《Inevitable》24 - T R U T H


They spoke so surely, like they knew what they were talking about.

Their eyes held stories, waiting to be told, as they stared down at my figure, their gazes burning holes in my skin. The anxiety rose up to my head and heart yet again, causing me to hyperventilate.

I look up at Easton for comfort, and he receives my signal, picking my trembling body up and holding me tightly. I instantly feel better but the strangers sat there are overwhelming me, to the point where I feel like I'm going to faint again.

"Doc, where's the DNA results, I need them now", I heard Easton's voice through the sound of me heavy breathing, it sounded as if he was metres away from me when in reality, his head was right beside mine.

I didn't want to look back. I couldn't look back, knowing what would await me.

Then a mixture of voices were heard but I blocked them out, focusing on myself and my breathing, like how Easton tells me, 'breath in, and out'.

"No! This can't be possible", Easton's loud, enraged tone brought me out of my trance, making me yelp in surprise. I could never get used to this side of Easton. I've always known him as the sweet, gentle giant, but it's another story around others.

"I-I'm sorry, my king, but science cannot be defied", the doctor argued in a shaky voice.

I plucked the courage to look up at the the strangers and much to my surprise, they were already staring at me.

There was something about them that screamed....


I couldn't put my finger on it, but once my frantic mind relaxed, their eyes brought me peace.

The woman, who had platinum blonde hair and blazing brown eyes, much like mine, was staring at me in awe, as if I was the most beautiful painting in an art gallery.


The man, who had light brown, auburn hair, which resembled mind, and blue eyes, stared at me with a large smile on his face, and tears watering his eyes.

I gave them a weak smile back, feeling slightly rude since I hadn't acknowledged them in a very nice way. To my surprise, they both gasped quietly, bringing the doctor and Easton out of their conversation.

Easton covered my eyes, trying to hide them away from me, but I used my paws to shove his hands away.

I wanted to see them.

They were like a mystery waiting to be told.

"Let's sit down", Easton said with a sigh, ushering the strangers towards the couch in the corner of the room. The doctor left without another word, but he bowed down to Easton out of respect.

"Noelle", he spoke in an authoritative voice, making me look up at him curiously.

"You're wondering who they are, aren't you?", he spoke in a much calmer voice than he previously did, making my heart swell and nerves relax. I nodded while looking back at them. He sighed yet again.

What's with all the sighing?

"This is Iris and Michael....", he started, pausing to take a deep breath in.

"....Winters", he completed, leaving me in shock.

They have the same surname as me.

No, they aren't related to me, they can't be, it's just a coincidence.

"They had a baby girl 20 years ago, on the 25th of December."

That's my birthday....

"And for her safety, they left her in the woods for somebody else to find."

I was left in the woods when I was a baby.

Another long pause took over, allowing me to put the pieces of this puzzle together.

These people look like , have the same surname as , they have a daughter, who has the same birthday and story as .


I slowly stood up on four legs, missing the warmth Easton emitted but the urge to run overcame me.

This was too much.

I needed to get out of here.

And without second thought.

I ran.

Out of the house and into the woods I was abandoned in.

I could hear several voices calling out to me, but I shunned them all away.

I felt myself getting dizzy with each step that I took. The twigs and leaves sticking to me like glue as my weak body ran amongst the towering trees that stood over me like soldiers. I felt my bones elongate, and my body slow down. The vampires were searching all over, I could sense it, and they were getting closer.

My mind started going black, but I wasn't passing out.

My vision was blurry and I saw dots everywhere I looked.

Until all of a sudden, my sight returned.

But this time, I wasn't met with the usual fluffy, orange fur that covered my body.

I saw this coming. I knew all this information would be too much for my little Noelle to handle. I let her run, as I knew it was a stress reliever, but I didn't let her go too far. I made sure that her scent was still strong, and it was, meaning she didn't get very far.

I went out into the woods, following her scent whilst her parents were crying, thinking their daughter doesn't want to see them again.

I could see her little paw prints imprinted into the soggy, wet mud, so I followed the trail, though I didn't need it since I had her intoxicating vanilla and fruity scent to follow.

The paw prints disappeared once I stood on the green grass, and her scent was getting stronger. We were near the river, of course she chose to come here, it was like her safe haven.


"Noelle! Where are you?", the 10 years old boy called out for the little girl who had just had an argument with.

He felt guilty, since he had taken her brownie, knowing how much she loved them.

"I'm sorry! I won't do it again, I pinky promise", he yelled out in hopes she'd run back into his arms and forgive him.

Then it hit him, the river!

That was always her favourite place to go when she was sad.

He felt a triumphant smile rise on his face as he ran towards the infamous river.

To his luck, his saw the sweet girl sitting on the bed of the river with her feet dunked into the water. She was laughing and staring at the variety of fish in the see who were nipping at her feet.

He quietly came and sat down next to her, causing her to gasp in surprise. Her smile was wiped away with an emotionless expression. He sighed and reached out to grab her small hand.

She wanted to pull away, since she was angry at him, but she couldn't resist the warm feeling she felt every time they made contact.

"I'm sorry, Elle. I brought you a brownie, the last one left, I took it before Theo could. Do you forgive me?", he asked hopefully while holding the brownie, that was neatly wrapped up in a tissue, in his hand. A smile broke out on her face and she gave him a side hug and a kiss to his cheek, causing him to blush.

"I forgive you."

Back to present.

He smiled at the distant memory as he took another couple of steps.

But what he saw paralysed him.

He didn't see the pile of orange fur he was expecting to see.

He saw something even better.

Noelle in her human state, sprawled out on the grass.

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