《Inevitable》26 - I N S E C U R I T I E S


I woke up today feeling on cloud nine, and how could I not when the most perfect human is lying on top of me, in only my clothes. I've dreamt of this day for years, it's almost unbelievable, to the point where I had to pinch myself to see if this was reality. What did I do to deserve her? Whatever I did it must have been right since I have been blessed with the biggest gift anyone could receive.

She was just so... naturally beautiful, enchanting, mesmerising. She didn't need makeup or extravagant clothing to enhance her beauty, because it is already there.

I don't even want to get up. Her silky hair, which I've been threading my fingers through all morning was more than enough to relax any nerves I was feeling. Her calm self lying on my broad chest as she breaths in and out softly, with her small, dainty hands resting on my shoulders, and her plump, pink lips, which I've been dying to taste, stuck in a pout was a scene I never wanted to end.

Call me a stalker for staring at her while she sleeps, but I can't help it. In my arms, she looked so serene and peaceful, and she was completely safe from danger and harm. I wouldn't mind staying like this forever.

But then I remembered that she needs to be given food, which caused this beautiful scene to end.

"Baby...", I whispered sweetly into her ears while brushing the hairs on her face away.

"Babydoll", I spoke in a louder voice. She let out a quiet hum in reply while shoving her face in between my neck and shoulder, making me chuckle at how adorably clingy she was being.

"We have to get up, breakfast should be ready", I told her but she shook her head.

"No", she whispered and wrapped her arms around me incredibly tight. For a small girl she had a lot of strength in her. Just the sound of her sweet voice was almost enough to encourage me to let her sleep in a little, but I knew that she needs the nutrients to heal quicker, which caused me to sit up, with her still hanging tightly onto me, like a little koala. She whined in protest when I began walking towards the bathroom, making me laugh.


"Shh, no whining. Don't you want everyone to see you in your human form?", I asked as encouragement, placing her on the bathroom counter, and her head instantly shot up. I mentally awed at how cute she looked, tired and confused but still excited.

She was about to say something but stopped when she made eye contact with me. My eyebrows furrowed and I tilted my head to the side while still standing in between our legs.

"Something wrong?", I asked worryingly, but she shook her head with a smile on her face.

Her small hands cupped my face as she traced the outlines of my features, that smile never fading. I then realised this is the first time she's properly seen me in her human form. Her eyes were barely open last night so she didn't get to see me fully. I've also heard that foxes cannot see certain colours which made it even harder for her to get a sense of what I really looked like.

"You're beautiful, Easton", she whispered, then her eyes widened, as if she wasn't meant to say anything, which made me laugh. A dark pink blush covered her cheeks as she looked everywhere but me.

"Hey, don't get all shy on me now", I said while placing my hands under the oversized T-shirt she was wearing, resting them on her thighs, which made her blush even more. I was so proud that she was starting to speak again, although her voice was so quiet you could barely hear it, it was an improvement.

"You're even more beautiful", I spoke while staring at her lovingly, and she placed her head back on my shoulder.

"What if they're ashamed of me?", she asked cautiously in a scared tone, making my lips pull into a frown. I run my hands up and down her thighs to soothe her.


"How could they be ashamed of somebody so perfect?", I said simply, and I know she wasn't looking at me but I could tell she was smiling.

After that, we completed out morning routines and got dressed into our outfits for the day. I had made sure we ordered a closet full of clothing just for Noelle, and knowing her, she's probably going to give me hell for it, but I don't care. I'm making up for the the 10 years of her life I missed out on.

I was patiently stood outside of the closet. I respected her privacy and didn't want to make her uncomfortable. As soon as she walked out, my eyes flickered from grey to black. She had her up in a messy bun, baby hairs framing her small face and zero make up on. The lounge wear fitted her body perfectly, but what hurt me was the fact that she was trying to cover herself up with the oversized shirt.

"Don't cover yourself. You look stunning, doll", I reassured her, cradling her face in my hands and giving her forehead little kisses.

"My scars. Everyone will see them", she spoke in a solemn voice, hiding her face from me. which made me sad. Whatever she's feeling, I will feel it too.

"Those scars don't define you. I'm not disgusted by them in the slightest, and I know no one else will be. They're what makes you a survivor. They may paint your body but they don't paint your soul. They could never change you on the inside, never forget that my love", I finished and she gave me a tight squeeze. I heard a quiet sniffle and I pulled her back to face me. A small tear drop was making its way down her soft cheek, and I quickly kissed it away.

"Thank you, Easton. I don't know what I'd do without you", she whispered and I smiled down at her.

"I should be the one thanking you."

At breakfast:

I could sense her nervousness, and I don't blame her one bit. This is the first time our families will see her. I haven't told anyone yet, as I wanted it to be a surprise, but now I'm kind of wishing I told someone.

"Don't worry baby, I'll be holding your hand the whole time", I said and she gave me a small smile.

We walked into the kitchen, everyone too busy in there own conversation to notice our presence. I cleared my throat a few times to garner everyone's attention and once everyone's eyes were on us, their jaws hit the ground.

It was utter silence for a few minutes. No words were needed to understand what they are seeing.

A miracle.

Noelle is a miracle.

"H-hi guys", she broke the silence with her quiet, tender voice, which broke everyone out of their trance.

Before I could process what was happening, Nate and Lilah had stood up, knocking their chairs over and ran up to Noelle, pulling her away from me and into a tight bear hug. Noelle let out a little laugh and returned the embrace. The rest followed soon after, and I stepped away so everyone could see her.

There were tears, claps, cheers, and laughs in the room. Something we haven't had in a long time. It's true when we say:

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