《Inevitable》27 - F A M I L Y


As I sat at the breakfast table, surrounded by family and friends, I couldn't help but feel wanted, loved, appreciated and so many other unexplainable feelings. On my right, the love of my life Easton. Just one look at him pushes all my worries out the door. His grey orbs are like a blanket of hope, warming me up on the coldest of nights. His soothing touch on my skin causes fireworks all over my body, an absolute sensation. In front of me, a smiling group of people who I grew up with. These men and women raised me to be the person I am today, and even though I haven't seen them in 10 years, our relationship never altered, not one bit. They didn't treat me like damaged goods, or broken pieces of an antique vase, but a human being worthy of love.

I'll admit, I was worried at the start. Scared of what they may think of me, or say to me. Scared of their possible reactions. Scared of being judged of discriminated. But how could I have felt scared of such things when we're talking about the residents of the Highland castle?

The ones who are ruthless, brave and merciless on the outside but soft, gentle and calm on the inside. The ones who saved my life and made me who I am. The ones treated me like gold and nothing less than. How?

My thoughts were put on hold once I felt Easton squeeze my hand a couple times, trying to gain my attention. I looked up at him with a smile, his eyes full of adoration, love and... worry?

"Is everything okay?", I whispered, everyone else consumed in their own conversations. He let out a long sigh, pulling my chair closer to his.

"We need to talk. About everything", he said while rubbing my palms with his thumb. I immediately understood what he meant.

I had to tell him about the last 10 years of my life. I had completely forgot about it ever since I returned back home, but I only just realised that no one knows what truly happened. It made me frown, but I knew this was needed.


"Okay", I spoke calmly, with a reassuring smile on my face. He placed a kiss on my right cheek and turned to face the rest.

"We're gonna head to the garden, we'll see you all later", he announced.

"Taking her away from us this quickly?", Sheila said with a questioning look on her face.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna eat her. You'll see her soon", he said with a slight chuckle.

"And no funny business", Theodore mumbled, loud enough for the rest to hear, which caused Noelle to gasp.

"Shut the f*ck up", Easton gave him a smack to the head.

"Language, son", Alexander scolded, and Easton rolled his eyes, the rest laughing.

I missed this so much.

After bidding everyone a goodbye, Easton walked me towards the castle gardens. It was one of my favourite places to spend my time in as a child, after the river of course. I vividly remember picking flowers for Easton, even though he didn't like flowers.

He guided me towards the small wooden swing, which all the children and I would sit on at once and swing on. A smile rose on my face at the memory.

(Rose, get it, like a flower? No? Okay)

We both sat down, as I took in the scenery which I misses so much. Beds of flowers, all kinds, scattered the garden, a mixture of purple, red and yellow. A large water fountain stood in the middle with ripe grass surrounding it. The outskirts of the garden surrounded by a fish pond, lily pads thrown in randomly.


"I wanted to bring you here, 'cause I know you love the gardens", he broke the comfortable silence and I turned to face him once again. I gave him an appreciative smile and he pulled me closer to him, so I could rest my head against his chest as he held me ever so gently. One hand was resting on my waist whilst the other was playing with my locks. He'd place a sweet kiss on my cheek every minute or so, drowning me in all the affection.


"I never knew my captures, since they all wore masks that covered their entire faces, just the mouth and eyes visible", I started my staring at the fountain of water. "They'd come in everyday, giving me my food, a piece of bread and a bottle of water. If I was being bad, they wouldn't give me anything", I continued, but paused once I felt Easton's body tense. I hugged his waist tightly to calm him down. I felt tears brim in my eyes but I was determined not to cry.

"They'd pull me out of my cell to hurt me, or train me", I couldn't hold it in anymore. Tear after tear came falling down and I didn't stop. All the memories were coming back.

"Shh, it's okay doll, you're safe with me", his husky, calming voice spoke while wiping my tears away.

"I became numb to it, Easton, to the point where I didn't even cry anymore 'cause of how used to it I was. I was locked in a dog's cage for all those years, I couldn't even grow like a normal woman. Look at me! I look no older than a 16 year old", at this point, tears were streaming out of both of our eyes. I could tell how frustrated and enraged Easton was, but he hid it so well.

"It's okay, baby, you don't have to go on", he stopped me, hiding my face in his chest as I poured out tears. He rubbed my back while whispering sweet nothings into my ears.

Once the tears stopped flowing, I looked up at him and whipped his cheeks with the end of my thin jacket, like he did with me.

"There we go, do you feel better now?", he asked with a warm smile on his face. I nodded, returning the gesture.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up, I just needed to know what happened in there", he explained.

"No, it's okay. It's nice to let out all my emotions instead of bottling it all up", I spoke quietly, leaning back on his chest. It was silent for a few seconds until he spoke again.



"Can I kiss you?"

My heart soared out of my chest, beating rapidly as I pulled my head back up to face him. He wore his signature smile as he looked down on me with so much love and adoration in his eyes.

I gave him a single nod, and that was all he needed.

His soft lips met mine in a sweet, tender kiss, one of his hands caressing my cheek as the other was sat on my waist. I placed my own on his shoulder as he fought for dominance, pulling me onto his lap as the kiss got more heated.

It was so intimate, passionate, and full of love.

He continued to kiss and suck on my lips while I copied his actions. His large, tatted hands were rubbing my thighs, trailing up to my hips and backside, causing me to gasp in surprise.

"F*ck", he whispered roughly, pulling away by the smallest measurement and resting his forehead on mine.

"You're perfect, Noelle", he spoke giving me a kiss on both cheeks, nose and forehead, making me giggle. "Was that too much?", he asked worryingly. I shook my head.

"No, it was the best first kiss I could ask for", I said and he smiled widely, standing up, making me gasp and wrap my legs tightly around his waist as he spun us around. He continued until we were both out of breathe due to out loud laughs.

He kissed me again, as if he was addicted, and so was I.

"I've been waiting for this for so long, doll", he spoke with his head tucked under my chin, walking back to the swing and sitting down.

"Me too."

"My king!", we both heard a loud shout. Easton pulled his head out of neck, letting out an irritated groan.

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