《Inevitable》25 - B A R E


There is no word in the dictionary to describe what I'm feeling at this very moment. Right over there is my mate, in her human form. I've been waiting for this day for years, and now that it's finally come I can't explain my happiness. All the dramatic events of today run out of my mind as I now have something much more important to think about.

I eagerly sprinted towards her, my heart beat so loud I'm pretty sure everybody can hear it.

I reached Noelle, her eyes scarcely open and her body bare, as if she was just born. It took everything in me not to stare at the beauty of her natural state, but I controlled myself, respecting the angel in front of me. I pulled the T-shirt I was wearing off and placed it over her, pulling her exhausted self into my lap. I could not believe the scars and gashes that covered her body. It was so much worse than what it looked like in her wold form. Running up and down her legs were slash marks, as if she was beaten like an animal, and the large, bloody gash on her back caused my eyes to water.

Our beloved went through all of this and we didn't save her, Axel spoke solemnly, whimpering and crying and the sight.

We'll make it up to her, I responded, feeling just as saddened as him.

Her hair was long and luscious, just like I remember, brownish-auburn light waves that I could finally have the pleasure of threading my fingers through. Her eyes, though they aren't fully open, look much more golden than ever before. Her tan skin that completed all her features beautifully, and her sharp jawline and cheekbones that were situated on her small, round face made the angel in her pop out even more. Her small button nose added to her cute complexion. I was staring at a work of art.


She is a walking goddess.

There is not one word that could describe her fully.

But what hurt me was how underweight she was. She was practically skin and bones, not an ounce of fat on her petite self.

She looked up at me weakly, but gave me her signature smile that could bring any man to their knees, and I'm more than happy to know that I'm that man. Even whilst in pain, she gave me a gorgeous smile.

She tried using her voice but nothing came out, much to my dismay. I didn't blame her though, she hadn't talked in God knows how long.

"It's okay, doll, you don't need to say anything", I spoke as softly as I could, hoping the ease her nerves.

What broke my heart even more was how she looked at herself.

Her eyes trailed across her own body with a look of disgust etched on her face. How? How could she doubt herself? She was the most beautiful, angelic, elegant, pure and delicate human that has ever walked the face of this earth, and she looks at herself with disgust?

"Don't look at yourself like that", I started, my voice laced with pain. She looked up at me in confusion. "You are so beautiful, Noelle. I can't even put it into words how beautiful you are. Not just on the outside, but on the inside. Your heart and soul could not be more perfect and I now have the pleasure to look at you every day and spend time with you every day, which I do not deserve one bit. I will make you feel like the most beautiful thing to exist, I promise you that, my love", I finished my small speech, not breaking eye contact with her. She looked up at me in adoration and a pink blush spread across her cheeks, which made me chuckle.

I brushed the loose hairs that covered her face away, the feeling of her silky, soft hair against my rough fingertips was something I've been yearning for.


"Look at the river, angel", I pointed towards the flowing, clear water. She stared at it in awe. "It was our favourite place as kids, remember?", I ask and she nods with a smile on her face. "I would stay here all night with you, but I don't want my little angel getting a cold", I told her and she blushed even more, her attention back on me.

"We don't have to see those two again, not until you're ready, okay baby?" I said, referring to her parents and she nodded, the cute smile was now wiped off her face. I hate to bring it up but I needed her to know that I wasn't going to make her see them again, not without her consent.

"Where's that smile?", I ask while tickling her sides, and the most angelic giggles escaped her lips, causing me to look down at her in awe. I stopped to pick her up, and she wrapped her smooth, tan legs around my waist, as she rested her head on my shoulder.

God, how long have I waited to hold her like this.

I told my men through mind-link that I have found Noelle and they may now rest.

I walked back to the castle slowly, wanting to prolong this moment, of holding her against me like this. It was so intimate, so loving, and I didn't want it to end at all.

By the time we reached the castle, I speedily walked up to our room, not wanting anyone else to see her barely clothed. It was a sight for my eyes, and my eyes only. I could deal with her parent another day, tonight, I'm spending all my time with Noelle, not letting her leave my arms.

I fell onto the bed with her still straddling me, causing her to gasp and me to chuckle at her nervousness. I wrapped the blanket around us and she let out a satisfied sigh.

"You don't know how long I've waited for this", I began, my head tucked into her neck and holding her impossibly close to me, breathing in her fruity, natural scent. She started to thread her dainty fingers through my hair, messing it up, but I didn't care. The feeling was so surreal. Who knew the simplest of acts could make me so happy and giddy, like a high school kid. She did not need to speak, for her actions spoke louder than words.

"Just the feeling of your legs wrapped around me, and your soft hands in my hair is enough to make me do anything. I'm never letting you leave me, not after I've just gotten you back. I don't care how sick of me you get, you're stuck with me forever", I spoke, my voice getting quieter by the second. Her soft breathing was lulling me to sleep.

Just as I was about to fall asleep I hear,

"I wouldn't have it any other way", her whisper was so quiet I almost missed it.

Her voice was like pure gold. My cold heart is now fully melted, and it's all thanks to the angel sleeping beside me.

"Ugh! Where is she now?", the queen of Araceli asked Iris on the phone.

"We don't know! One second she was here, the next she was gone", she answered helplessly.

"Use your stupid powers then!", Cecelia ordered.

"I can sense that she's in the castle, but they aren't letting us in anymore", Iris spoke with little enthusiasm in her voice.

"If you don't get in there, I'm coming myself", she threatened.

"Wait! This is way more complicated than we thought."

"How?", the queen questioned, starting to get impatient.

"I-I think she's mated to the king", Iris spoke in a worried voice.

There was a long, stretched out pause before Cecelia spoke again.

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