.

"Noelle's biological parents are here again", he answered, standing up.

"There better not be another death today", she ordered.

"Yes ma'am", he said and left the room, making his way to the castle gates.

Once he arrived, he only saw Iris, he looked at her in confusion.

"Only one today? What a surprise!", he said sarcastically.

"I want to see my daughter", she said and he scoffed.

"You mean my daughter? No that's not gonna happen", he answered calmly.

"You can't stop me, she's my daughter, I f*cking gave birth to her", she argued and he chuckled lowly.

"I raised her."

"Please! Last time we didn't even get to say a word to her. Just one time, I'm begging you", she begged with tears in her eyes.

He was conflicted, he needed to see what Noelle says.

What would she say though?

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