《Inevitable》23 - W H Y . M E?


I took her back to our room, I could sense the nervousness and exhaustion just by looking into her eyes. They say 'eyes are the windows to the soul', and Noelle embodies exactly that. No matter how much she tries to hide how she's feeling, just one look into her gorgeous, golden eyes will unravel all her deep, raw emotions. 

Once I was stood on the edge of the bed, she jumped out of my arms, much to my dismay, and cuddled into my pillow, using her paws to pull the little baby blanket she uses to cover herself, since the large one was too heavy from her. I instantly felt empty once our contact was cut short, not having her light weight on me wasn't something I enjoyed feeling. In fact, I hated it, dreaded it, I just wanted to touch her constantly, even if it's just the simple touch of hands, I need to. 

I looked down at her little form as I took my place on her side of the bed, since she had stolen mine, Not that I'm complaining, I find it utterly adorable, and I've always thought that her side was much more comfortable than mine. She looked back up at me with tired eyes, but I can tell she wanted to stay away to hear what I have to say. It's obvious that there is some sort of tension in the room, and I hate it. I need it to go away. 

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions", I begin, to which she looks up at me with those doe eyes expectantly. She nods slowly, the fluffy blanket covering half of her face, making her look more like a kitten than a fox. She always reminded me of a kitten, mainly because of her small size, but also her sweet and capturing personality. 


"I first want to say that I'm sorry. I know it may come as a surprise to you, and I should've told you about the... basement sooner, but I was waiting for you to shift if I'm being honest. I knew it would be much easier for you to understand since you would be able to verbally ask any questions you'd like", I paused to catch my breath. I don't know why I was so fidgety, just the thought of her being upset or uncomfortable with me makes my heart shatter. 

"You have to understand, that all the people that you saw deserved their punishments. They weren't innocents who were tortured for no reason, like how you were", my voice changes when I mention the last part. Talking about her past always brought anger and rage in my heart, but it disappeared once I made eye contact with my Noelle, and she gave me a comforting look.

"They were murdered, rapists, kidnappers, traitors, people who didn't deserve another second on earth. You have to believe me, I would never take someone's life away for my own satisfaction. . The basement was created to teach people a lesson, that if you commit an unforgettable crime, you won't get away with it, not just to make us feel powerful. You're the only person who I want, no, I need to believe me. Do you?", I ask worryingly, concerned about her response. 

She looked at me for a short while, before standing on all four legs once again and crawled over to me. I quickly took her in my arms so she wouldn't have to exhaust herself even more. Her back lied across my arms, with her face towards me and her belly exposed to the air, making me quickly cover her with the blanket yet again. All my worries flew away when she snuggled further into my abdomen, silently telling me that she believes and trusts me. She closed her eyes and I lied down and placed her on my chest so she could be more comfortable. 


"I love you, Elle. Thank you", I whispered sweetly in her ears, to which she gave me a priceless smile. 

I love you more, Easton.

He was right, I did have a thousand questions to ask. 

After his explanation, my mind was put at ease, but it was troubled once again when the thought of my 'parents' came back to mind. I was eager to find out what was going on, but because of my stupid, weak self who will not shift no matter how hard I try, I won't be able to ask him. I'll have to wait until my fox finally decides that I'm strong enough to shift back. 

Why did the higher powers above choose to give me this life? All I want is a happy family and mate, is that too much to ask for?

Instead, I was gifted with 10 years of my life stripped away from me, a fear of anyone who I don't know, a weak fox who everybody sees as a weapon, and an even weaker girl. 

But who am I to complain? There are people who have it way worse than me.

I had woken up from my quick nap to find myself in the same position I was before, laying on Easton's broad chest with his rough, large hands running up and down my back. He was wide awake, staring at me lovingly, which some may find stalker-ish, but I don't. It makes me feel adored, loved, appreciated and other feelings I haven't felt in a long time. 

"Afternoon, babydoll", he whispered in his husky voice which he knows makes me weak in the knees. His voice alone can make me forget about all my problems. 

"Come with me, let's go get food", He spoke while standing up to his full height and placing me on the floor. "I would carry you, but the doctor advised you to start walking to regain mobility, is that okay with you, my love", he asks worryingly while crouched down, petting me softly. I nodded with a grin on my face. He smiled back and ushered my to follow him. 

As we walked towards the kitchen, we passed by a certain room, in which I heard muffled voices. I couldn't recognise the voice so I walked towards the source of sound, my curiosity getting the better of me. 

"Come here, doll, don't wander around", I heard Easton's stern voice, but I wanted to see who it was. Something was pushing me to them. 

Their voices got louder. 



"When are the tests coming back?", a woman asked. 

"They should be ready whenever the king would like it", I recognised that voice, it was the doctors! He spoke sarcastically. 

I walked closer and closer until I saw three people sitting around a circular, wooden, mahogany table. 

"Noelle? Where did you go-", I heard Easton behind me, causing the three to look up. I saw Easton's eyes fill with worry, much to my confusion. 

The man and woman, who'm I think I've seen before but can't place it, looked at me with aghast looks on their faces, as if they'd just seen a unicorn. I looked between the groups, who were also staring at me. 





What was going on? 

"Noelle", the two strangers spoke in unison, bringing my attention to them. I nodded, inching closer to Easton.

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