《Inevitable》32 - P O W E R F U L


Noelle woke up in a confused state, not on the sofa, but in the arms of her mate. Although angry at him, she couldn't help but feel flustered at the fact that he brought her back to their bed and kept her warm and safe throughout the storm. She felt the heat rise to her face once she saw his shirtless body. Of course. Easton never slept with a shirt on, even if it was freezing. Noelle sighed, wanting nothing more than to stay in the comfortable position, in each others arms, but she knew that he had some explaining to do, again. She didn't want to give in too easily, like he told her before,

'When you're too nice to people, it'll make them think they can walk all over you'.

She definitely didn't want people to think she's weak, an easy target if you will. She wanted to live up to her name, the most powerful supernatural to walk this earth. She smiled thinking about it. Though Noelle didn't feel the strongest, her powers tell her otherwise. There will come a day where she has to use her powers, and she is fearful of that. Fearful of hurting someone, but when it comes to her family, mate and Kingdom, she's willing to do whatever.

Noelle removed Easton's heavy arms from her waist, making him groan in disapproval. She quickly got up before he could grab her again, which caused him to reach out for her, like a baby would to their mother. He searched the bed for her, which almost made Noelle crack and crawl back into bed.


She sighed sadly again, and left the room, giving Easton another glance, only to find him sitting up and rubbing his eyes. The sight made her want to cry. (Don't come for her being sensitive please and thank you) She felt so bad for leaving him, it was typical of her to feel bad for something she shouldn't feel guilty of, but that was just Noelle. Always thinking everything is her fault when it is not.

She walked into her old room, where some of her clothes were kept, she took a shower and picked out a cropped beige T-shirt with black cargo bottoms. She tucked in the shirt and put her hair up in a high ponytail, too lazy to do anything extravagant with it.

(Do you like cargo jeans, or is just me?)

She walked back out into the never-ending corridors, only to be stopped by one of the huge castle guards.

"My queen!", he yelled frantically, causing her to flinch in surprise, letting out a little gasp. "I'm so sorry for startling you, but we need you in the castle dungeons", he spoke breathlessly and her eyes widened.

"Me? Why? Is there something wrong?", Noelle asked worryingly.

"The Queen of Araceli is refusing to follow orders, and wants to speak to you", he revealed and she sighed in fear.

She didn't want to go down to the basement, since last time she did she ended up passing out, but she's the Queen of Highlands, she needs to do her duties, whether she likes it or not.

"Lead the way", she said bravely.


She followed the guard as he walked towards the basement. She felt like a lost little puppy who's being forced to go to the dentist. She really didn't want to go down there.

He opened to doorway for her and gestured for her to enter first, to which she took a deep breathe before she did. As soon as she entered, all she heard were the yells of agony. The scent of blood overwhelmed her and she felt the urge to run back out. She refused to look up, not wanting to see the sight before her, but she soon heard her name.

"Noelle! My my, no one told us how beautiful you truly were", she heard a nasal voice call out and she looked up.

That must be the Queen of Araceli, Crimson said.

"What can I do for you?", Noelle asked, ignoring her last statement, listening the Easton's words. Don't be too nice.

"Your... mate, he's left us in here, shackled and in pain. We only made a simple suggestion, and this is our punishment? This is unjust, unjust to an unexplainable degree. Please, let us out, my dear."

Noelle recalled Axel saying that they tried taking her, but she didn't know the full story.

"What was your suggestion?", Noelle quarrelled.

"A proposal. My son and you would make a lovely couple, don't you think?", Cecelia said with a fake laugh at the end. Noelle's eyes widened in surprise.

"Why would you make a proposal when I'm already mated?", she asked, her tone slightly more angry.

"Well, not everyone has to stick to their mates, especially when they're unfaithful", she said, a wicked smile etched on her bloody face.

"You have no right to talk about Easton in such a way. I'd be rather shocked if the woman who's ruling a corrupt Kingdom thinks she has any power over us", Noelle spoke with confidence, leaving Cecelia and Nicholas shocked. "And it's bold of you to think I'd marry your son. I'd rather die than marry someone with a mother like you", she continued calmly.

"Oh don't get too confident, deary, you aren't that special", Cecelia says while making exaggerated hand gestures.

"Not that special you say? A bit rich coming from someone who travelled miles just to make a proposal for me", Noelle said, her tone calm and relaxed, refusing to allow this woman to anger her.

That must of flipped the switch as within second, Cecelia's eyes darkened, and her fangs were out. Somehow, she broke the shackles attached to her wrists and stood up.

The guards instantly ran to action, harshly grabbing her and holding her in place.

"You think just because you're so loved and adored that you can talk about ME in such a way. Little girl, you have no clue what I can do to you. Your powers are nothing compared to me, NOTHING. Those wolves running after your useless parents should've killed you-"

"I dare you to finish your sentence", Noelle gasped when she heard Easton's deep voice from behind her. He instantly stood in front of Noelle, protecting her from the sight before her. Cecelia struggled in the guards arms, but to no avail.


"How deluded can you get to think you can harm my beloved? She holds more power than any other being on this earth, and you believe you can touch a hair on her head? F*cking pathetic. You're saying the wolves should've killed Noelle, well I should've killed you and your son yesterday when I had the chance! I spared your life for this sake of my beloved, and that sh*t back fired on me", he didn't even get to finish his statement.

Cecelia shifted.

Her large grey wolf ready to pounce onto her enemy.

It was unexpected, quick and happened all of a sudden.

One second she was held by the guards, the next she was in the air, aiming right for Easton.

He had his fangs out and ready, his arms made of iron ready to grab the wolf by the neck and rip it apart. But something stopped him from doing so.

A beaming yellow light emitted from Noelle's hands.

The yellow light created a bubble-like structure, trapping Cecelia in her place. The wolf was unable to move, stuck in the air as Noelle used all her might to keep her in that position. Her eyes were glowing gold, her breathing heavy and stance in defence mode.

It took another minute until the light stopped glowing.

The structure popped and the wolf fell to the ground.


They all stared at Noelle whilst she stared at Cecelia's unconscious body in wolf form. She cautiously walked over to it while the others just stared in disbelief. Noelle crouched down to check for a pulse,

But she found nothing.

"I killed her", she said, her voice strained, and tears threatening to leave her eyes.

"Baby come here", Easton spoke calmly, hoping to ease her worries. Noelle just stood up, still in a trance and turned to look at her mate.

"Easton I just took someone's life! I'm such a bad person!", she yelled out frantically.

He pulled her close to him, seeing how distressed she was caused his heart to ache.

"Noelle, it was either me or her. She was going to die in the end, whether it was me or you who did it. Do not feel guilty, please my love. She wanted to steal you away from us, take you back to Araceli and force you to marry her son. She's evil. She ruins everything she touches, and if you didn't kill her she'd continue to ruin Araceli. Trust me baby, you did them a favour", Easton reassured her while scratching her scalp in a comforting manner, and hugging her tightly. She looked up at him with teary eyes, craning her neck upwards. He looked down and wiped her tears away.

"Promise?", she asked.

"I promise. You saved them, even if it meant taking a life", he said and she hid her head back into his chest, forgetting about trying to be angry at him. She was too emotional and stressed, and needed her mate.

"Let's go back to our room, yeah? We can talk about everything", Easton suggested and she nodded. He picked her up, not caring that his guards, and every other captive was staring at them. He gestured for his men to keep Nicholas alive, he'll deal with his later. She leaned her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, trying to forget about what just happened.

Once she felt him putting her down on the comfy duvet, she sat up against the headboard, wiping her tears.

"I just want to start off with explaining myself. There is no excuse for my actions, and I understand what I did was wrong. There are no ifs or buts, what I did was f*cked up, end of story. No matter how much you say 'it's okay', I'll never stop feeling guilty for touching another woman. Ever. It's eating me alive, especially with you not talking to me. What I can do though, is make it up to you. I will live the rest of my life treating you with love and affection, caring for you, helping you, guiding you, and doing everything in my power to keep you safe. I can not promise a perfect life, but I can promise that I'll always be there, through every bump and hardship, standing beside you and holding your hand. Even if the world was ending, I'll always come to you, and you only. No one else matters to me as much as you do, my love", he finished his long speech while never breaking eye contact. She was swooned with his words. There's no doubt that they are smitten by each other.

"Easton, I'm not going to lie and say that what you did didn't hurt me, because it did. But I can tell how sorry you are and how guilty you are. After what happened today, I don't know if I can go another day without speaking to you. You almost died in front of me-", she stopped, her voice cracking and the tears resurfacing. He was quick to hold her once again, soothing her with sweet words.

"Don't cry, my angel, it would take more than a wolf bite to kill me", he spoke, chuckling slightly, making her smile.

"It was still t-terrifying. The way she jumped at you. I couldn't bare the thought of you getting hurt, even if it was just a little scratch. Your life could've ended today, and I would never forgive myself for not talking to you on your last day alive. What happened was sort of like a sign, to never take anything for granted 'cuz it can be gone within seconds. I don't want to miss another day I can spend with you, especially since I've already lost 10 years with you. I'm still hurt by what you did, but I forgive you", she completed with a smile on her face, which he couldn't help but return. He nuzzled his head into her neck, giving her shoulder countless kisses.

"Thank you so much, Elle. I don't deserve your forgiveness in the slightest. You're too perfect. I don't know how much longer I could take without speaking to you", he spoke with happiness laced in his voice. She giggled lightly at his words.

"Back to what happened earlier, I can not tell you how proud of you I am", he said while staring at her in awe.

"Really?", she asked, surprised.

"Of course, baby. You've proven that you aren't weak like people think you are, instead, you are powerful", he reassured her while playing with her hair as she laid on his chest.

"I didn't even know I could do that", she whispered while giggling.

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