《Inevitable》28 - O R D E R S


F*ck sake

Of course, our special moment just had to be ruined.

But I can't believe what just happened.

She let me kiss her.

It was even better than I had imagined. Her lips, pink and plump, was softer than anything I've ever felt before. It was like ecstasy, addictive. I wanted more and more, but I held back, not wanting to overwhelm Noelle.

It calmed me down after hearing the torture she went through. Yes, she didn't tell me everything, but that was all I needed to hear to unleash my rage. Axel was so close to taking control. We both wanted nothing more than to go down to the basement and beat the living crap out of that dog, but my Noelle needed me, and that was enough to rationalise my thoughts.

Now, she was straddling me after our passionate moment, hear head tucked under my chin, facing away from the guard, clearly a little embarrassed, which made me chuckle.

"What does she want?", I asked while staring at the man who dared to interrupt us with hatred evident in my eyes. He gulped and took a step back.

"She didn't s-specify, she j-just wanted to talk", he stuttered out and I sighed.

Queen Cecelia of Araceli.

I never met her but I have heard a sh*t ton about her, and nothing was good.

She was a wolf, ruling a Kingdom of witches. Not that long ago, Araceli was one of the most successful and loved kingdoms in Europe. King Issac III was the ruler at Araceli's peak, but he tragically died. Some say it was disease, some say it was murder. There was accusations spread against Cecelia, as some believed she murdered her husband to take over the throne, but none of these allegations were confirmed.

After that, Araceli came tumbling down. The rate of poverty increased and living conditions worsened over the years. Araceli has had a bad reputation for years now, and their ruler is standing on my territory.

That doesn't sit right with me.

She wouldn't come here without a cunning motive, so I know not to trust a single word that comes out of her mouth.

"Take her to my office and tell her that I'm not to be ordered around. I'll see her when I want to. This is my territory she's standing on, how dare she demand my presence", I spoke with gritted teeth, disgust laced on my words. The guard nodded, bowed then walked away.

"Queen Cecelia?", I heard Noelle's sweet voice question as soon as he left. My mood brightened instantly and my scowl was replaced with a smile.

"She doesn't have the best track record, a lot of people say bad stuff about her", I said and she lifted her head up and looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"Why would you believe it if it didn't come out of her own mouth?", she asked rhetorically. I hate to admit it but she's right.


"I don't know baby. You're too kind, you shouldn't trust too quickly. It'll make people think you're weak, and they'll walk all over you", I told her while running my hands across her waist.

"It's hard to say no", she said while sighing. My hand went up to her face to caress her cheeks, and give her a small peck.

"Just tell the person straight up, it's not rude to say no", I said simply while smothering her in kisses, her skin tasting like the finest of fruits. She giggled and attempted to push me away, but of course, she failed.

"It is rude! I'm not mean like you Easton", she spoke with certainty, making me laugh.

"How am I mean?", I challenged her and she went silent.

"Because.... you just are."

"I'm never mean to you though, am I?", I asked, one eyebrow raised in a questioning manner. She smiled and shook her head, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Shouldn't you go talk to her", she asked while playing with my hair. I closed my eyes at the satisfaction.

"No baby. I want to spend time with you", I said while pulling her even closer to me.

"I'll come with you", she suggested.

"As selfish as this sounds, I don't want anyone knowing you're back. Not because I want you all to myself... I mean it kind of is the reason... but it's not safe. We only just got you back, and somehow, your parents found out you were alive. I don't want to the word to spread even quicker 'cause that will make you more of a target. Everyone was talking about you during these years, not a single news outlet didn't mention you. I can't have everyone knowing you're alive, at least not until you've fully healed, okay my love?", after my long explanation she sighed.

"I understand, I'll just go hang out with Trev and Theo", she said with a smile on her face.

That's another reason why I love Noelle. She doesn't question my decisions, she doesn't argue with me, she knows that everything I do is for her and her safety, and I know that she'll never try and go against my words. I don't want to trap her in the castle 24/7, but until she's fully healed, that's how it's going to be. I can't have her being taken again. I physically and mentally would not be able to handle it, not again. I don't want her to go through the same pain she's gone through already. Call me controlling or selfish, I know what's best for my Noelle.

"I'll try to make it quick, I promise. I'll be back in no time", I eased her nerves and she smiled at me. "Let's get you back inside, baby", I said while standing up, placing her back on her feet and holding her hand, guiding her back to the castle.


We walked into the games room where I wasn't surprised to find the boys playing on the game consoles, with cans of beer and boxes of popcorn on the floor.

"Hey lovebirds", Trevor spoke first once he noticed out arrival, and Noelle laughed.

"It's been so long since I've played. Can I have a go please?", she asked excitedly while running towards the empty beanbag. I immediately missed the warmth she provided.

"You don't even need to ask, Elle. As long as you don't cry when you lose", Theo said after eating a handful of popcorn, his mouth full. Noelle gave him a playful smack to the chest and took the controller off him.

"I'll see you later angel, okay?", I said and she smiled and waved goodbye, still staring at the screen.

Okay fine just ignore me that's alright.

I chuckled to myself.

"Where are you going?", Theodore asked.

"Cecelia of Araceli is here, said she wanted to talk to me."

"The f*ck is she doing here?", Trevor spoke, confused.

"If I knew I'd tell you. I'll see you later, I love you Noelle."

"Mkay", I heard her quiet voice speak and the boys laughed, making me roll my eyes.

I left the room with the door closed and walked towards my office, where Cecelia was waiting, and to my surprise, I saw a man standing next to her.

I didn't recognise him. He was tall, lanky and had messy blonde hair. He was sat beside Cecelia with a smirk on his face.

Something about the guy pissed me off. I wanted to slap the smirk off his disgusting face.

"I would say it's a pleasure, but nothing is nice about a random royal entering my territory unannounced and so informally. So, would you like to tell me why you're on my land?", I spoke while taking a seat on my chair. She gave me a death glare, which almost made me chuckle at how nonthreatening and weak it was.

"We just wanted to congratulate you, since dear Noelle is back!", she spoke with fake kindness in her voice.

"How did you know?", I asked with gritted teeth, my veins pulsing and my eyes switching from grey to black.

First her parents found out, and now the Queen of Araceli. They must be linked somehow.

"How else? Her parents, who are very loved in our Kingdom told us", she revealed and I instantly felt my blood boil.

"How did they know in the first place?", I asked, my voice getting louder with each word.

"Her mother is a witch, she used her powers. No wonder Noelle was born with such rarities, she got it from her mother. Her father is a measly human though."

"I want you off my land. A word of this goes out to the public and you, and your family, won't live to tell the tale", I ordered.

"Nope, not so fast. Aren't you forgetting that I'm a royal too. You don't have any authority over me. I made a deal with her parents, Noelle or their lives, and I'm not letting them get away with this. I want her wedded to my son, or I'll tell everyone about her reappearance", she said with so much certainty and pride in her voice.

"You're right, I have no authority over you", I began, standing up from my seat.

"But what you are forgetting to realise is that you are a wolf. I'm a vampire", I continued, walking around the office in slow steps.

"I don't know if you're aware, but I could murder you and your son in cold blood right now, with just a single bite", my fangs were coming out to play, Axel slowly taking over. My eyes were now pitch black, no white or grey visible. I could sense their fear without even looking at them.

"What are you gonna do? Claw my eyes out with your paws?", I taunted, my veins turning black.

"Oh, how f*cking scary."

"No one can threaten me. No one can take Noelle from me. No one can kill me. No one can scare me. Not a single living species will ever win against me, not matter what you try to blackmail me with. So if you want to tell the entire f*cking world that my Noelle is back, f*cking do so. Just know that it won't end very well for you. I'd give up anything before someone could take her away from me, including you, your pathetic boy and army of dogs, 'cause at the end of the day."

Each hand was wrapped around both of their necks, both of them gasping for air as I laughed in their faces. My guards staring with prideful expressions.

Both now passed out, I let them go, allowing them to fall to the ground.

"Take them both down to the basement. In the meantime, find the witch and her husband and bring them to me", I ordered, taking my seat once again and staring at the pictures of Noelle to calm myself down. I don't want her to see me in this state, but of course, luck is never on my side.


F*ck her sweet voice gets to me every time. No matter how angry I am, it'll always make me happy.

"Oh my, what's wrong? What happened? Where's the Queen?", her swarm of questions went in one ear and out the other. She was looking at me with concern filled in her eyes.

Again, she wasn't scared of me, even in my beast form.


"Shh, just come here baby", I spoke in a raspy voice, wanting to feel her small body on mine, still in a high from what just happened.

The feeling I get when someone's life is in my hands is something I cannot describe.

I opened my arms for her and she wordlessly sat on my lap, allowing me to hold her close to me. I took in her scent and smiled widely.

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