《Inevitable》29 - B E A S T


I should be scared.

There's a 6'5 giant, with ominous black eyes, ripped shirt which show cases all his deadly muscles, and I'm sitting on his lap like it's absolutely nothing.

In fact, I feel safer than ever before. I know Easton's still there, though not in control, which puts my mind at ease. This man was something else.


For some odd reason the name suited him.

Aggressive, strong and dominant.

Something tells me this beast of a man isn't like my Easton. I can already tell he isn't going to be sweet and soft like Easton is, but someone who shows affection and love in a different way.

"Axel", I whispered, a quiet groan came out of his mouth as he pulled me closer to him.

"I love the way you say my name, you should say it more often", he said, nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck. I giggled at his strange antics.

"Whatever you want. Would you like to tell me what happened.... Axel", I teased and I felt him smirk against my skin.

"Nothing your pretty little head needs to worry about", he answers and I sigh.

"How can I not worry when I see that you're here instead of Easton, with black veins covering your skin and completely black eyes", I ask rhetorically and he pulled his head out of my neck to look at me. He didn't say anything at first, he just stared at me with a look of adoration on his face. He held my waist securely with one of his large hands, while the other enveloped mine, drawing small patterns on my palms.

"This happens when someone tries to threaten what's mine. I can't control my actions when a f*cking b*stard enters my territory without permission, and blackmails me into giving my love away. Not a chance in hell. I'm not a rational thinker, baby, you make me go crazy, but I don't mind it one bit. If I have to murder every single f*cking human on this planet if it meant I get to keep you, I'd do it an a heartbeat", he finishes his short speech, never breaking eye contact.

Again, what he said should scare me, but it doesn't. It makes me feel, reassured in a weird way.


It's not the sweet, calming words that Easton whispers to me, but it still puts me in a safe spot.

They're two very similar people, but are very different when it comes to me.

Easton is just like Axel when it comes to people betraying him, challenging him, or even looking at him the wrong way. But with me, Easton is a completely new man. Nothing but words of love exit his mouth. Axel however, has a stranger way of making me feel happy, but I'm not complaining.

"Threaten to take me?", I ask, slightly confused.

"Don't even think about it. It won't happen, not whilst I'm still breathing", he says, shushing me instantly.

Something about his demeanour makes me feel submissive, more willing to give him what he wants. I don't feel the need to question him, as I feel as though he's right. Always. No matter what, I know that Axel and Easton will have more control, more dominance, more of a say, but that doesn't bother me at all.

"Now, before I get even angrier, let's talk about something else, yeah?", he states, putting his head back on my shoulder, breathing in and taking my scent. I let out a little laugh since it tickles a little.

"Crimson's going wild in my mind. She seems to like you", I say and he chuckles a little.

"Who wouldn't?", he says cockily and I roll my eyes.

"Cocky much", I mumble under my breath, but I secretly wanted him to hear it.

"You're getting a little confident, doll", he whispered in my ear, giving me a trail of kisses from my neck up to my ears. I closed my eyes at the satisfaction, instantly shutting my mouth.

"Oh? Nothing left to say?", he said sarcastically, moving down to my collarbone. My hands went up to his hair, tugging at it gently.

"Give me a kiss baby", he ordered, looking me in the eyes with a daring expression. I went red in a instant, wanting to talk but the words didn't come out.

"Go on, speak", he encouraged, still waiting.

"W-why can't you do it?", I asked in a voice just above a whisper, still not used to initiating any sexual acts. I'm not sure if he is, but I'm too shy to do it.


"Why can't I do it? 'Cause I want you to do it. I'm not very patient babydoll", He said in a rough, husky voice that sent shivers down my spine. He caressed my cheeks while staring at me.

I slowly leaned forward and my lips met with his. He took control again, his hands exploring my body as I submissively allowed him to do whatever he pleased. It felt so good. I never wanted it to end. A soft whimper escaped my lips as we passionately kissed.

Oh my, I'm turning into Crimson

"I hate to stop this, but I'm gonna lose control if I keep going", he whispered, pulling away and smothering my face in kisses. I blushed and looked down, too shy to meet his eyes, a cheesy smile etched on my red face.


"Yeah, my love?", he answered.

"Be honest with me, have you done... this before?", I asked warily.

The thought had never crossed my mind until now. I couldn't help but wonder. Him and Easton just seemed too... experienced, like they knew what they were doing. Whereas I on the other hand, felt like I was doing it all wrong. My heart started to beat a little faster once I saw his expression change, from glee to guilt.

"Have y-you?", I asked again after a long period of silence, my voice shaky.

"I'm sorry", he said with a look of hurt on his face. That was all I needed to understand what he was telling me.

"Oh...", I stuttered out awkwardly, not knowing what to say in the situation. I looked down at my legs, fiddling with my slender fingers nervously. I was on the verge of tears, my eyes soaking up, but I was determined not to cry. I'm not weak.

It saddened me to say the least.

I didn't expect it at all, especially since it's Easton we're talking about. I don't know what to think. Should I forgive him? I mean, he probably thought I was dead. Or should I hold it against him? He should've had hope that I would return one day.

My mind is torn.

"Look at me baby, please?", he pleaded, his voice immensely different from how it was before.

I couldn't do it. I was too anxious to look him in the eyes, and if I did, I know I will start crying, which I do not want to do. I need to stay strong. But his voice sounded so hurt, it almost tempted me in to looking up.


I heard a long sigh before his two finger pushed my chins up gently, so I could face him.

To my surprise, tears were already falling out of his eyes.

I quickly wiped them away, giving him a look of concern.

Dammit, I'm supposed to be angry at him.

"I'm so sorry", he sounded so broken. "I tried telling him not to, but you know how stubborn Easton is. When he has his head set on something, there's no changing his mind. I begged him, Noelle. I wanted my first to be with you, and my last to be with you, not some random chick from the club", at this point we were both crying into each others arms.

"You have to believe me, doll. If I could've stopped it I would have done it in a heart beat. I hated every second Easton spent with another woman. It physically hurt me to know that I was betraying the most precious person in the world. Please forgive me, I'm begging you."

"It's not your fault, Axel. I don't blame you at all."

"I don't deserve you one bit. We don't deserve you. Please don't get too mad at Easton, he was broken, and so was I. We were in a dark place and he genuinely thought you were dead, whereas I still had hope", he said tenderly, wiping my tears away with his thumbs.

"It's o-okay... it could be worse I guess", I whispered solemnly, my voice sounding like a whimper. His eyes softened as he gave me a kiss to the cheek, his lips lingering there for a few seconds.

"Can I stay with you, just for a little longer?", he asked and I giggled.

"You don't have to ask. Besides, I need a little bit of time to process what you just told me before I can face Easton again", I explained and he nodded with a smile on his face.

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