《Inevitable》31 - D E A D ?


Like Axel told me, I went over to the games room where Trevor and Theodore were. My mind was still in a frenzy after the news that was dropped onto my shoulder. It was unexpected, to say the least. I'm not going to dwell on it, whatever happened in the past, happened, and those no going back. That doesn't mean I'm going to let Easton off the hook that easily, he still did something wrong at the end of the day. But like I've said before, I do not know how to be angry at people. 

No matter how much I resent someone, which is very rare because I don't hold hatred in my heart, I can't bring myself to be rude. Honestly, Easton has a gift from the higher power above, he can literally do anything with zero hesitation. 

I entered the room with a glum look on my face, which the boys noticed right away. 

"What happened?", Trev asked, placing the gaming controller on the floor as Theo paused the game. 

"Just some unwanted news", I revealed sadly, resisting the urge to cry again, since there was no point in hiding it. They knew me too well to believe that nothing was wrong. 

"Care to enlighten us?" Theo said sweetly. 

"If I say it I will start crying again", I said while bringing my knees up to my chest, holding onto my legs like I used to do as a child. The two stood up and sat next to me on the couch, with confused and worried looks on their faces. 

"Easton?", Trev asked and I nodded, a single tear drop falling down my cheek. I wiped it away quickly. 

"What did the a*shole do this time?"

"Axel told me he had.... s*x with other women", I whispered the 's' word, not wanting to say it loudly. The two sighed, clearly knowing about this already. Trevor was rubbing my back soothingly while Theo passed a tissue to me. 


"We all told him not to do it, Elle. He f*cked up, there's no sugar-coating it, but please don't push him away from you. It'll ruin him. What he did was wrong, but just listen to him, it'll make everything better, trust us", Theo said and I nodded, choosing to agree with his words. 

Pushing Easton away won't solve anything. 

"No more tears, Elle. Let's watch a movie and eat food, like we did when we were kids", Trevor suggested and I smiled, grabbing the can of coke from his hands as Theo put a movie on. 

This was a pure situation of to kill, or not to kill.

One part of me is telling me to end these motherf*ckers lives right here, with my bare hands. I'll watch as the blood seeps out of their brains and the colour is drained from their faces, with a smile on my face. I will feel no regret. I never do, especially not when the people I'm killing attempted to hurt what's mine. Everyone should know by now, no one can hurt my Noelle anymore. She's been beaten down and walked all over, as if she's nothing more than a door mat, but not any longer. Not whilst I'm still breathing. 

And then there's another part of me, the sane part of me, telling me to spare them. I've never had these thoughts before, the second thoughts. I always did what my head told me to do, regardless of how malicious and sadistic it was, but now I have my Noelle back, and I know she wouldn't want me to do this. She's made me follow my heart more. Some may say she's making me weak, but I think it's the opposite. She's giving me a reason to live, a reason to rule, and a reason to protect. 

Images of her perfect face repeatedly popped up in my head, and her sweet voice is telling me

I didn't kill them. Thought my mind was yelling at me, torture the absolute f*ck out of these dogs, I didn't do it, because I knew I would disappoint Noelle if I did, and I do not want to disappoint her more than I already have. I've f*cked up more times than I can count, but I won't do it again. 


"You idiots are lucky that precious girl is waiting for me, and is still alive. You'd be long gone by now if she weren't. Don't think you are getting away with all of this though. Keep them in here, I still haven't had my fun", I ordered my men and they gave me a single nod. I gave them one last glance before walking out, in search of my beloved. 

I followed her scent, hoping she was asleep since I remember her specifically saying she wasn't ready to see me. Though it broke my heart and speared my soul that I hurt her this much, I wanted her to be ready to talk, not force her into a conversation she isn't prepared for. 

And to my luck, she was out like a light, sleeping peacefully on the sofa whilst Trevor and Theodore continued to watch whatever movie was playing. 

"Dead?", Theo asked but I shook my head. 

"How come?", Trevor added. 

"I want Noelle's opinion too. She's the Queen, she needs to be making decision too, not just me", I explained and they nodded.

"Speaking of Elle, she told us what happened earlier", Trevor said and I sighed, an anxious look on my face. 

"Is she angry with me? Is she okay? Does she want me to sleep on the couch?" a flood of questions escaped my mouth, but I stopped as soon as a quiet whimper was heard. 

F*ck, f*ck, f*ck. Please don't wake up. 

We all looked at her in silence, and it wasn't until she stopped moving, I relaxed. 

"I told her not to push you away, and it seemed as though she agreed with me", Theo explained and I sighed in relief. 

"Okay, well, I'm going to take her to our room. Should I stay with her?" I asked and they nodded. 

"She'll probably get scared on her own. There's gonna be a storm tonight", I nodded, knowing how much my Noelle hates storms. 

"You know, for the two singletons in this castle, we've got good relationship advice", Trevor said and Theo and I chuckled. It was very true. 

I gently walked over to Noelle and picked her up, silently cursing the boys for not putting a blanket over her or something. Her skin was ice cold and my eyes softened at how she subconsciously cuddled closer to my chest as soon as we made contact. 

I walked over to our room as quickly as possible with going to fast, so she doesn't wake up, wanting to surround her in cosy blankets and pillows, so she doesn't get a cold. I placed her down on the bed, removing her socks and oversized jacket-shirt, since she now has me to warm her up. She was already in a sweat-suit so I didn't find it necessary to put her in pyjamas. 

After undressing, I took my place beside her and held her close to me, like a child would hold their teddy bears. I spent the next couple of minutes just admiring the beauty sleeping beside me. The way her nose would twitch ever now and then. The way her chest would rise up and fall slowly. The way her lips pouted. The way her hair would fall over her perfect face. Everything about this woman was purely enchanting. Nothing was ordinary or average about her. She is special and unique in every aspect. And I am the lucky motherf*cker who has the pleasure to call her mine. 

"Goodnight, babydoll", I whispered then gave her kisses on her pouted lips, addicted to her flavour. I received a cute snore in response which brought a bright smile to my face as I tried not to laugh. 

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